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new posts - čia galima parašyti laišką putino administracijai. Prisimenu, kad 90 metais buvo masiškai siunčiamos telegramos ir laiškai į Kremlių.


      Parašė Perfect Rodyti pranešimą - čia galima parašyti laišką putino administracijai. Prisimenu, kad 90 metais buvo masiškai siunčiamos telegramos ir laiškai į Kremlių.
      Jei tai turėtų bent lašą naudos, nusiųsčiau. Dabar jie tik atsirinks tą dalį, kuri jiems pritaria ir naudodamiesi tuo afišuos "pasaulio pritarimą".
      Įž - FB - G+


        Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
        So tell me now why are you celebrating it?
        I told you why, if you read not carefully, i'm not guilty.


          Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
          You yourself have agreed that what russia have done is a crime. So tell me now why are you celebrating it?
          And here you agree that you are celebrating the crime:
          Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą
          I told you why, if you read not carefully, i'm not guilty.
          So no matter why, but the point is that you are.
          Įž - FB - G+


            You know, I don't care what you will think about me, but what doing you now is stupid, believe me. Your quote "Russia have done a crime" and my "The end of the WWII and occupation is the different things." are absolutely unrelative. Your occupation isn't a reason to not celebrate our liberation. If you think otherwise, it's your problem. I'm regret already, that I'm posted here, I see the misunderstanding from the inside. Sad.


              Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
              Jei tai turėtų bent lašą naudos, nusiųsčiau. Dabar jie tik atsirinks tą dalį, kuri jiems pritaria ir naudodamiesi tuo afišuos "pasaulio pritarimą".
              Pabandysiu paaiškinti kitaip. Na, tai yra mano interpretacija, tad jei įžeisiu kieno nors patriotinius jausmus, atsiprašau iš anksto. Mano manymu 90-aisiais išsiųstos telegramos ir laiškai ko gero buvo viena pirmųjų "spamo bangų". Aišku, žmonės rašė vedami patriotinių paskatų, tad lyginti su šiandieniniu marketinginiu spamu nėra visiškai adekvatu, bet... Kiek pamenu, Kremlius gavo tonas laiškų. Ką reiškia susidoroti su tokiu kiekiu informacijos, manau nereikia aiškinti...


                Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą
                You know, I don't care what you will think about me, but what doing you now is stupid, believe me.
                It's not for you, it's for russian tendencys and for russian policy. And to tell that something is stupid can everybody who can't put any other argument.
                Your quote "Russia have done a crime" and my "The end of the WWII and occupation is the different things." are absolutely unrelative.
                Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą
                It's a crime, I said it.
                Your occupation isn't a reason to not celebrate our liberation.
                I'm sorry what did you say? Pathetic.
                Paskutinis taisė ; 2007.05.01, 12:39.
                Įž - FB - G+


                  Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą
                  Your occupation isn't a reason to not celebrate our liberation. If you think otherwise, it's your problem. I'm regret already, that I'm posted here, I see the misunderstanding from the inside. Sad.
                  You see, what you call liberation to you has one meaning and for us different. For us it was not liberation it was just another occupation. We did not have choice and we were not allowed to make decision by our selfs. For us SS and KGB were the same.
                  Paskutinis taisė Perfect; 2007.05.01, 12:49.



                    My arguments are the stories of my grandpa and grandma, whom I belive more than to you. Logically? My grandma is from Belarus, quite close to you. And she lived there under Nazis occupation. And it was terrible. Two my grandpas served at the border in Ukraine when the Germans attacked. One of them got contusion and was returned home. So after liberation, the 9th May is really important for them. And I respect their feelings. Why I should your feelings put higher than their?


                      Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą
                      You know, I don't care what you will think about me, but what doing you now is stupid, believe me. Your quote "Russia have done a crime" and my "The end of the WWII and occupation is the different things." are absolutely unrelative.
                      Actually they are very related. You should remember Ribentrop-Molotov agreement


                        Parašė Ežiukas Rodyti pranešimą
                        Taigi yra Europos diena
                        Tai du skirtingi dalykai.


