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    Parašė Mantaz
    Gali gal mestelt nuorodą?

    Įdomu, kokius metodus jie naudoja savo prognozėms. Jei paprastus statistinius-matematinius modelius, tai tuomet pernelyg pasikliaut nereikia, nes ir stebėjimų pernelyg mažai
    Tam raporte pazymima, kad rodikliai gali priklausyti nuo Euro kurso, palukanu ir kitu dalyku ir tie ju metodai vargu ar labai tikslus. Manau pradziai reiktu palaukti bent Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos Q1 rezultatu, kuomet galesim susidaryti bent sioki toki vaizda apie dabartini augima.

    O tas Nordea outlookas yra cia (apie Baltijos salis 36 p.) :


      Kokius dar eurostat duomenis ? Duokit linka nes netikiu, kad per 2metus susilygino GDP vienam zmogui Lietuvos ir Estijos...
      Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure. Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented ? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.


        Šiaip "Ekonomistas" buvo pateikęs duomenis 2003-iesiems ir Lietuvos BVP vienam gyventojui nuo Estijos skyrėsi gal šimtu €
        Mano galerija Flickr'yje


          Parašė keen
          Kokius dar eurostat duomenis ? Duokit linka nes netikiu, kad per 2metus susilygino GDP vienam zmogui Lietuvos ir Estijos...
          Sumaisiau ne Eurostat, o Economist (ir dar pasirodo Lietuvos BVP vienam zmogui yra didesnis )


            Jo, aš irgi sumaišiau
            Mano galerija Flickr'yje


              Parašė Whose Homepage
              vytauc has a new avatar @SCity :okay:

              I hope others will follow suit.
              Yeah- I thought it was just about time to change my profile
              Kaip po dykumą blaškiausi


                After I pointed out to alonso that he's on the brig list, he said on the previous page:

                btw, I looked, but didn't find my name on the brig list

                O but I'm afraid you are, my friend! Look at the very first post on page 1:

                The List

                What bothers me is that no mod ever said that you were put on the list, and why. Do you want me to make a polite inquiry? I've gotten myself into BIG trouble when I asked for such explanations in the past. But I think it's worth it!
                Originally Posted by


                  please, make that investigation cause I am really interested, why.

                  Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                    / I'm pretty sure the "Lithuanian flag - swastika" thing was the reason, although I could be wrong


                      Strange, I don't remember anybody concidering the _alonso_ entry
                      Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                        Parašė Vaidas
                        / I'm pretty sure the "Lithuanian flag - swastika" thing was the reason, although I could be wrong
                        as pries metus papostinau ten lietuvos trispalve su didele svastika vidury tai irgi kai kas ten nepatenkinti liko
                        „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas



                          and what was the reason doing that?

                          Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                            Parašė alonso

                            and what was the reason doing that?
                            kadangi visi lietuviai ten vare ant savo veliavos tai nusprendziau alternatyva parodyt [su humoru]
                            „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas


                              keista, taciau as lygiai ta pati padariau lygiai del tos paties priezasties, tik tas, jog tai ivyko pries kelias dienas

                              Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                alonso, it seems that somebody realized that a mistake had been made ... you're no longer on the list. Maybe it was Mantaz who "helped?"

                                This change in status happened while I was at lunch, and I was fully prepared to go to battle for you!

                                Following this incident I get the impression that

                                a. the list is unreliable
                                b. communication among the mods is not as excellent as claimed.
                                Originally Posted by


                                  I talked with SHiRO via pm. he is great guy! actually, he has no idea how my name appeared on the brig list, and took it out at once, when I alarmed but it seems that among the mods, somebody is really corrupted

                                  Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                    Well, I'm glad it's cleared up now, alonso! But this incident does nothing to build my trust in what's going on over there.
                                    Originally Posted by


                                      Oh well, there was a consideration about modding me for whole €scrapers, but one mod from EE said that it's bad idea because of my support for antirussian trolls. I was kinda shocked
                                      Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                                        let me guess the name of that trollyfob,

                                        Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                          No, it was a mod of Easter Europe
                                          Mano galerija Flickr'yje

