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    „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas


      Važiuoja Vycka greitkeliu ir jį sustabdo kelių policininkai.
      Sako bus bauda, bet Vycka sako:
      - Ne ne, mane visi pažįsta, taip negalima. Vaziuojam pas Valdą Adamkų, Brazauską, pamatysit.
      Nuvažiavo pas Adamkų, jis ranką iškelia ir šaukia:
      - Vycka, eik čia padarysim po 50g.
      Nuvažiavo pas Brazauską, jis ranka iškelia sako šašlykiuką alaus....
      Mentai nustebę. Sako:
      - Tu čia mumis veži pas tuos kas tave pažįsta, dabar nuvešim mes.
      Visi i Vatikaną atvažiavo. Vycka sako:
      - Palaukit čia, aš tuoj.
      Atsistojo balkone prie Popiežiaus ir mojuoja kartu. Vycka pasižiūri, du mentai apalpę, vienas vos laikosi...Vycka nulipa į apačią ir klausia to vieno likusio:
      - Kas čia nutiko?
      - Tai įsivaizduoji, prie mūsų priėjo Michaelas Jacksonas ir klausia:
      - Kas ten šalia Vyckos toks mojuoja???
      I'm worse at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed...
      Parama Siaurojo geležinkelio klubui


        Parašė Wycka Rodyti pranešimą
        Važiuoja Vycka greitkeliu ir jį sustabdo kelių policininkai.
        Sako bus bauda, bet Vycka sako:
        - Ne ne, mane visi pažįsta, taip negalima. Vaziuojam pas Valdą Adamkų, Brazauską, pamatysit.
        Nuvažiavo pas Adamkų, jis ranką iškelia ir šaukia:
        - Vycka, eik čia padarysim po 50g.
        Nuvažiavo pas Brazauską, jis ranka iškelia sako šašlykiuką alaus....
        Mentai nustebę. Sako:
        - Tu čia mumis veži pas tuos kas tave pažįsta, dabar nuvešim mes.
        Visi i Vatikaną atvažiavo. Vycka sako:
        - Palaukit čia, aš tuoj.
        Atsistojo balkone prie Popiežiaus ir mojuoja kartu. Vycka pasižiūri, du mentai apalpę, vienas vos laikosi...Vycka nulipa į apačią ir klausia to vieno likusio:
        - Kas čia nutiko?
        - Tai įsivaizduoji, prie mūsų priėjo Michaelas Jacksonas ir klausia:
        - Kas ten šalia Vyckos toks mojuoja???
        „Žmogus, nedarantis klaidų, paprastai nedaro nieko" - Bishop W. Magee, 1821-1891.


          Tema "Šiaip" linksma, tai įdėsiu čia pora įdomių kino kadrų. Pažinote?

          Paskutinis taisė Nikas; 2008.09.27, 00:43.


            Naudok {youtube]video id[/youtube}
            „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas


              Paskutinis taisė Tadas; 2008.09.27, 10:41.
              „Žmogus, nedarantis klaidų, paprastai nedaro nieko" - Bishop W. Magee, 1821-1891.


                „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas


                  Iš asmeninio albumo.
                  Paskutinis taisė Vaidele; 2008.09.27, 14:50.
                  Yours sincerely,


                    Kaip dėl mano įdėtų klipų? Pažinote vietą?


                      Antrame tai pažinau, o pirmam buvo neatpažįstama, kol Vikipedijoj nepaskaičiau Niekad nebūčiau atspėjęs, labai jau pasikeitusi aplinka.


                        Parašė Nikas Rodyti pranešimą
                        Kaip dėl mano įdėtų klipų? Pažinote vietą?
                        kazkur matyta , kad antrasis vln nufilmuotas tai tikrai, bet is kur jie nebeprisimenu
                        Kairiarankių klubas -


                          Parašė rat Rodyti pranešimą
                          Antrame tai pažinau, o pirmam buvo neatpažįstama, kol Vikipedijoj nepaskaičiau Niekad nebūčiau atspėjęs, labai jau pasikeitusi aplinka.
                          Lazdynai arba Karoliniskes?


