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SSC aktualijos (archyvas)

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    Yes, the thread was rapidly moved to the mod/admins' unwanted pile ... how totally embarrassing!

    I guess I was the last person to have seen it ... it practically vanished before my eyes. And little wonder because the former Euromod was really going WAY over the line. Unbelievable!
    Originally Posted by


      to be honest, the thread was deleted because of my last post..

      Prie ruso man buvo geriau


        AHA! O well ...
        Originally Posted by


          / Can anyone give me a short outline of what the thread was about? I got a bit intrigued after reading your comments


            Parašė wholagun
            no honeslty why is de snor no longer a mod here? Does he still even post here?
            Parašė De Snor
            Exarchus has already explained this earlier in this thread.
            Once again the Baltic tribe succeeded for pushing the limits into their favours and made life hell of another good mod...and I was to emotional for being a good one (PM ed by an admin ,THE man himself)

            Doesn't surprise me really those pricks are good friends with admins here...

            This section is going downhill fast and this time I am not to blame.

            Honestly I don't give a shit anymore, you got what you wanted haven't you Mr. K.

            @ gothicform : I choose my own friends thank you

            @ coth , thanks for the first sign of respect after more than 2 months...

            btw : why not leave this forum enterely to the Baltic tribe they are so good with words...its became hilarious
            Parašė John
            Parašė De Snor
            Don't try to impress me , you are pathetic
            Parašė John
            Thank you
            Parašė Exarchus
            Considering the admins still haven't unmodded me for here. I guess that would be a good idea to lock it.

            I'll leave the honor to a regular mod though.
            Parašė blimey

            The Baltic tribe celebrating the making of yet another mod's life into hell
            Parašė Kampflamm
            And I thought you guys only had an African flag...
            Parašė blimey
            We've also got a bunch of war flags. We use them when performing our special tribal dances before signing on to the internet with a single purpose - to turn lives of mods into hell.
            Parašė _alonso_
            what about this?

            I believe, now it looks much better. much more European..much more, isn't it?
            Parašė Exarchus
            Well finally I'll lock and yang it. Even though I'm not supposed to.
            Mano galerija Flickr'yje


              / Ačiū
              Na, toks alonso komentaras gal nebuvo būtinas... , blimey su John, manau, galėjo gerai "įstatyt jiems ragus"


                Jo, alonso už tokius darbelius galėjo būt ir į kampą pastatytas
                Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                  kad mane nervuoja visu prikisinejimai, "kokia afrikietiska is neskoninga ta Lietuvos veliava yra" tad ir nutariau kazko europietisko ideti.

                  Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                    Šiaip ten buvo ant juoko (jei apie Kampflamm pasisakymą šneki)
                    Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                      zinau, jog Kampflamm pranesimu niekada nereikia priimti rimtai.

                      kodel tada mano pranesimas buvo taip priimtas?

                      Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                        Todėl, kad su šia simbolika reikia juokauti labai atsargiai. Beje, Kampflamm - vokietis, o vokiečiams ši tema jautri
                        Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                          kodel svastika yra oficialiai uzdrausta, tuo tarpu, kai sovietu zenklus gali naudoti, kiek nori?
                          beje, musu garbi viesnia, forumo dalyve, is uz atlanto, taipogi yra vokiete.

                          nebijok, patiems vokieciams, si tema jau nebera tokia jautri. mane moko vokieciu kalbos "naturalizuota" norvegijos vokiete, su kuria pacia apie tai galima daug pasneketi. aisku - repliku nereiktu metyt

                          Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                            Too bad I can't understand what you're saying here but that's OK.

                            I think it was De Snor's outburst ("Baltic hordes," and "Mr. K" [=Jan]) and you guys' wonderful reaction that caused the thread to disappear.

                            And why is the guy still there? Slow reaction from the top or lack of a successor, I guess.

                            edited to make the 2nd smilie in the opening sentence a instead of another


                            2nd edit: o dear, he just called you Baltic tribe, not Baltic hordes but that was too much as well.
                            Originally Posted by



                              i just explained that i got pissed, because everybody is talking "how vulgar and "african" Lithuania's flag is". so i pimped it, and asked if it looks more European now. it was in a humour form. despite this fact - thread was closed

                              Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                I can well understand why you got angry, Alonso, and the others as well. You were provoked!
                                Originally Posted by


                                  no, it is not that bad as it looks like, Whose Homepage it was just in form of humour. i think Lithuanians in scc are MostNotPopularUsers among mods

                                  Prie ruso man buvo geriau


                                    Parašė alonso
                                    kodel svastika yra oficialiai uzdrausta, tuo tarpu, kai sovietu zenklus gali naudoti, kiek nori?
                                    Pasaulis žydų.
                                    „O kūjis su pjautuvu - juk tai paprastos liaudies, darbininkų ir valstiečių simboliai. Dabar ženkliukus, pirktus Pilies gatvėje, ir kuriuos visą laiką iki uždraudimo nešiodavausi prisisegęs prie kuprinės, turėjau pasidėti į stalčių.“ - Tomizmas



                                      Hey, there's nothing wrong with being the most unpopular! In fact, I consider that a certain distinction. As you noticed, I fall into that category in certain quarters myself.
                                      Originally Posted by


                                        Parašė alonso
                                        kodel svastika yra oficialiai uzdrausta, tuo tarpu, kai sovietu zenklus gali naudoti, kiek nori?
                                        Todėl, kad nacizmas buvo pasmerktas ir nuteistas (Niurnbergo teismas), o komunizmas tokio teismo iki šiol nesusilaukė, deja.


                                          Parašė Himleris
                                          Pasaulis žydų.

