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Parašė Vaidasjozikai, tu ne taip supratai tą sakinį Hitleris diktavo savo knygą Rudolf Hess'ui Landsbergo mieste
http://www.landsberg.deOur deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure. Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented ? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
John, ką ten parašei Kaliningrado temoje, kad tavo pranešimą coth pratrynė? galerija Flickr'yje
Parašė MantazJohn, ką ten parašei Kaliningrado temoje, kad tavo pranešimą coth pratrynė?
Taip, buvau parases, apie ka kalba Vytauc. Kai mano posta istryne coth'as, as vel papostinau ta pati, veliau istryne Exarchus'as, bet as vel papostinau ta pati (taip bent 3 kartus). Tada jis neapsikentes idejo mane i briglista uz tai, kad pakartoninai postinu tai, ka jis ir coth'as istryne. Parasiau jam asmenine zinute ir paklausiau, kodel taip yra. Tas atsake, kad negalima postinti to, kas istrinta, nepaisant, kokia buvo to priezastis (priezastis buvo ta, kad coth'ui nepatiko mano nuomone apie Kaliningrada, visiskai nieko izeidziancio, asmenisko ar keiksmazodziu ten nebuvo).
Parasiau zinute Euroscraperiu adminui gothicform'ui isdestydamas visa situacija ir lauksiu jo atsakymo. Jeigu kas nors netingit, galit irgi jam parasyti.
Zodziu traktorininkas visiskai nusivaziavo ir dabar bando islieti viska ant manes
Kaliningrado threadas vel "isvalytas"
nebeliko Vytauc ir kitu komentaru
Siulau parasyti uzklausa/skundus adminams (is pradziu gothicformui, o jeigu tai nepades- Jan'ui) ir paklausti, ar moderatoriai gali sau leisti tokius dalykus.
I wrote a PM to gothicform asking if such things as erasing inoffensive posts can be happening. We'll see how this thing will be sorted out. So far the biggest problem was work of some moderators who think too good about theirselves. Not sure what gothicform will have to say about this.
Parašė JohnKaliningrado threadas vel "isvalytas"
nebeliko Vytauc ir kitu komentaru
Siulau parasyti uzklausa/skundus adminams (is pradziu gothicformui, o jeigu tai nepades- Jan'ui) ir paklausti, ar moderatoriai gali sau leisti tokius dalykus.
I wrote a PM to gothicform asking if such things as erasing inoffensive posts can be happening. We'll see how this thing will be sorted out. So far the biggest problem was work of some moderators who think too good about theirselves. Not sure what gothicform will have to say about this.
Parašė John@WH
I wrote a PM to gothicform asking if such things as erasing inoffensive posts can be happening. We'll see how this thing will be sorted out. So far the biggest problem was work of some moderators who think too good about theirselves. Not sure what gothicform will have to say about this.Originally Posted by
Tai gal gristame prie atviros akcijos pries tokius administravimus kaip :
Mano Flickr nuotraukos :
Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
Parašė chukchiO tas Jacek kas per vienas? Jis man aiskina kad Smuglevicius buvo lenkas.Mano galerija Flickr'yje