                            Parašė Himleris Rodyti pranešimą
                            Sita esu mates kazkokioje senoje (90-ojo desimgtmecio) SSRS isleistoje humoro knygeleje


                              Parašė John Rodyti pranešimą
                              Sita esu mates kazkokioje senoje (90-ojo desimgtmecio) SSRS isleistoje humoro knygeleje
                              Tai čia danas komunistas pripaišė tokių
                              „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas


                                Parašė John Rodyti pranešimą
                                Sita esu mates kazkokioje senoje (90-ojo desimgtmecio) SSRS isleistoje humoro knygeleje
                                Ten dar daug geresnių yra, nei čia įdėjo


                                  Parašė kaunaz Rodyti pranešimą
                                  Lazdynai arba Karoliniskes?
                                  Zymieji Lazdynai, gave Lenino premija uz architektura ir t.t.


                                    Teta kanadietė atsiuntė . Lugan - amerikos lietuvis.

                                    YOU KNOW YOU'RE LITHUANIAN WHEN:

                                    You ask something from you dad, he sends you to your mom After being sent to your mom, she sends you back to your dad

                                    Your dad refuses to call a repair man because he thinks he can fix every broken thing in the house

                                    You make it unbelievably obvious that you are Lugan:

                                    You say you're just going to have one beer'

                                    You have to fight the Russians at your school'

                                    You have the natural ability to play basketball

                                    You do folk dancing on your time

                                    You talk about people that are right there in another language

                                    You're interests have to do with anything Lugan

                                    You'd drink anything anywhere

                                    You have WAY TO MUCH LITHUANIAN PRIDE'

                                    Your father expects you to study or 'hit da books' every waking hour that he's home, and he expects nothing less than an 'A'.

                                    At your birthdays everyone is singing 'Happy brzday tu u' (oh yes, haven't we all heard that!!)

                                    When your parents constantly say you'll end up a nobody if you don't graduate from University

                                    Your friends will never understand why you spend so much time at church events and you are the farthest thing from holy that there is

                                    No one has ever pronounced your last name right, and every kid on the block has a nickname for it

                                    You read this list to your Grandparents and all they have to say in their defense is 'IC NAT TRU!!!'

                                    You have a doily covering your DVD, VCR, printer, scanner

                                    You keep switching between languages in a conversation

                                    Your last name has more letters than most alphabets

                                    Someone sneezes 'ACHOO' and you answer, 'You're welcome!'

                                    Your ringtone is 'Suk Suk Rateli'

                                    You can lithuanian-ize any word just by adding 'as' to the end

                                    You have at least one relative that is 6' 5' and plays professional basketball

                                    It's St. Paddy's Day at 3:03 P.M. and you're out drinking your Irish friends

                                    You can be drunk off your ass and still polka, in fact your skills might be improved

                                    You're hungover and can still beat your friends at basketball

                                    Nobody can pronounce your last name and people always ask you if it's Greek

                                    You've inherited more gintaras jewellery than you know what to do with

                                    You want to do multiple shots of Krupnikas

                                    Your grandfather can out party Americans or Canadians

                                    You can smell kugelis a mile away

                                    Everything you eat has something to do with potatoes

                                    You put sour cream on everything

                                    On the first day of school, teacher goes through everyone's names and you hear a silent pause for about 10 seconds and you raise your hand and answer 'that's me'

                                    You get excited when you are in a store and hear another person speaking Lugan (Lugan pride)

                                    Your English friends think Lugan is some type of cult not culture

                                    Someone always has an accordian at parties and breaks it out

                                    Every party consists of Lugans breaking out in song and polka

                                    You own the tie dye basketball jersey/shirt with the skeletons from the Lithuanian basketball Olympic team

                                    You meet a new Lugan cousin at every event

                                    Your parents won't go to the doctor unless they have a severed limb

                                    U teach all ur Canadian friends how to say 'i sveikata' because its better to drink Lithuanian style

                                    You know you're Lugan when someone asks for your name to document it and you give them your first name. They then ask for your first name. Thinking your first name was your last name.

                                    Your mociute misses your high school graduation because who else will serve coffee after church?

                                    You have a headache and the prescription is more polka

                                    Someone mistakes you for a Russian and your friends have to hold you back from beating the person up...
                                    then you give them a ten minute lecture on how totally different the two are (and how obviously superior the Lithuanian culture is)

                                    When you call anyone out of the ordinary a 'Polakas'

                                    When your mociute tells you how she used to make her own beer.probably out in the kaimas

                                    When you say you're not hungry and your mociute just gives you more and more food and she says that you're too skinny and that if you return back home skinny your parents wont send you back because they'll think that she didn't feed you.

