Exarchus'as sutvarke ta poll'a, bet jis negali matyti IP, todel tures pranesti adminams (t.y. gothicform'ui), kad isbanintu ta, kuris tai padare (tikiuosi ). O tuos klonus turbut sukure vienas veikejas is Vokietijos BOLSCHOI, nes jis vienintelis tikras useris, kuris balsavo uz 2-a opcija. Labai isradinga ir originalu
I contacted gothicform via PM and asked if the selection of a new S&B mod is underway, he asked who I think is a good choice and I suggested him a few candidates. So now I dunno if they're going to make any decisions. It seems that moderating of Euroscrapers became completely disordered recently
Sadly Jan doesn't even check Euroscrapers anymore. Shame on him.
Thanks, Jonai. I agree. We've got 1 admin & 4 mods who are supposedly responsible for Euroscrapers. In reality we have 1 absentee admin & 3 absentee mods. I don't even talk to gothicform, except in public.
As for Jan, the place has simply become too big to handle. Pity!
In the meantime I also figured out what you guys were talking about up there. I made a post in that thread.
Beja, matėt, kaip gėdingai nušviestas Lietuvos stadionų reikalas (na, deja, ir pati padėtis ne ką geresnė), papostinkit kas nors Baltijos indoor arenų palyginimą Žymiai geriau Lietuva tuo atžvilgiu atrodo (gaila man postinti neleidžia )
I think he is
The thread is dedicated to issues happening in SSC so Meier just suggested about creating a new thread about arenas. Although now the main issue seems to be about something different - Baltic states occupation thread where we're discussing with our Rusian colleague coth whose opinion seems to differ drastically regarding some issues, so we just need to sort this out.
Palaukim, kaip baigsis ta diskusija ir nesivelkim i jokius asmeniskumus ar offtopicus tokius kaip etnine saliu kompozicija ir t.t.
Musu argumentas yra pernelyg stiprus ir nenugincyjamas - Lietuvos ir SSRS sutartis neturejo galios, nes jos nepasirase Prezidentas. Tai pernelyg stiprus ir akivaizdus faktas, kad ji butu galima kaip nors paneigti. Man idomu, ka coth'as i tai atsakys, nes iki siol jo stipriausias argumentas buvo tas, kad Lietuva istojo i SSRS savanoriskai ziurint vien is teisines puses, sitas jo argumentas netenka prasmes del mano minetos priezasties. Daugiau argumentu jis neturi, o paneigti Lietuvos konstitucijos jis negali. Todel paziurekim, ka jis atsakys i tai
Šakės Kosuliui (cough ir coth skamba praktiškai vienodai) Kad tik jo bičiulis vėl neuždarytų thread'o Tiesa- vakar gal kokią valandą intrenete prasiknisau, bet 38 konstitucijos teksto taip ir neradau. Konspiracija kažkokia.
I think he is
The thread is dedicated to issues happening in SSC so Meier just suggested about creating a new thread about arenas. Although now the main issue seems to be about something different - Baltic states occupation thread where we're discussing with our Rusian colleague coth whose opinion seems to differ drastically regarding some issues, so we just need to sort this out.
Well I think there is no point in discussing these political issues, because of the fact that people never admit their faults. We all know what happened in 1940, but other people (coth for instance) can just oppose us because they think we're worse. No matter what you say, they will never agree to have been wrong
John, don't forget to post about our indoor arenas later
I just read all this stuff about arenas ... didn't realize it was a suggestion.
And I agree: there's little point in discussing the past, especially with certain people who have awfully firm (and one-sided) opinions about things. coth will never budge an inch!
Today I tried once again to register to SSC forum, but again, I didn't receive an activation (probably something's wrong with the mail server of SSC) Is there any way to get registered at SSC?
SCity is VERY messed up. Their search feature has been disabled, there's WAY too much traffic so that things load slowly, the moderation is abominal ... and now they won't let you register????
Tas šiknius Exarchus'as vistik uždarė thread'ą. Dabar kariauju su juo per PM- mandagiai laidau suprasti, kad jis yra durnas ir paprašiau nelįst su savo "moderavimu" į S&B. Kada gi turėsim savo mod'ą?