Lots of renderings - projects which are actual for Riga. Reconstructions not included.
Total cost of on-going projects presented here – 440 mio EUR. Total costs of on-going projects exceed 1 billion.
Old City
Southern part of Old Riga, brown buildings are built or planned in near future. Overpass won’t be built. It does not show actions in central and northern part of Old Riga – there is on-going a lot as well.

13 Janvara Street apartments, u/c, topped out

Modus Vivendi, u/c, topped out

„Galerija Centrs”, 30 mio EUR investment, under construction, whole new quartal.

„Vecpilsetas rezidence”, 28 mio EUR, construction on-going

Gertrudes 65, approved

New quartal at Railway Station, 10-15 mio EUR. Approved, construction will start in 2006:

Part of this quartal - „Happy Trails” hostel.

Miera iela, under construction

Another building on Miera Street, not approved yet?

Valdemara parks, quartal rebuilding, 70 mio EUR, to be started in 2006 or 2007

„Tango centrs” quartal rebuilding, approved, demolition started? 25 mio EUR

One of the buildings in „Tango centrs” – Blaumana Str 20

„Galleria Patollo” – department store, at least 50 mio EUR. Building site prepared, some approvals still pending.

Alauksta/Caka Street crossing, approved, to be started in this summer

Unnamed quartal in site of „Sporta pils”, 50-80 mio EUR, demolition works starting in March, construction in second half of this summer.

Reval Hotel Latvia extension, under construction, to be ready in April. 20 mio EUR

Bar „Sliver” at Hotel Reval Latvia, under construction

„Citadele”, under construction

Muitas 1, no approved yet, I think

„Shokolad”, under construction

Kipsala, Kliversala
Kalnciema offices, under construction

RBS Skals building, under construction

Kliversala development area, at least 180 mio EUR. Detailed design on-going, works will not start earlier than in 2007.

National Library, area fenced, nothing happening (land issues). Costs exceed 120 mio EUR.

„Da Vinci” highrise on Balasta Street, multiple times delayed, still not started but they are active. Sooner or later it will start. 57 mio EUR

Balasta dambis 11 complex. Has got some appovals, some still pending. Instead of 20 floors on this rendering it will have 24 floors.

Martina nams, under construction

Skanstes Street area
Duntes Street offices, u/c

Corner of Grostonas and Sporta Street, not approved yet but highly likely. Four 14-floorers

Rietumu Capital Centre, 23 mio EUR, under construction

Latvijas Krajbanka offices, under construction, 10 mio EUR, to be completed by the end of 2006

Duntes Ozoli, 17 floors, topped out

Lucavsala and vicinities
Lucavsala quartal (smaller part of Lucavsala project), ground preparation on-going, first 30-floorer will start in few months

Lucavsala development area, 920 mio EUR. After one year of scandals around this project now on-going talks about creating normal PPP scheme. Not started, early planning stage. Numerous highrises planned.

„Riga Plaza”, 41 000 m2 supermarket... not starting although approved and site prepared

Krasta Street area
Dienvidu tilts, under construction, total costs of whole complex – above 300 mio EUR, bridge itself – 120 mio EUR.

Operette Centre „Lacplesis” at Krasta Street, 5 mio EUR, approved, not started yet.

Zvirgzdusala complex, several buildings up to 24 floors, not approved yet. Empty land plot now.

Several highrise offices, Krasta Street, not approved yet, highly likely:

Laimes nami, under construction

Astras rezidence
Two residential towers, to be covered with glass, 22 and 24 floors. Approved, not started

Metropolia, 1 completed, 1 topped out, 3 u/c, 50 mio EUR.

Airport and airport road
Airport business city, approved, first tender on land plots (for highrises) is ending now. Up to 24 floors, 95 meters. This is not real design of buildings.

Typography, u/c, 10 mio EUR

Panorama Plaza, four highrises – two 27 floors, two – 32 floors, department store. 85 mio EUR, first 27-floorer has reached 25th floor, 32-floorer – 3rd floor is built.

28-floorer, „Spice” business centre. Preparation on-going

Airport Northern Terminal, almost completed, 9 mio EUR:

Jurmala, watchtower for tourists (close to Riga City border). Fully approved, might be u/c. 30 m high.

