There still is many old russian lada cars in the streets.
tipiskas vakariecio iskrypimas Rytu europoje yra: prifotkinti ladu ir nusipirkti shapka-ushanka... kaip skotai tai dare pries pora dienu Vilniuje.
Taip jie "irodo" savo "civilizuotuma"
Fuck Lada!
It's a wonderful town, but needs much restoration. A lot of work has been done, but there's a lot not done yet, since it's rather big. The main centre of the old town is all under restoration, I think in a couple of years it will look much different, in a good way of course.
All Ukraine is full of old Lada, L'viv is not an exception.
A charming place, looks very Habsburg. The places that were sort of lucky to fall under Austro-Hungarian rule in XIXth century have all got this nice atmosphere (in contrast to the places that belonged to the Russian Empire in the same century..)