Visi, kam aktualu SSP ir SSC aktualijos visviena kalba angliskai.... Todel gal tiesiog perkeliam tema i tarptautini foruma ir rasom angliskai?
Juk dauguma nauju nariu (Maris, Gatis, Carletto, suomiai, etc.) yra butent is SSC/SSP...
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
Visi, kam aktualu SSP ir SSC aktualijos visviena kalba angliskai.... Todel gal tiesiog perkeliam tema i tarptautini foruma ir rasom angliskai?
Juk dauguma nauju nariu (Maris, Gatis, Carletto, suomiai, setc.) yra butent is SSC/SSP...
Sveiki visi, nors rašau pirmą kartą, tačiau jau daugiau kaip metai browsinu po SSC ir turiu pripažinti, kad mulkių skaičius SSC yra tikrai didelis, ypač tarp moderatorių manau, kad forume po kiek laiko bus tas pats. Kodėl nepabandžius padaryti konkurencijos SSC ir nesukūrus analogiško forumo anglų kalba? tinkle.miestai yra lietuvių kalba ir tai yra ok, tačiau galima turėti ir anglakalbį forumą, juolab kad potencialių lankytojų (iš Lietuvos) yra pakankamai, laikui bėgant būtų galima persivilioti ir daugelį kitų iš SSC.
Nes ten ta trintis tarp lietuvių/kitų iš tiesų nemaloniai žiūrisi ir ateityje tikrai nepradings, ir tik pradės erzinti tuos su kuo ten santykiai yra dar normalūs.
Sveiki visi, nors rašau pirmą kartą, tačiau jau daugiau kaip metai browsinu po SSC ir turiu pripažinti, kad mulkių skaičius SSC yra tikrai didelis, ypač tarp moderatorių manau, kad forume po kiek laiko bus tas pats. Kodėl nepabandžius padaryti konkurencijos SSC ir nesukūrus analogiško forumo anglų kalba? tinkle.miestai yra lietuvių kalba ir tai yra ok, tačiau galima turėti ir anglakalbį forumą, juolab kad potencialių lankytojų (iš Lietuvos) yra pakankamai, laikui bėgant būtų galima persivilioti ir daugelį kitų iš SSC.
Nes ten ta trintis tarp lietuvių/kitų iš tiesų nemaloniai žiūrisi ir ateityje tikrai nepradings, ir tik pradės erzinti tuos su kuo ten santykiai yra dar normalūs.
Tai kad diskusijos dėl šios idėjos jau kelinta diena vyksta (žr. "Apie forumą")
I think some of the other forumers here have slightly misunderstood [well, completely misunderstood, given that they don't speak Lithuanian] the point of the post that was made in the forum. It was not created so that people who had never visited this forum could register one off and vote in this poll; on the contrary, it was made to remind those members of SSC who primarily post in the miestai forum, and visit SSC less frequently [such as Shumi, Vytauc, Vaidas etc.], that the poll was taking place, and encouraging them to vote for the Hill of Crosses. There was, of course, a certain degree of patriotic encouragement, but the vast majority of the reasons given by the Lithuanian users of that forum as regards their voting for the Hill had nothing to do with their own blind patriotism, and much more to do with many of the reasons that other, non-Lithuanian, forumers have given.
I will not reference these reasons, but instead explain my own, which are based on purely objective judgements [as I am English, and have no affiliations with any of the cities or countries whose sites are in this poll].
Marmorkirken, as beautiful and graceful as it is, does not stand a chance in the finals, as there are many more distinguished churches of this style elsewhere - and not only in Italy!
Niarosdomen: This is another impressive church, but I can take a short train journey to Westminster, York, Exeter, Salisbury or Wells, or I could go to Paris, Rheims, Tours, Chartres or numerous other places in Europe to see equally impressive Gothic cathedrals. Ergo, Niarosdomen hasn't any chance of succeeding at a Pan-European level.
The Great Belt Bridge is practically unknown outside of Scandinavia, and despite being an impressive piece of engineering, it is by no means a unique suspension bridge, nor is it particularly photogenic [which counts for a lot in these forums], so it isn't a wonder by any stretch of the word's definition.
Visby also looks impressive, but people elsewhere in Europe will complain "well, why couldn't we have nominated Aigues Mortes, Dubrovnik, Zamosc, Toledo Carcassonne, Siena, Florence, etc?" or for that matter, any number of equally or more impressive walled cities. I don't think a whole town can be nominated, nor do I think Visby is a particularly unique historic town which stands much of a chance, so I won't vote for it.
Turning Torso is a very well designed structure, and very photogenic, but personally I think it is nothing remarkable. I expected it to get through without my help, and it seems that this is remains to be seen how well it does at a pan-European level, but given that Europe isn't exactly bristling with skyscrapers, and this is Skyscraper city, it will probably do well. It's not a "wonder" though.
But the Hill of Crosses is truly unique. It has been constructed by many millions of hands, but still retains its unity of form. It is a monument to faith and perseverance, given how it was demolished several times, and how people were discouraged from going anywhere near the site, but still it continued to grow [thus it could be seen as the most eloquent monument of the struggle of the people of the Eastern half of Europe against totalitarian rule], and still does - like some kind of organic being. Many of the crosses themselves are monuments of folk culture, which represent a fascinating mergence of Pagan and Christian cultures [something which characterises the culture of the Nordic region]. And finally, and most importantly, there is absolutely nothing in Europe [or the rest of the world, for that matter] which is anything like it. In my opinion, if people appreciate its true value, it will be a very strong candidate at a pan European level, and even if it doesn't make the shortlist, it will challenge people's perceptions of what constitutes a wonder. But in my opinion, it is wondrous from every point of view. All of this bashing of the Lithuanian forumers, in my eyes, is nothing more than resentment.