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Music in our life
Klausau beveik visu imanomu laiku ir visu imanomu stiliu muzika, isskyrus pigiausia popsa ir juodziausia metala. Nors rokenrolas mano sirdy, pastaruoju metu kazkaip pabodo ir daugiau klausau elektronikos. Dar vienas siek tiek specifinis pastaruju metu pomegis - seni geri disco gabalai. Nors pats seniausias disco - tai daugiau funk'as ir soul'as.
Tai vat, kam aktualu, Balandzio 25 d. Kaunas Jazz festivalyje, Kauno sporto haleje disco/funk dievai Earth Wind & Fire.
Well, folks!
Considering that I'm at least 1 plus generation behind most of you, I don't deal much in contemporary music at all.
For that matter, I hardly deal with the "classical" music of the 20th & 21st century, nor with that of the latter part of the 19th.
Current popular music leaves me stone cold. In fact, I avoid it. The days of *my* pop musicians are done ... and wasn't I lucky because I was around to hear them live! I watched the Beatles and the Stones being born, followed by innumerable others like the Allman Brothers ... Bob Dylan came & went ... I'll be for ever marked by the sounds of The Band and the Grateful Dead ...
Whee-aaah-huu! I feel like I haven't missed out on a thing, music-wise. B-)Originally Posted by
Parašė Whose HomepageWell, folks!
Considering that I'm at least 1 plus generation behind most of you, I don't deal much in contemporary music at all.
For that matter, I hardly deal with the "classical" music of the 20th & 21st century, nor with that of the latter part of the 19th.
Current popular music leaves me stone cold. In fact, I avoid it. The days of *my* pop musicians are done ... and wasn't I lucky because I was around to hear them live! I watched the Beatles and the Stones being born, followed by innumerable others like the Allman Brothers ... Bob Dylan came & went ... I'll be for ever marked by the sounds of The Band and the Grateful Dead ...
Whee-aaah-huu! I feel like I haven't missed out on a thing, music-wise. B-)
Parašė Whose HomepageI don't get the feeling that this is the case nowadays.
IMO in 60's-70's most of the people liked similar music, so good bands had a good chance of having success among everybody.
Now a good rock band can have a big success between people like me, but a lot of others will find this music awful
Well I think back then music itself was not that popular and bands like Beatles made music popular, not some specific style (rock in this case). There are many great musicians now, even better, but the styles are so much diffrent right now so it would be very hard to see some band that everyone would like.
Of course, it's a pitty that our generation missed many first-class rock n' roll, jazz and reggae performers. But there were times of jazz, rock n' roll, so what is THE music style of our days? IMHO there is no one style, every genre is living it's life and I kinda like it.
WH, please correct me if you think that there were plenty of different and popular music styles at one time.
One more interesting thing we discussed with ozelis couple of times. What do you think, which present bands/artists will not be forgotten in the future? Our guess would be: U2, Metallica, Eric Clapton (actually, all of them play for a long time already)... I forgot the others.
To continue trams list: (these are the bands that are still alive, so we can call them "our age" )
AC/DC, Rolling Stones, and hmm..Michael Jackson (don't get me wrong ...but he really did big influance to masses and pop music), also forgot some more, but we really made a quite big list of it, I'll try to remember some.
Čia dar kartą grįžtant prie temos. The Rolling Stone žurnalas išrinko 100 "nemirtingiausių" visų laikų grupių.
Rolling Stone IMMORTALS: (pirmos 20 grupių)
1. The Beatles
2. Bob Dylan
3. Elvis Presley
4. The Rolling Stones
5. Chuck Berry
6. Jimi Hendrix
7. James Brown
8. Little Richard
9. Aretha Franklin
10. Ray Charles
11. Bob Marley
12. The Beach Boys
13. Buddy Holly
14. Led Zeppelin
15. Steve Wonder
16. Sam Cooke
17. Muddy Waters
18. Marvinas Gaye
19. The Velvet Underground
20. Bo Diddley
Aš biški pakoreguočiau sąrašą, bet daugiau ar mažiau tai viskas atitinka
Jo, sarasa ir as turbut koreguociau, nes ne velnio neraukiu kas tie vyrukai Buddy Holly ir Sam Cooke
Parašė JohnElementaru, cia populiariausios grupes. Bet visi zinom, kad populiarus ne visada = geras
Parašė JohnElementaru, cia populiariausios grupes. Bet visi zinom, kad populiarus ne visada = geras