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    Keisti laiškai iš kažkur

    gavo mano mama tokia pieva

    ar jus daznai tokius gaunat?

    Panasu ir as neseniai gavau, tik i email.

    My Darling ,
    How are you today together with your health hope fine.
    I am more than happy in your reply.
    Mine is a little bit hot over here in Dakar Senegal. In this refugee we are only allowed to go out only two times in a week.Its just like one staying in the prison and i hope by Gods grace i will come out here soon. i don't have any relatives now whom i can go to all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war the only person i have now is Rev.Emmanuel James who is the pastor of the (Christ for all Churches) here in the refugee he has been very nice to me since i came here but i am not living with him rather i am leaving in the women's hostel because the refugee have two hostels one for men the other for women.

    The Pastors Tel number is ( +221-77-78-732-14) i well being waiting for your call by 4;pm my own time here today ;if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me he will send for me in the hostel. As a refugee here i don't have any right or privilledge to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country.I want to go back to my studies because i only attended my first year before the traggic incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.Please listen to this,i have my late father's statement of account and death certificate here with me which i will send to you latter,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Europe which he used my name as the next of kin,the amount in question is $9.7M(Nine Million seven Hundred Thousand Dollars).

    So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you can send some money for me to get my travelling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you.I kept this secret to people in the refugee here the only person that knows about it is the Revrend because he is like a father to me.So in the light of above i will like you to keep it to yourself and don't tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it.Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,truthful and a man of vision,truth and hardworking.My favourite language is english but our language is french but i speak english very fluently.Meanwhile i will like you to call me like i said i have alot to tell you.Have a nice day and think about me.Awaiting to hear from you soonest.
    Your's love faith


      Vienas veikėjas man neseniai siūlė labai palankiom kainom deimantų iš Kongo
      beg, borrow and steal


        Teko girdėt apie tokį... lochotroną...


          Mano tėvas vakar tokį gavo


            Parašė dts Rodyti pranešimą
            ar jus daznai tokius gaunat?
            Savo el. pašto dėžutės šlamšto skyrelio neskaitau. Tačiau, kiek akis yra užkabinusi antraštes, man tikrai rimtai verta susirūpinti savo draugužio dydžiu
            Įž - FB - G+


              Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
              Savo el. pašto dėžutės šlamšto skyrelio neskaitau. Tačiau, kiek akis yra užkabinusi antraštes, man tikrai rimtai verta susirūpinti savo draugužio dydžiu
              tai cia atejo i pasto dezute is ispanijos tipo mano motinos vardu


                Parašė Rodyti pranešimą
                Savo el. pašto dėžutės šlamšto skyrelio neskaitau. Tačiau, kiek akis yra užkabinusi antraštes, man tikrai rimtai verta susirūpinti savo draugužio dydžiu
                Tau, tai tau . Bet man .


                  Gaunu ir as daug panasiu email'u... keista tik tai, kad savo email'o viesai lyg ir nemetau. Dar idomu tai, kad kai kuriu laisku turinys buna kinietiskas


                    Parašė John Rodyti pranešimą
                    Gaunu ir as daug panasiu email'u... keista tik tai, kad savo email'o viesai lyg ir nemetau. Dar idomu tai, kad kai kuriu laisku turinys buna kinietiskas
                    FSB arba GRU rankos kyšo, žinant silpnybę tiems kraštams.
                    GE. Tbilisis / თბილისი | GE. Batumis / ბათუმი | GE. Aukštutinė Svanetija / ზემო სვანეთი


                      Parašė dts Rodyti pranešimą
                      ar jus daznai tokius gaunat?
                      prieš pora dienų tokį popierinį laišką iš Ispanijos gavo bendradarbė, tai atsinešė į darbą ir prisijuokėm

