mane dauguma Londono projektu ir zavi, ir stebina tuo paciu metu... Dabar tik belieka atviras klausimas - kada jie visi bus pradeti igyvendinti, nes, kiek zinau, Londone siuo metu tera statomas vos vienas apie 120m pastatas ir jokio konkretumo del kitu rimtesniu dangoraiziu nera(isskyrus kelis gan zemus dangoraiziukus, kurie galbut bus greitai pradeti statyti). Nors visi ismanantys si reikala supranta, kad nuo desimtojo desimtmecio pabaigos Londonas su tais savo projektais pramusineja gan nemaza PR, bet as bet kuriuo atveju nuosirdziai noreciau dauguma ju matyti statomus(nors man patinka toli grazu ir ne visi - skonio reikalas), tai, manau, dar labiau isjudintu ir kitus regiono miestus
Greitai permeciau renderiukus ir pastebejau kad nemazai panasiu formu pastatu yra ir Vilniuje. Tarkim Victorija, savivaldybes taueris ir t.t...
Panasiu yra ir kaip Vilniaus vartai. Neatrodo jum taip ?
Columbus Tower kiek zinau siuo metu yra on hold ir abejoju kad jis bus pastatytas.Bet tas nesvarbu : (paimta is SSC)
"It is reported in the London Office Database (Estates Gazette) that PriceWaterhouseCoopers is in talks to sign up for around 37,161 sqm (400,000 ft) of office spaces in the Shard of Glass. If the deal is successfully concluded with PwC, this would ensure that the project go ahead since a prelet of about 60% of the 54,000 sqm offices was required to start construction. The developer (CLS, Sellar, Halabi) is apparently marketing the remaining office spaces as two separate elements of about 8,500 sqm each to leading market occupiers. Caution: the deal is not yet concluded, but we have never been so close to the best news of the year."
Jei pasirasys kontraktus tada 100% kad London Bridge Tower kils.
- Irvine Sellar's landmark tower, dubbed the "Shard of Glass" by the media, will be the first building in the UK to break the
1000ft barrier. It will dwarf the likes of Tower 42 and SwissRe.
- London's first truly "mixed use" tower, the floors will be divided as follows: 0-4 Public areas and retail; 5-28 Offices;
31-33 Public area and viewing gallery; 34-52 Hotel; 53-65 Apartments; 68-71 Upper viewing gallery;
72-87 Cooling radiator.
- At the lower levels, the skyscraper will extend the existing public concourse and open up routes connecting Guy's Hospital,
King's College and the southern residential areas to the business communities stretching along the river.
- 30% less energy will be required than for a conventional tall building through the extensive use of the latest
conservation and recycling techniques and materials. A ventilated double skin façade will considerably reduce heat gain
and increase comfort close to the facade. Excess heat from the offices will be used to heat the hotel and apartments
and any additional excess heat will be dissipated naturally through a 16-storey radiator at the top of the tower.
Winter gardens with operable louvre windows will be located on each floor allowing the occupants to connect with
the outside world.
- Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the tower was structurally redesigned to improve stability and reduce
evacuation times.
- The total cost of the project is in excess of £1.2bn and includes major refurbishment of London Bridge tube and
bus stations, along with other local transport improvements.
Current Status:
Following objections from English Heritage, and a lengthy public inquiry, London Bridge Tower was given final approval by
Deputy PM John Prescott on 19th November, 2003. Sellar have given PricewaterhouseCoopers (tenants of the current site)
notice to vacate their building and say they are still fully committed to the project. They have now secured tenants - Shangri-La Hotels, who will be occupying floors 34-52 - and Transport for London who will be taking a large chunk of the
office space. Demolition of the site is confirmed to be starting by the end of 2007, with actual construction starting in 2008 and
finishing in 2011. However, it is not yet confirmed when (and where) PricewaterhouseCoopers will move to.
At 288m, the Bishopsgate Tower will form the dramatic centrepiece and soaring pinnacle of London’s financial district.
