Thanks for support ! It was a great game indeed and i liked it.
Btw, Congratulations to Ch1le and Estonia, Estonia just one the second gold medal !!! Bravo, Kristina (Kristina Smigun won 10 km classic cross country race) !!!!
Information has become a place (NSA)
Kāpēc vairot sāpes ? Lai labāk vairojas prieks ! (K. Skalbe)
Visi būtu laimingi jeigu ji ir 60 vietą būtu užėmusi. Nes kelias dienas prieš sugebėjo nepataikyti į 8 taikinius, dėlto ją jau spėjo "nurašyti" . O be reikalo tikriausiai starto jaudulis savo padarė. Bet dabar kaip matome susitvarkė ir 18 vieta tikrai puiki. Ne medalis, bet ir 18 vieta gėdos nedaro Šaunuolė ji
Also congrats to the Ukrainian biathlonist Lilia Efremova for winning bronze medal in the same sprint event
Btw, Congratulations to Ch1le and Estonia, Estonia just one the second gold medal !!! Bravo, Kristina (Kristina Smigun won 10 km classic cross country race) !!!!
I didn't really watch the sprint but really, is there something that i don't know? The last time i checked, 18th place was quite a bad place to finish in. Has it changed now?
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.