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Szczecin (Stettin), Poland

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    Szczecin (Stettin), Poland

    Szczecin is a city situated in the north-west of Poland, where the river Odra meets the Baltic Sea (through Szczecin Bay). For centuries this location has been the junction for major European transit routes, from the west to the east and from the north, through the Baltic, to the south of Europe. Szczecin is also the capital of a new province, the Western Pomeranian Province.(97km far from Berlin) This is the result of the recent reform of the national administration.


    Grazios nuotraukos, grazus miestas


      Thanks again. The city from above looks really good

      Btw, try not to overload this thread and use links or thumbnails from time to time
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        Sita nuotrauka tai labai Chicagos neighbourhoodus primena


          kazkaip nelabai i Lenkija nesa

          Prie ruso man buvo geriau


            Dalis Vokietijos teritorijos, kaip kompencacija už prarastą rytų teritoriją sovietams, buvo peruodta lenkams, o Ščeščinas buvo toje teritorijoje. Taigi jsi toks pats lenkiškas kaip ir Klaipėda lietuviška
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              Parašė Mantaz
              Dalis Vokietijos teritorijos, kaip kompencacija už prarastą rytų teritoriją sovietams, buvo peruodta lenkams, o Ščeščinas buvo toje teritorijoje. Taigi jsi toks pats lenkiškas kaip ir Klaipėda lietuviška
              Mantaz a bit of history for you, as you can notice Szczecin was set by Poles and for most of its history, te city belonged to Poland



                Alonso wondered that it doesn't look like Poland so I explained that this city belonged to Germany and later transferred to Poland.

                It belonged to Germany long enough to look like a German town, I guess
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                  well considering how much it was destroyed I have doubts, but the layout of the city is very German indeed


                    Nice pictures.
                    Ačiū / Dziękuję

                    How far Szczecin in from the sea?
                    It was surprise to me that there is sea vessels quay in the center of city.


                      Romas its about 60km from the sea, there is a nice lake in the middle of the city - Jezioro Dąbie


                        Looks like it is well planned with few exceptions like those commies in upper left corner. Thanks for photos.


                          looks like a very nice city! almost like la passion du vin

                          the one thing that I really didn't like was all those elevated roads, which waste the precious space in the city centre(apparently) and they give the city(any city, really) such a cold and unfriendly feel... Those elevated roads are gonna have to be demolished some day for sure. And instead they should build some nice tree lined boulevards with cafés and pâtisseries instead

                          this is awful, such a nice old city spoilt with such awful roads:

                          btw, I have nothing against the elevated roads being built in the city outskirts, they fit well there with all the supermaket and cargo boxes


                            Very nice city indeed How many population live in there?
                            When a man lies, he murders some part of the world


                              fresh pics by Zejdzek

                              by Jarek

