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Parašė HAMMER Rodyti pranešimąKaip aš jų nepernešu...
Jeigu man toks idiotas dušmanas pasitaikytų ant šaligatvio, tai aš jo nepraleisčiau. Ir man būtų visiškai dzin skuba jis kurnors ar ne. Taip pat nusiųsčiau jo numerius ir istoriją į policiją ir jo vadovams.
Parašė oranger Rodyti pranešimąjau bandei?
nu Lietuviai tikrai nera tokie jau blogi kaip juodaodziai, bent jau situose anekdotuose
1.What does a black kid say when he has diareah?---- Iam Meeeelting.
2.Whats long smells and smells like rabbit shit?----The unemployment line.
3.Whats the problem with 4 black guys going off a cliff in a Cadillac?----The car seats six.
4.How do you starve a black man?----Hide his welfare check in his work boots.
5.How do you kill a black man?----Throw a bucket of KFC off a cliff.
6.Whats the difference between a black guy and a speed bump?----You slow down for the speed bump.
7.What does a black kid get for christmas?----Your bike.
8.Why dont you run over a black kids bike in your car?----Because it might be yours.
9.What do you call 1000 black people in an ocean?----An oil spill.
10.How do you stop a black guy from raping a girl?----Throw him a basketball.
11.What do you call a black guy with a wodden leg?----Shit on a stick.
12.What do you call a black guy in a sleeping bag?----A mars bar.
13.What do you call 2 black guys in a sleeping bag?----A twix.
14.Why do black people always have sex on there minds?----Because they have pubic hair on thier heads.
15.Why are black men getting stronger?----Because T.V's are getting bigger.
16.Whats faster then a black guy running with your T.V?----His brother with the VCR.
17.Why are black people so good at basketball?----Because they can shoot steel and run.
18.How do you keep a black guy out of your front yard?----Move the garbage can to the back.
19.Why do black people carry shit in thier wallets?----For identity.
20.How do you save a black guy from drowning?----You dont.
pasakykit jei manote kai kuriuose per daug racismo, istrinsiuPaskutinis taisė Raptor; 2010.02.13, 21:51.
Parašė John Rodyti pranešimąYra
Parašė somis Rodyti pranešimąAš kažkaip įsivaizdavau vietoj kiekvieno "black kid" - "lithuanian kid", ir man nepasirodė visiškai nieko juokingo.
Parašė Airijos_Lietuvis Rodyti pranešimąnelabai norejau taip daryt, nes kai kas galejo tai paimti kaip izeidima ir pasalintu dar mane
Tokius juokelius labai sėkmingai kuria stormfront ir panašios irštvos.
Parašė somis Rodyti pranešimąAš kažkaip įsivaizdavau vietoj kiekvieno "black kid" - "lithuanian kid", ir man nepasirodė visiškai nieko juokingo.
3.Whats the problem with 4 Lithuanians guys going off a cliff in a Latvia?----Latvia seats eleven.
5.How do you kill a Lithuanian?----Throw a vodka bottle off a cliff.
6.Whats the difference between a Lithuanian and a speed bump?----You slow down for the speed bump.
9.What do you call 1000 Lithuanians in an ocean?----A milk spill.
10.How do you stop a Lithuanian from raping a girl?----Throw him a basketball.
20.How do you save a Lithuanian guy from drowning?----You don't.
dar keli neblogi galejo iseiti, tik greituoju neprisiminiau balto sokolado pavadinimu