It will be over 100 metres taller than the City's current tallest building, Tower 42.
Plans for a tower on this site have been around since 2002. A previous design by Helmut Jahn was rejected after concerns
about the base and top, and its bulky appearance on the skyline. This new design, however, is more sleek and elegantly
proportioned. The architects of this new version, Kohn Pederson Fox, have created a tower which is more sensitive to the
delicate City skyline, especially from Fleet Street, and complements the neighbouring proposals extremely well.
Current Status:
A planning application was submitted in June 2005. A revised planning application with a 19m height reduction was submitted
and given final approval in April 2006. DIFA are now seeking partners to help fund and build the tower. Piling work and soil tests
recently began on site, which suggests they are getting ready for the possibilty of construction, spurred on by the imminent
groundwork of nearby competitors 122 Leadenhall and Heron, although no tenants have come forward yet. The full planning report
for the tower can be accessed by clicking here and a picture of the current site can be viewed here.
Heron Tower was "called in" by John Prescott the Secretary of State on 27th February 2001, who directed the Corporation
not to grant planning permission and instead refer the application to him. The Public Inquiry was opened on 23rd October 2001
and closed on Monday 17th December 2001. On 22nd July 2002 The Secretary of State announced his decision;
accepting and agreeing with the conclusion reached by the Inspector, and granted planning permission for the development
of the Heron Tower.
Prescott agreed that no significant harm would come to the setting of St Paul's cathedral and that some marginal impact
on heritage interests was inevitable with any major development. He acknowledged that the tower would be
"an elegant, graceful and well proportioned structure" and would contribute to the overall supply of office accommodation
in the City, as well as boosting the economy.
Since that time, London has seen numerous other towers being proposed and approved, while Heron has continued to be
delayed. Tenants of the current site, Norton Rose, have agreed to move offices to the More London development next to City Hall.
The Heron Tower scheme includes a second, smaller tower of around 90m, immediately adjacent to the main building's
north side. This is Heron Plaza and will include 250,000 sq ft of retail space.
Current Status:
An additional 4 floors have been added to the final design of Heron Tower, taking its total height to 242m, making it the 2nd tallest
planned tower in the City of London. Preliminary work is being carried out on the site before demolition and construction can begin.
Norton Rose will take occupation of their new HQ building at More London in early 2007 (the building will be handed over to Norton Rose
on 31 Dec 2006, NR will then proceed to interior fit-out). Expect them to vacate Kempson House in Q2 2007 with demolition work
well underway in Q3 2007. The core is expected to be rising by late 2008.
If built, the Leadenhall Building would become the tallest skyscraper in the City of London, at a whopping 225 metres.
It is designed by Richard Rogers, the man behind Lloyds of London, the Dome, and the Pompidou Centre in Paris. Despite its
height, the building has a relatively small amount of office space (500,000 sq ft), due to its unusual profile which means
the floorplates gradually decrease the higher up it goes. The slanting wedge-shaped design would be a stunning addition to
the London skyline. The base will feature a 90-foot high atrium that will extend the public area of St Helens whilst
providing shelter from wind and rain. Glass lifts will carry employees up the outside of the building, similar to those on the
Lloyds Building only twice the height! Click here to view the full planning report from the Corporation of London.
Current Status:
Following an eight month planning application, the building was approved on 26th October 2004. The lease on the current
site was running until 2008. However, British Land recently announced that demolition will start in early 2007, along with
construction of the foundations and basements. They already have the capital structure to build it speculatively,
and contracts have been signed - however, they will examine the supply pipeline and how the market performs in mid-2007 before
deciding whether to commence actual construction of the tower. This will put themselves in a position to give better cost and
program certainty.
This trio of towers would be situated on a 7-acre site at the northern edge of the Canary Wharf estate. Previously known
as Shed 35, the site was sold to CWG with planning permission for a mixed-use development. Development of North Quay
is likely to take place after the completion/letting of the nearby Churchill Place and Riverside South districts.