24-floor hotel near Livu akvaparks, not approved yet, but rather good possibility to get through

Total cost of on-going projects presented here – 440 mio EUR. Total costs of on-going projects exceed 1 billion.
Old City
Southern part of Old Riga, brown buildings are built or planned in near future. Overpass won’t be built. It does not show actions in central and northern part of Old Riga – there is on-going a lot as well.

13 Janvara Street apartments, u/c, topped out

Modus Vivendi, u/c, topped out

„Galerija Centrs”, 30 mio EUR investment, under construction, whole new quartal.

„Vecpilsetas rezidence”, 28 mio EUR, construction on-going

Gertrudes 65, approved

New quartal at Railway Station, 10-15 mio EUR. Approved, construction will start in 2006:

Part of this quartal - „Happy Trails” hostel.
Miera iela, under construction

Another building on Miera Street, not approved yet?

Valdemara parks, quartal rebuilding, 70 mio EUR, to be started in 2006 or 2007

„Tango centrs” quartal rebuilding, approved, demolition started? 25 mio EUR

One of the buildings in „Tango centrs” – Blaumana Str 20

„Galleria Patollo” – department store, at least 50 mio EUR. Building site prepared, some approvals still pending.

Alauksta/Caka Street crossing, approved, to be started in this summer

Unnamed quartal in site of „Sporta pils”, 50-80 mio EUR, demolition works starting in March, construction in second half of this summer.

Reval Hotel Latvia extension, under construction, to be ready in April. 20 mio EUR

Bar „Sliver” at Hotel Reval Latvia, under construction

„Citadele”, under construction

Muitas 1, no approved yet, I think

„Shokolad”, under construction

Kipsala, Kliversala
Kalnciema offices, under construction

RBS Skals building, under construction

Kliversala development area, at least 180 mio EUR. Detailed design on-going, works will not start earlier than in 2007.

National Library, area fenced, nothing happening (land issues). Costs exceed 120 mio EUR.

„Da Vinci” highrise on Balasta Street, multiple times delayed, still not started but they are active. Sooner or later it will start. 57 mio EUR

Balasta dambis 11 complex. Has got some appovals, some still pending. Instead of 20 floors on this rendering it will have 24 floors.

Martina nams, under construction

Skanstes Street area
Duntes Street offices, u/c

Corner of Grostonas and Sporta Street, not approved yet but highly likely. Four 14-floorers

Rietumu Capital Centre, 23 mio EUR, under construction

Latvijas Krajbanka offices, under construction, 10 mio EUR, to be completed by the end of 2006

Duntes Ozoli, 17 floors, topped out

Lucavsala and vicinities
Lucavsala quartal (smaller part of Lucavsala project), ground preparation on-going, first 30-floorer will start in few months

Lucavsala development area, 920 mio EUR. After one year of scandals around this project now on-going talks about creating normal PPP scheme. Not started, early planning stage. Numerous highrises planned.

„Riga Plaza”, 41 000 m2 supermarket... not starting although approved and site prepared

Krasta Street area
Dienvidu tilts, under construction, total costs of whole complex – above 300 mio EUR, bridge itself – 120 mio EUR.

Operette Centre „Lacplesis” at Krasta Street, 5 mio EUR, approved, not started yet.

Zvirgzdusala complex, several buildings up to 24 floors, not approved yet. Empty land plot now.

Several highrise offices, Krasta Street, not approved yet, highly likely:

Laimes nami, under construction

Astras rezidence
Two residential towers, to be covered with glass, 22 and 24 floors. Approved, not started

Metropolia, 1 completed, 1 topped out, 3 u/c, 50 mio EUR.

Airport and airport road
Airport business city, approved, first tender on land plots (for highrises) is ending now. Up to 24 floors, 95 meters. This is not real design of buildings.

Typography, u/c, 10 mio EUR
Panorama Plaza, four highrises – two 27 floors, two – 32 floors, department store. 85 mio EUR, first 27-floorer has reached 25th floor, 32-floorer – 3rd floor is built.

28-floorer, „Spice” business centre. Preparation on-going

Airport Northern Terminal, almost completed, 9 mio EUR:

Jurmala, watchtower for tourists (close to Riga City border). Fully approved, might be u/c. 30 m high.

24-floor hotel near Livu akvaparks, not approved yet, but rather good possibility to get through
