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[Lublin] - Poland

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    [Lublin] - Poland

    Lublin is the biggest city in eastern Poland and the capital of Lublin Voivodship with a population of 357,954 (2004).
    The oldest historical document mentioning the name Lublin dates from 1198.

    by sonnenkind



      Ačiū Delfinai

      Miestas labai gražus, ko gero labiausiai panašus į Vilnių iš man matytų.
      Verta užsukti važiuojant į SK, HU ar dar toliau - tik 600 km nuo Vilniaus.

      Beje, ypač įdomu pamatyti savo paties nuotraukas
      Bardzo ciekawie jest zobaczyć swoje zdjęcia
      Parašė Delfinas


        I do apologise I didnt know their yours, I hope you dont mind I posted them here


          Nice, bet ar jum neatrodo kad miestas 80prc. panašus į Vilnių?


            Parašė Hunte-r
            Nice, bet ar jum neatrodo kad miestas 80prc. panašus į Vilnių?
            Mazai kuo pan., - tipinis vidurio Europos - lenku-cekoslovaku architekturos miestas. Labiau i Praha pan., nei i Vilniu!


              miestas istikruju labai panasus i Vilniu kai kurios vietos


                hej guys who would be so nice and translate what you're talking about? that Lublin is similar to Vilnius considering old architecture?


                  Parašė Delfinas
                  hej guys who would be so nice and translate what you're talking about? that Lublin is similar to Vilnius considering old architecture?
                  Yes, some places they say.


                    Perziurejau nuotraukas ir nesuprantu kur jus tuos panasumus matot, kai kurie net 80% tarp Vilniaus ir Liublino. Gal kas idetu palyginimui, nuotrauku is Vilniaus ir salia nuotrauku is Liublino, nes as lyg Vilniu ir pazistu, bet panasumu daug tikrai nematau.

                    Translation: I don't understand where some people see many similarities of Lublin to Vilnius. Nice photos, Lublin is very beautiful city and thanks for this thread Delfin.


                      Suprantu, vilniečiams gal kitaip, bet kai Vilniuj apsilankau ~4 kartus per metus ir visų vietų nepažystu tai tikrai daug panašumų... o dar tie troleibusų laidai...


                        fresh pics by nikmin


                          Very nice, thanks, Delfinas.

                          It realy reminds Vilnius, just lacks some barocco.
                          Kaip po dykumą blaškiausi


                            Very nice photos, Delfinas. I had visited Lublin about 10 years ago. Then it looked a bit unkempt, especially after Gdansk and Krakow. But, judging from your pictures, a lot of improvements have taken place, and now Lublin is truly a beautiful city. Perhaps another visit is in order


                              Parašė kaunaz
                              Mazai kuo pan., - tipinis vidurio Europos - lenku-cekoslovaku architekturos miestas. Labiau i Praha pan., nei i Vilniu!
                              Man Liublinas labiau primena Kauna nei Vilniu...
                              Labai grazu! Aciu, Delfinas!


                                I really think Lublin is on my to-visit list, along with L'viv in Ukraine, it really looks very very beautiful, and once again I must say Polish old towns are really wonderful, and I have a couple of friends who live there around too, so I really have to organize a trip there!

                                Thanks Delfinas for the pics!



