OGame yra tikrai įdomus ir laiko neužimantis žaidimukas kurį labai faina žaist ofise kai pasidaro nuobodu.
apie OGame...
Welcome to OGame
OGame is a strategic space simulation game with thousands of players competing with each other simultaneously. Please read the rules before you begin playing. All you need to play is a standard web browser.
What is OGame about?
As an intergalactic emperor you have the possibility to strengthen your influence throughout the galaxies by numerous strategies. Beginning your rulership at your homeworld you begin to build an economic and military infrastructure with your resources. Researching new techniques and upgrading your buildings and researches gives you access to superior technologies and improved weapon systems. During the game you have the option to colonize planets and to create alliances together with friendly emperors. Trading with other players and fighting against enemy empires helps you to get the resources you need to prosper even more quickly.
Apsilankykit http://www.ogame.co.uk/ ir užsiregistruokit, labai paprasta tik butinai į Universe 5 kad būt tam pačiam alliance'.
Kai prisijungsit spauskit alliance ir ieškokit T.M.E.A
Name The most EVIL alliance. Kai surasit paprašykit kad leistų prisijungt. Tikrai verta pabandyt :****:
apie OGame...
Welcome to OGame
OGame is a strategic space simulation game with thousands of players competing with each other simultaneously. Please read the rules before you begin playing. All you need to play is a standard web browser.
What is OGame about?
As an intergalactic emperor you have the possibility to strengthen your influence throughout the galaxies by numerous strategies. Beginning your rulership at your homeworld you begin to build an economic and military infrastructure with your resources. Researching new techniques and upgrading your buildings and researches gives you access to superior technologies and improved weapon systems. During the game you have the option to colonize planets and to create alliances together with friendly emperors. Trading with other players and fighting against enemy empires helps you to get the resources you need to prosper even more quickly.
Apsilankykit http://www.ogame.co.uk/ ir užsiregistruokit, labai paprasta tik butinai į Universe 5 kad būt tam pačiam alliance'.
Kai prisijungsit spauskit alliance ir ieškokit T.M.E.A
Name The most EVIL alliance. Kai surasit paprašykit kad leistų prisijungt. Tikrai verta pabandyt :****: