Šiaip yra neblogas būdas žaisti: naujame regone 1 miesto atstumu vieną nuo kito pastatai 2 miestus. Tada juos sujungi autostrada, kuri eina kaip tik per tą "tuščią" miestą. Ant autostrados pristatai pinigų rinkmo būdelių ir tam miestui per vidurį eina milžiniškos įplaukos. Tokiu pagrindu stačiau savo pirmą regioną.
Pastebėjau, kad jau niekam kaip ir nebekyla noro atgaivinti šią temą. Ponas simcitis kadaise minėjo, kad norėtų fansite sukurti, bet kažkaip senokai iš jo nėra naujienų. Taigi, ar dar yra lietuviškojo sc4 tinklalapio idėjos šalininkų?
Be to, jei kas dar lankosi BSC exchange, gal jau pastebėjo, kad maždaug po savaitės bus pabaigtas svarbus projektas, stipriai pakeisiantis žaidimą. Beveik visus projekto failus jau galima parsisiųsti, maždaug po savaitės įdės pagrindinius failus (essentials)
Beje, šiame žaidime, bandžiau iš šiūkšlių pirkimo iš kito miesto uždirbti, bet kad gaunasi rusiškas biznis, daugiau išleidi, nei uždirbi, o juk šiūkšlių biznis šiais laikais pats geriausiais
Not too many rumours should have been heard about the CAM up till now...
This is the first public announcement about what has been developed during the past 2 months.
Development and upgrading in SC4 is based on stages, where each higher stage provides a denser population (occupancy) than any lower one. The percentual distribution between stages changes each time a certain capacity threshold is reached. There are three different capacities, and they are all regional:
Residential and commercial development comprises eight stages, while industrial development comprises three stages.
The Colossus Addon Mod (CAM) extends these stages to 15 for residential and commercial development, and to 10 for industrial development.
In Rush Hour, R$, CS$, I-R and I-D were given thresholds that allow them to develop faster than the other RCI types. The graph below shows the percentual distribution between different stages of R$, based on the regional residential capacity. Once this capacity has reached 19,846, the ratio between the stages remains static:
R$ development in Rush Hour
The CAM changes this rather radically. Development will be slower at start (the first threshold is at 800 instead of 300), but new stages will continue to come into play all the way up to a regional residential capacity of 3,085,020:
R$ development in CAM
The CAM changes the graphs for R$$, R$$$, CO$$ and CO$$$ in a similar way.
For Rush Hour, the last residential threshold is reached for R$$ and R$$$ at a regional residential capacity of 125,267.
With the CAM, the R$$ development keeps going from the first threshold of 900 to the last one at 3,469,411.
With the CAM, the R$$$ development keeps going from the first threshold of 1,000 to the last one at 3,856,275.
For Rush Hour, the last commercial office threshold is reached at a regional commercial capacity of 125,267.
With the CAM, the CO$$ development keeps going from the first thresholds of 400 to the last one at 1,540,469.
With the CAM, the CO$$$ development keeps going from the first thresholds of 500 to the last one at 1,925,586.
With commercial service, stage 1 is still rather predominant in Rush Hour, when the last threshold is reached at a regional commercial capacity of 19,846 (for CS$) or 125,267 (for CS$$ and CS$$$):
CS$$$ development in Rush Hour:
With the CAM, the CS$ development keeps going from the first threshold of 300 to the last one at 1,156,233.
With the CAM, the CS$$ development keeps going from the first threshold of 400 to the last one at 1,540,469.
With the CAM, the CS$$$ development keeps going from the first threshold of 500 to the last one at 1,925,586.
CS$$$ development in CAM:
With industrials, stage 3 soon becomes very dominating in Rush Hour, when the last threshold is reached at a regional industrial capacity of 19,846 (for I-R and I-D) or 125,267 (for I-M and I-HT):
I-M development in Rush Hour:
With the CAM, the I-D development keeps going from the first threshold of 200 to the last one at 771,885.
With the CAM, the I-M development keeps going from the first threshold of 300 to the last one at 1,156,233.
With the CAM, the I-HT development keeps going from the first threshold of 400 to the last one at 1,540,469.
I-M development in CAM:
Farming is the only RCI type in SC4 that doesn't upgrade. Thus, there is no reason to extend the number of farm stages in the same way as the others. Instead there will be some other innovations, which are still being developed.
With the CAM, several in-game lots are being corrected. Industrial capacity will generally be higher and the stage of some existing residential towers and commercial offices are being changed in order to better fit into a devlopment comprising all 15 stages. Virtually all existing stage 8 buildings will as such be incompatible with the CAM. They will all need to be relotted and remodded in order to achieve correct occupancies and correct stages.
The CAM will also enable really tall growable towers. I'll demonstrate that by showing the rough minimum heights required for a CO$$$ office in order to fit certain stages:
Stage 8: 107 m
Stage 9: 149 m
Stage 10: 195 m
Stage 11: 247 m
Stage 12: 308 m
Stage 13: 379 m
Stage 14: 466 m
Stage 15: 571 m
The new stages will naturally also include buildings with higher capacities than we are used to seeing so far. In order to enable them to grow, the demand range might have to be extended (beta testing will see what will be needed). The picture below should tease you enough though:
At the moment the CAM is being tested (Beta 3 is the latest version). Before getting any closer to a release date, the beta testing will have to go on for quite some time. Since we are talking about building up massive test regions (population in the millions), each testing phase is rather time consuming. Along with the testing, we are also making lots to fill out these, now empty, upper stages. You may have noticed the number of skyscraper prop packs that have appeared on the LEX. They are there for a purpose...
pasigirsiu truputi..neseniai ant didziausio ploto pastaciau savo didziausia miesta kuriame gyveno 6.3mln. gyventoju..jega ar ne
Įkelk screenshotus, Houmeri . O šiaip aš nesistebiu dėl tų 6,3 milijonų. Šiais laikais gali ir modų bei naujų talpesnių pastatų parsisiųst, ir šiaip viską su plop modu stage 8 pastatais užstatyt.
Dauguma mano regionų buvo amerikietiško tipo (centre CBD, toliau mid-rise daugiabučiai ir suburbs), tad savo miestuose nesiekiau gyventojų skaičiaus rekordo, nes nebuvo tokio tankaus užstatymo gyv. namais. Todėl mano didžiausi pasiekimai buvo darbo vietų srityse - 270 000 pramonės darbo vietų ir 410 000 komercinių . O dėl gyventojų skaičiaus tik 220 000. Visi šie pasiekimai buvo tik vidutinio dydžio miestuose, nes dideli plotai buvo skiriami priemiesčiams, dirbamiems laukams, nac. parkams ir t.t..
Nu siaip jo esu atsisiuntes komerciniu pastatu dangoraiziu kur darbo vietu apie 10 000 ~25 000,o namai visi tai normalus is sc4 rh.Bet tuose namuose gyvena po 6000~9000
O koks pats naujausias Sim city? nu ir įdomiausias..
Šiaip planuojama išleisti simcity societies, tačiau jo grafika yra nekokia ir jis yra kuriamas labiau "the sims" fanams. Taip atsitiko dėl to, kad sim city su kiekviena versija darėsi vis sunkesnis, tad dabar EA nutarė "grąžinti viską į vėžes". Gera naujiena yra tik tai, kad "SC societies" ne Maxis daro.