Teko apsilankyt Indijoj per naujus metus, porą savaičių praleidau, tai iš tikrųjų įdomu kaip greitai pripranti prie to chaoso. Perėjos ten neegzistuoja, tai per gatvę kaip ir parodyta tiesiog lendi tarp automobilių ir motociklų. Vairuojant lygiai tas pats, jei yra tarpas kur, ten ir važiuoji, nesvarbu ar čia prieš eismą, ar ne Įdomi patirtis
Kartais ką nors įdomaus bandau parašyt ir savo blog'e (Kelionė į Indiją, Nürburgring, Kosmoso stovykla Rusijoje, gyvenimas Australijoje)
Tikiuosi manes nepasalins uz tai, nesireklamuoju nei ka, tik tai per Facebook'a mano buvusioji prirase nesamoniu apie mane, tai galvojau, toki 'payback' eilerastuka parasysiu, tai stai toks gavosi, gal jums bus linksmas, o gal ne
The Break-up song
Yesterday my girl came to my house at 3,
First thing she said, that she wants to be all free
First thing I said to her was ‘what the f**k,
We should forget about it and let’s f**k’
She gave me a slap, and called me perv
She hit me so hard, I fell to the kerb
I told her, that’s it, I’m sick of this s**t,
It’s so f**king complicated, f**k this s**t,
This is not going to work, for you I’m too fit
I told her it’s over, and this is it.
I shut my door, right in front of her face,
I also said to her, I need some more space,
So get the f**k out, leave me alone,
Looks like from now on you are on your own
This is the break-up song, for my ex
I can also tell you, she sucked at sex
I never got a head, I never got a hand,
One day I cheated with a one night stand,
She was well tanned, she was f**king fit,
Before the part with sex, she sucked my d**k
This was the best ever one night stand,
She then finished it off with her own hand
Paskutiniu metu nebegaliu pakęsti šitų šlykščių socdemų mordų. Jie patys save apsigauna, jei galvoja, kad jie patys svarbiausi (politiniu atžvilgiu) visoje Lietuvoje.
Tikiuosi manes nepasalins uz tai, nesireklamuoju nei ka, tik tai per Facebook'a mano buvusioji prirase nesamoniu apie mane, tai galvojau, toki 'payback' eilerastuka parasysiu, tai stai toks gavosi, gal jums bus linksmas, o gal ne
The Break-up song
Yesterday my girl came to my house at 3,
First thing she said, that she wants to be all free
First thing I said to her was ‘what the f**k,
We should forget about it and let’s f**k’
She gave me a slap, and called me perv
She hit me so hard, I fell to the kerb
I told her, that’s it, I’m sick of this s**t,
It’s so f**king complicated, f**k this s**t,
This is not going to work, for you I’m too fit
I told her it’s over, and this is it.
I shut my door, right in front of her face,
I also said to her, I need some more space,
So get the f**k out, leave me alone,
Looks like from now on you are on your own
This is the break-up song, for my ex
I can also tell you, she sucked at sex
I never got a head, I never got a hand,
One day I cheated with a one night stand,
She was well tanned, she was f**king fit,
Before the part with sex, she sucked my d**k
This was the best ever one night stand,
She then finished it off with her own hand
jei per ziaurus, tai istrinsiu
Tinka, va tik neseniai mečiau ir aš saviškę, tai turbūt geriau nepadainuočiau