Taigi pagaliau Niujorke liūdniausiai pagarsėjusiame rajone vakar prasidėjo aukščiausio Niujorko dangoraižio- Laisvės bokšto (Freedom Tower) statyba.
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A ceremony was held today, April 27, 2006, to mark the beginning of official construction of the Freedom Tower. New York Governor George Pataki, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and developer Larry Silverstein were on hand as the construction crews rolled into the site to start rearranging the pipelines for the new building. The Tower will be the tallest structure in New York city when it is completed, a date which has been set as 2011. The rest of the site should be opened completely by 2012. Tenents are still being sought for the structures, including the already-complete 7-World Trade Center, replacing a building of the same name also destryed on September 11, 2001.
Štai šiek tiek info:
A ceremony was held today, April 27, 2006, to mark the beginning of official construction of the Freedom Tower. New York Governor George Pataki, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and developer Larry Silverstein were on hand as the construction crews rolled into the site to start rearranging the pipelines for the new building. The Tower will be the tallest structure in New York city when it is completed, a date which has been set as 2011. The rest of the site should be opened completely by 2012. Tenents are still being sought for the structures, including the already-complete 7-World Trade Center, replacing a building of the same name also destryed on September 11, 2001.