Thank you, both of you!
@ Vaidas
Sorry, I wasn't very clear; only the people shots in the beginning of the last post were taken with my Konica-Minolta. The rest was mostly Nikon.
Let's start off with some postcard material . . .
The most beautiful part of inner city Helsinki! Full of colourful buildings and ultra modern sport cars.

World peace gift from Moscow . . . At least the place is very fitting architecture-wise.

And then let's move to something else
A nice residential building

The area in front of these buildings has been neglected for many years. Since the photo was taken, a bunch of buildings has gone under construction, their apartment prices going to million euro range.

View from the most popular beach in Helsinki

Sometimes the people of Helsinki tend to go overboard with drinking. Me? I'm always completely sober, as you can see in this photo taken with camera's self-timer. [In the middle, holding the cigarette wrong way]

There's plenty of more photos left ...
Just bit too tired to upload the rest.
@ Vaidas
Sorry, I wasn't very clear; only the people shots in the beginning of the last post were taken with my Konica-Minolta. The rest was mostly Nikon.
Let's start off with some postcard material . . .
The most beautiful part of inner city Helsinki! Full of colourful buildings and ultra modern sport cars.

World peace gift from Moscow . . . At least the place is very fitting architecture-wise.

And then let's move to something else

A nice residential building

The area in front of these buildings has been neglected for many years. Since the photo was taken, a bunch of buildings has gone under construction, their apartment prices going to million euro range.

View from the most popular beach in Helsinki

Sometimes the people of Helsinki tend to go overboard with drinking. Me? I'm always completely sober, as you can see in this photo taken with camera's self-timer. [In the middle, holding the cigarette wrong way]

There's plenty of more photos left ...
