Hi! I just remembered I've not been posting here too much, so here's a new Hki thread. It's the same one I have in SSP, though, so you may or may not have seen this one already. Anyhow, photos from the Finnish capital over the last two or so years:
Thx for your comments. Nice to see people reacting to my thread.
What is this? A shopping mall?
That's the headquarters of Sanoma-WSOY, which is a publisher of a number magazines, newspapers and books. There are however a few specialised stores and a couple of bars and cafes in the building.
didn't know it's you who posted same photos over SSP
Hah, having a different nic in diffent forums does confuse people, I know. I probably shouldn't do that.
^^ Well, no matter what you call yourself in the various forums, you'll always be Olli Molli to me!
Indeed I don't pay much attention to SSP, so this comes as a nice surprise! I do wish you had identified your pix a bit though ... you know, *some* of all those clueless foreigners would really like to know ...
Your first two photos, although of course the buildings & ergo the skyline are quite different, remind me of Tallinn: the Sea beyond the City!
I LOVE the towers on the (corner?) buildings in the 4th photo. The 6th pic: nice apartment building! Modern infill?
7, 8 & 9 a lovely night shots, although I can't really say that I'm particularly enthralled with the buildings on the right hand side of the photo. Talk about BOXES! The same boxes we see in Pic #11 during daytime no doubt.
Big REX is precisely what ought not to be built in any city center: a lowrise complex of little charm that just sits there & hogs space.
LOVE all your train station shots!
But then all of a sudden -- what's THIS?
A wooden house surrounded by mossy rocks! How far from the center of HKI?
The ice skaters in the middle of Helsinki are a fine sight as well.
And that magazine publisher's building sure is VERY nice, although of course it could have been a tad taller.
In summary: Aciu, Molo!
John was a pioneer of S&B international travel! Bold and noble, he set off long before your time on S&B as he ventured forth beyond the Baltic Sea to visit your country's capital ...
Thank you, WH, for the praise and honest critique you expressed. It is not often that people find the time to give such a well-balanced and thorough reply as you did.
I do wish you had identified your pix a bit though ... you know, *some* of all those clueless foreigners would really like to know ...
Toni keeps telling me the same thing. And you're right of course, but I fear I'm too lazy. I promise to add captions the next time.
7, 8 & 9 a lovely night shots, although I can't really say that I'm particularly enthralled with the buildings on the right hand side of the photo. Talk about BOXES! The same boxes we see in Pic #11 during daytime no doubt.
Yes, well spotted.
But then all of a sudden -- what's THIS?
That house is I guess about two kilometres from inner Hki. It's in the middle of a park, however, and not really in any way connected to the block-grid of the city. I think it's protected, but I might be wrong.