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Karikatūrų skandalas
Jie tokie kaip mes ... prieš 700 metų
Parašė NeformalasTie islamieciai kazkokie nesveiki, del karikaturu riausias kelia.O krikscionys ir Kristu per Pietu Parka zemina, ir nieko tokio.
Pietų parkas ne musulmonų kurinys ir jis neliko visiškai be dėmiasio, bet keli giliai pasipiktinę dvasininkai nesukels riaušių. Aš kaip ir nemaža dalis katalikų esu tiesiok krikštytas, ir religiniais dalykais per daug nesidomiu, dievas yra ar jo nėra man skirtumo nėra, o tikintys man netrugdo, ir nereikia tyčiotis iš kitam šventų dalyklų.
Parašė sylePietų parkas ne musulmonų kurinys ir jis neliko visiškai be dėmiasio, bet keli giliai pasipiktinę dvasininkai nesukels riaušių. Aš kaip ir nemaža dalis katalikų esu tiesiok krikštytas, ir religiniais dalykais per daug nesidomiu, dievas yra ar jo nėra man skirtumo nėra, o tikintys man netrugdo, ir nereikia tyčiotis iš kitam šventų dalyklų.
Keliu zurnalistu poelgis be abejo buvo blogas, taciau del to pradeti niekinti ir zeminti visa sali (Danija), deginti pastatus, zudyti zmones ir t.t. - daug blogiau. Tuo labiau, kad buvo atsiprasyta.
Keli ar nekeli musu kulturos dvasininkai del izeidimu south parke, ar del kitokiu panasiu dalyku, niekados nedegins pastatu ir nezudys zmoniu. Jei ir atsiras toks kuris kazka del to nuzudys - mes ji palaikysim beprociu ir pan., bet tikrai jo nepalaikysim.
Parašė EddKeli ar nekeli musu kulturos dvasininkai del izeidimu south parke, ar del kitokiu panasiu dalyku, niekados nedegins pastatu ir nezudys zmoniu. Jei ir atsiras toks kuris kazka del to nuzudys - mes ji palaikysim beprociu ir pan., bet tikrai jo nepalaikysim.
Parašė syle
Kokia mūsų aukšta kultūra.
Jei jie tai taip daro, kodėl mes taip negalim
Jei neva mes 700m prieky tai rodykim pavyzdįYou have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
Good to see that also Lithuania has a free press. Yesterday muslims at a highschool 100 meters from my apartment, yelled "Allah akbar, allah akbar", started the fire-alarm, and burned Norwegian and American flags in the schoolyard. It was like taken out from a scene at the Gaza-strip!
Meanwhile our foreign minister, wich up until now has been the only one in our new goverment to gain some respect, has lied to Norwegian media, pushed a small christian magazine in front of them(by saying it was the only paper that published them, while infact both the largest non-tabloid Aftenposten, the second largest tabloid, Dagbladet(wich is quite leftleaning btw), and other papers has), and saying it was wrong to publish them. The goverment has got cold feet, and are trying as hard as they can to apologize to the islamo-fascists in the middle east. And yesterday evening, he said in a debate that NRK1(biggest TVstation) should not have shown the rabiate muslims at the highschool right by my home....Freedom of speech is loosing, unless we are helped by brave nations like Lithuania, that knows what opression is.
The M is for Muhammad
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
Parašė VytaucNe taip jau senai ir tolerancijos tvirtovėje Europoje eretikus ant laužų degindavo ir kryžiaus žygius prieš pagonis (mūsų protėvius tarp kitko) organizuodavo...
Truputėli prisiminus netolima istorija:
* Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage.
* A Muslim attacks a missionary children's school in India. Kills six. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia.
* Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage.
* Let's go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.
* Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage.
* Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged!
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!