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Biysk - The city you have never seen [10 Mbytes!]

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    So can we assume what in near future we shuold see threads from you from the cities of Novokuznetsk or Novosibirsk ? ? ?

    Mano Flickr nuotraukos :


    Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!


      What places of Russia you haven't seen yet?
      Mano galerija Flickr'yje


        Novosibirsk and probably Tomsk it's quite realistic, but Novokuznetsk - no, I don't find it so interesting to spend my time there.

        BTW, I posted the threads on SSC about Novosibirsk two times already in 2004 and in 2005


          Parašė Siberian
          But Russia is a Northern Europe country... with small displacement to the east
          Siberian! True, Russia is a huge country that's partly in Europe, but somehow Southern Siberia doesn't quite fit into my image of Northern Europe.

          Also, perhaps that underground shopping center never got off the ground? Pardon the pun. Seems like it isn't really needed, and in that case nobody will miss it. I guess it's just that I remember the project from one of your early threads over @ you know where.
          Originally Posted by


            Parašė Whose Homepage
            Siberian! True, Russia is a huge country that's partly in Europe, but somehow Southern Siberia doesn't quite fit into my image of Northern Europe.
            Yes I understand what you mean. Russia is unique because it has culture connections as with Eastern, with Southern as with Northern Europe.
            Siberia is in Asia geographically, but culturally, it's far from Asia and I think Siberia closer to Northern Europe than to Southern for example.


              I'm SO glad we understand each other!

              And you say the thing about cultural connections very nicely.
              Originally Posted by


                Those red brick buildings are superb! Yes, city in general does not look good, but there are many charming buildings and large river.
                Wonderful thread, thanks!


                  Maybe You have pics from surroundigs (river etc.)?
                  When a man lies, he murders some part of the world


                    This time I visited only city, no surroundings...
                    But you can see the pics from my region here...


                      O wow, Siberian ... the nature is GORGEOUS!!!

                      Aciu for the link.
                      Originally Posted by