                          Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą

                          My arguments are the stories of my grandpa and grandma, whom I belive more than to you.
                          Ofcourse, or maybe fairy tales My arguments is the facts of history. Facts that russia has occupied my country and used a genocide to denationalize it and now russia is celebrating that every year. So what conclusion will you make?
                          And she lived there under Nazis occupation. And it was terrible. Two my grandpas served at the border in Ukraine when the Germans attacked. One of them got contusion and was returned home.
                          Ofcourse nazis was a terrible thing. Just like russia's crimes which was the same (same occupations same genocides (just some different nations)).
                          So after liberation, the 9th May is really important for them. And I respect their feelings. Why I should your feelings put higher than their?
                          Why their feelings should be higher than those who have died in your genocide?
                          Įž - FB - G+


                            Parašė Perfect Rodyti pranešimą
                            You see, what you call liberation to you has one meaning and for us different. For us it was not liberation it was just another occupation. We did not have choice and we were not alowed to make decision by our selfs. For us SS and KGB were the same.
                            I understand this. But you have to understand me also. I think the Soviet regime was as terrible for you as terrible for us. I really dislike communists and those regime. But the war was the war and the liberation day is really important for many people. It's not the day of 'hail to occupation', but the liberation of our lands. Don't mix the things. And I can't understand why you deserve more attention than ordinary Russian people who suffered not less?


                              Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
                              Ofcourse, or maybe fairy tales

                              Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
                              Facts that russia has occupied my country and used a genocide to denationalize it and now russia is celebrating that every year. So what conclusion will you make?
                              ...that you make simple but hasty conclusion, really comfortable for you. That's the political games. And you fall for them.


                                Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą
                                I understand this. But you have to understand me also. I think the Soviet regime was as terrible for you as terrible for us. I really dislike communists and those regime. But the war was the war and the liberation day is really important for many people.
                                The liberation of russia was a catastrophy for whole Eastern Europe. I know it's hard for you to understand but try it.
                                So after liberation, the 9th May is really important for them. And I respect their feelings. Why I should your feelings put higher than their?
                                No we don't need more attention than russians. Come on and stop this crime-celebrating together.
                                Įž - FB - G+


                                  Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą
                                  Now read this also:
                                  Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
                                  My arguments is the facts of history.
                                  ...that you make simple but hasty conclusion, really comfortable for you. That's the political games. And you fall for them.
                                  Or incomfortable for you because it shows the crimes which russia has done? But that's simply the facts.
                                  Įž - FB - G+


                                    Parašė Siberian Rodyti pranešimą

                                    My arguments are the stories of my grandpa and grandma, whom I belive more than to you. Logically? My grandma is from Belarus, quite close to you. And she lived there under Nazis occupation. And it was terrible. Two my grandpas served at the border in Ukraine when the Germans attacked. One of them got contusion and was returned home. So after liberation, the 9th May is really important for them. And I respect their feelings. Why I should your feelings put higher than their?
                                    This is very true. It was awful. But KGB and NKVD was not better than nazis. It was continues "red-brown-red" nightmare. One more detail... We were occupaid by soviets before nazis entered Lithuania. Remember Ribentrop-Molotov agreement.
                                    Paskutinis taisė Perfect; 2007.05.01, 13:07.


                                      Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
                                      I don't hink that internet can't explain the tendency of the opinion in russia. All i can here from world wide russians (not all of them, but the most of them, i'm talking about tendencys, not about russians as the entire nation, don't forget this) and your media makes me sick.
                                      Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
                                      If you want i can make you yourself give us all a provement of that.
                                      And i did it. It was a pleasure Siberian.
                                      Įž - FB - G+


                                        Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
                                        Or incomfortable for you because it shows the crimes which russia has done? But that's simply the facts.
                                        Aš, if you will continue in this tone, I will say more though... So you say Russia's fault in all of your troubles? Isn't your fault, that you were too weak to not defend your independence in the times? Huh? Do you like such answer?

                                        Who drummed into your head such things? Crimes? Show me the connection between our defend and your occupation? Your occupation probably is secondary result of the war absolutely not related to 9th May. We have the day of the victims of the Stalinist terror, that's closer to your subject.


                                 - read this

