well.. my dear lithuanians... Drool over this... Maakri area: Orange building got approved, though the design is not sure yet, its 24 floor and 80m, yup, that building, the orange one... is 80m. The Yellow one is a proposed 30 storey one... and the olivegreen buildings: Thats Tornimäe
update from today
i can say that new tallin skyscrapers looks like a factorys.......so .......... you can laugh
I'm talking about skyline, not about random highrises. And the skyline is beter in Tallinn, because there is many srapers in one place, and Vilnius has only 4 of them in NMC . But as I have already said THAT IS MY OPINION.
I think that skyline of Tallinn will be quite equal to the skyline of Vilnius when these twins will be finished. Now, skyline of Vilnius looks like this (probably the best angle):
I thik the skyline of Vilnius is miles (i.e. years) ahead of Tallinn's. Might be a matter of taste but when I look at that picture [by Romas] any doubts or hesitations are gone for me.
Vilnius skyline wins by far. In terms of current state, future proposals, u/c projects and most other things.
I'm not being biased, just stating the obvious.
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
/ hehe. well, I dont understand you guys. By statistic Tallinns main skyline has MORE and HIGHER buildings!
and future proposals:
Well have a 145 to spire building uc in some months. Another 80m building just got approved and many others are waiting for approval.
So there is absolutely no basis to say That Tallinn's is behind
If you are saying that in the context and the general outlook of the skyline, then yes. Vilnius skyline (atm) does look better! But its definitely a SMALLER and less tall skyline.
And for Helios. Helios doesnt impact the skyline of Vilnius in any way (atleast the main skyline).
Vilnius skyline improved more than Tallinn's in the last year, so i don't really see how you came to this conclusion
hows that?
If im not mistaken NCC didnt get absolutely NOTHING in 2005! Tallinn's city got 2 100m+ towers!?
TWO 100M PLUS towers. How many of those Vilnius has?
and the angle at which this recent pic was taken is By far not the best angle!
and just for the kicks:
Viru Hotel (74m) isnt even in the pic, nor is Postimehe maja which would stick out in the skyline of Vilnius. try to find postimehe maja:
heres a pic of it: - its the white building. its 52m, also note the building to the left, thats 50m aswell
besides, arguing with you guys is pointless, because its so clear the bulk of you cant be objective. ANd gatis's opinion matters so much more to me