De Snoras dingo is SSC, todel baninimo nereiketu taip baimintis
Kita vertus, mane buvo isbanine uz kur kas paprastesni smile, va sita - - kai papostinau ji reaguodamas i pasisakyma, kad Rusijoje egzistuoja demokratija.
On behalf of all Poles I'd like to apologize for Jacek and Delfin who are trying to convince everyone to think that we have good roads - it's NOT true. Polish roads suck (in general of course). We do have good motorways and expressways, but it is not enough for such a big country.
Believe me - in Poland EVERYONE knows how bad roads we have and nobody says they're perfect. We complain about them all the time (like the British about the weather). Perhaps that's why Poles drive so fast - we want the journey to end as quickly as possible.