                                    When people ask you what your background is your explanation turns into a geography lesson

                                    You could drink a fifth of vodka at 16 years old.

                                    You bring a funnel to a Lietuviu party or event and your parents friends end up using it the most.

                                    When you sing an all-purpose celebratory song at all events (i.e. ilgiausiu metu) ... perfect for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations...and your Canadian friends have heard it so much they can sing the valio verse!

                                    You go to party's there's a never ending supply of shots for you

                                    You blame Russians for any problems that occur... even if it has nothing to do with them???

                                    When people ask for your last name you don't bother saying it, you just start spelling it out

                                    When your one grandma's presents included some scented candles and a nice sweater, and mociute's present was/contained alcohol

                                    Your family cannot pronounce W's.... wow turns into 'vau!'

                                    When you tattoo the Lithuanian flag in some way shape or form on some part of your body

                                    Friends can't wait for a substitute teacher to attempt to say your last name because they think its hilarious....

                                    When on the announcements you are called to the office and they only say your first name...

                                    When your grandma calls all cereal cornflakes

                                    You know you're Lithuanian when one of your friends brings an accordian to a NIGHTCLUB

                                    When your friends ask you to teach them Lugan swear words, and you tell them that there aren't any. You're sick of people laughing at you because 'rupuze' translates into the lamest swear word ever

                                    Your grandpa cuts the grass in knee high socks and slippers

                                    When you watch the credits after to see if a Lithuanian had a part in it

                                    You would rather have kepta duona instead of french fries

                                    When you celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve

                                    When there is a visiting day at the cemetery, and everyone comes for the food.

                                    When making a traditional Ukranian Easter egg you somehow find yourself with a ithuanian Vytis Easter egg

                                    When you are arguing with your grandfather about how to replace a screen door and he is positive that his way is the ONLY way to do it. Even though you have done this before a hundred times you are 100% sure also. Both of you are stubborn and want to do it your way or not at all, and it ends up the screen door does not get replaced.

                                    When you randomly hear Lithuania mentioned in some pop culture reference, and you go around telling all of your friends for like a week because it's really exciting to you, and they just nod because they're used to it

                                    When you can legitimately say that you've drunken 'bread soda' AND LIKED IT (gira)

                                    When every time you see a flag that has yellow, green, and red on it, you get really excited before you realize that its really the flag of Guinea or Mali or Armenia or Bulgaria or something

                                    When you look in the mirror in the morning, and you realize you must be Lugan, cuz you're so god damn good looking

                                    When you meet another Lugan and get totally excited

                                    When you are the only one out of your friends who actually eats pink soup (saltibarsciai) Nobody else even heard of such thing.

                                    When you have LT stickers on your car and when you see another car with an LT sticker you get excited and point it out.

                                    When U.S. basketball fans wake up in the middle of the night screaming you know it is because they have been dreaming about Lithuanians

                                    When all the female members of your family have more amber than they know what to do with.

                                    When you're playing uno & end up with only geltona, zale, raudona, & get really excited.

                                    When you're on a roadtrip and don't feel like paying for a hotel you start thinking of any lietuviai close by...'cause you know they'll welcome you.

                                    You know you're lugan when you say you don't like kugelis and people shun you and force it on you until you like it.

                                    When you meet another lugan and you find out your parents went to school together, your cousins went to camp together, and your grandparents were neighbors.

                                    When u have 2 sets of friends...ur Canadian ones and ur lugan ones'..and your lugan ones are sooo much cooler.


                                      Šitie geruliai
                                      Your last name has more letters than most alphabets
                                      Your ringtone is 'Suk Suk Rateli'
                                      You put sour cream on everything
                                      O šitie tiesiog "nužudė" mane
                                      You know you're Lithuanian when one of your friends brings an accordian to a NIGHTCLUB
                                      When there is a visiting day at the cemetery, and everyone comes for the food.
                                      Kopenhaga/Roskildė / Stokholmas I II III IV


                                        Your parents won't go to the doctor unless they have a severed limb.

                                        Šitas geriausias


