Kazkaip man Talino centro naujoji architektura, pusdangoraiziai ziurisi graziau nei viliniskiai, atrodo racionaliai ir skoningiau, su nemazomis isimtimis kai kuriu netaiksyklingu formu pastatu, o siaip visgi Talino naujasis centras, atrodo geriau nei Vilniaus.
The overall view of this part of city looks great. Twins very well complement other tall buildings. It feels like real center of the city.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. It is that we are powerful beyond measure. Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented ? Actually, who are you not to be? As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
/ oh but that view is nothing spectacular, this view faces towards "not so city centerish" areas... thought it will develope like crazy in the coming years
well.. my dear lithuanians... Drool over this... Maakri area: Orange building got approved, though the design is not sure yet, its 24 floor and 80m, yup, that building, the orange one... is 80m. The Yellow one is a proposed 30 storey one... and the olivegreen buildings: Thats Tornimäe