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    but is mod allowed to throw such phrazes without any responsibility?

    EDIT:I can not believe it was 3tmk. I thought he tollerates Lithuanians-rusofobs gangs?

    Prie ruso man buvo geriau


      Of course he can and yeah, it was 3tmk
      Mano galerija Flickr'yje


        That's most unfortunate, Mantai, and I'm sad to hear it.

        Your appointment would have restored some of my faith in that outfit, but alas it isn't so.

        And I really wonder what "crime" alonso supposedly committed in that mod's opinion, and I don't think it was the swastica in the LT flag.
        Originally Posted by


          Kodel mes cia rasom angliskai ?
          Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure. Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented ? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.


            @mantaz: 3mtk is an idiot if he did what you said he did.
            Gotta admit it was pretty unexpected though.
            You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.


              Parašė alonso
              keista, taciau as lygiai ta pati padariau lygiai del tos paties priezasties, tik tas, jog tai ivyko pries kelias dienas

              Regis kai kuriu tenyksciu lankytoju [moderatoriu] poziuris i humora niekada nesikeicia
              „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas


                Sveikinu, Mantai....
                Gražu žiūrėt: lietuvis - Rusijos forumo moderatorius. Totali ir nenuginčyjama pergalė rusofobų klanui
                You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.


                  WONDERFUL NEWS!!!
                  Mantaz has been promoted to Euromod!

                  Congratulations, my friend! This is a well deserved honor.
                  Originally Posted by



                    O seip as ce biski atsilikes kur Exarchus dingo ?
                    „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas


                      the one that could be against, is Singidunum, Russia lover, Coth's best friend.


                        Mantaz, gal galetum sia tema atrakinti?

                        pilietis John, tikrai turetu ka pasakyti

                        beje, kur parasyta, jog Mantaz buvo paaukstintas?

                        Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                          Parašė keen
                          Kodel mes cia rasom angliskai ?
                          >>>>>> Would one of you please be so kind as to tell keen for me that I apologize for not writing in Lithuanian? I truly don't mean to upset him, but the only way I can express myself here in in angliskai.

                          @alonso: better not ask such things, at least not in angliskai.
                          Originally Posted by


                            are Russian women - most beautiful? russofobes - state your opinion

                            Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                              I am sure, keen knows English (he has a username on SCC too). perhpaps he found it quite weird, when we started talking English even to each other. however, I believe, it doesn't cause any troubles to anyone on this forum
                              the exact meaning of keen's sentence: "Why are we writing here in English?" so it wasn't addressed straight to you

                              ok, I will try to convert my post to another language
                              btw, check your pm

                              Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                o jau maniau, jog lenkai issigyde savo kompleksus..


                                Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                  Jo, čia man irgi buvo nemenka staigmena

                                  alonso> Yra draudžiama nė iš šio nė iš to atrakint temą, kurią kitas moderatorius uždarė
                                  Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                                    o ar leidziama ne is sio ne is to ja uzrakinti?

                                    Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                      Moderatoriui yra palikta teisė užrakinti temą, jei jis galvoja, jog tolesnė diskusija yra beprasmė arba viskas linksta blogop
                                      Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                                        aisku, kai kurie moderatoriai nera labai kompetetingi..o kada ir kur buvo pranesta jog tu Euromodu patapai?

                                        Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                          oho, Mantas pakilo iki Euromodu! kongradziuleishions!