In total, the North Quay scheme will provide over 4 million sq ft of floorspace for retail and offices. As part of the Crossrail
development, a new station will be built here. A bridge designed by Will Alsop will also feature as part of the project.
Current Status:
Approved, but unlikely to start construction until 2010 or later. The main problem lies with Crossrail, part of which is going
to be running directly underneath the tower.
These twin towers, joined at the base, would be situated on the south-western edge of the Canary Wharf estate.
Accountancy giants, PricewaterhouseCoopers, have expressed an interest in taking these buildings for their new HQ.
Current Status:
Approved in summer 2004. Now that Canary Wharf is beginning to fill up with tenants, it seems likely that this project
will get underway in the not-too-distant future. A realistic estimate would be groundwork starting in late 2007.
- Energy efficiency is one of the Vauxhall Tower's most important aspects. The structure is topped by a wind turbine, which
will power the tower's common lighting. At the base of the tower, water will be drawn from the London Aquifer and heat pump
technology will be used to remove warmth from the water in the winter to heat the apartments. The tower will require one
third of the energy compared to a similar building and CO2 release will be between one half and two thirds of normal
emissions. It will be triple glazed to minimise heat loss and gain, with low ‘e’ glazing and ventilated blinds between the glazing
to further reduce heat gain.
- If built, Vauxhall Tower would be the tallest residential building in the United Kingdom and one of the tallest in Europe. The
total height from the basement is 185.4m (608.3ft) - 180.6m (592.5ft) of which is above ground. There is 1 basement floor,
1 ground floor (with mezzanine), 48 residential floors and a mechanical penthouse, all topped by an 11.4m (37.4ft) tall
wind turbine.
Current Status:
Following ongoing advice from the government architectural body CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built
Environment), two revised planning applications were submitted and subsequently withdrawn. A final decision was made by the
ODPM in April 2005 and the tower was approved. It has been confirmed that construction won't start until 2008, however.
Originally proposed at 70-storeys/220m, this has now been reduced in height, and the footprint has been shrunk.
The building will taper in at the bottom to provide uninterrupted views from Waterloo of London Bridge Tower,
which should fit right between it and Kings Reach Tower. It will stand in a very prominent location, and a public
viewing gallery will be located on the top 2 floors, offering stunning views across the capital. The building will
feature a 6-star hotel and luxury apartments, each with their own internal conservatory space as with 1 Deansgate
in Manchester.
Current Status:
Still in pre-planning, but likely to be approved by Southwark Council. They appear to be supportive of the scheme.
The site has already been demolished, but construction is unlikely to start before 2008, however.
This is a 47-storey mixed-use development and would be one of the tallest buildings on London's South Bank.
Its height and location make this a controversial project, as it would infringe on famous views from St James' Park.
It would also interfere with views from the pods in the London Eye. For many people, the design and aesthetics of
the tower are also unappealling. It cannot be denied, however, that this project would greatly help in
regenerating the surrounding area, improving pedestrian links and other amenities.
Current Status:
A planning application was submitted in May 2006. Despite its height and the controversial location, it stands a fair to moderate chance
of being approved, as the developers have spent a great deal of time consulting with Southwark Council.
This tower has been planned for several years now. It would stand in a very prominent location, at the very heart
of the City cluster, between Heron and Tower 42. It was initially rumoured to be 260m/55 storeys, but is now reported
to be 165m/40 storeys. Construction is unlikely to start for around 5 years, however, due to the site lease.
Current Status:
A planning application was submitted by Great Portland Estates in September 2006.
British Land announced they would build this skyscraper, the Broadgate Tower, speculatively (i.e. without a pre-let). It will stand
on the northern edge of the City, quite far from the main cluster, but still in a fairly prominent location next to the Broadgate Complex.
Along with the adjoining 63m building, 201 Bishopsgate, it will contain a vast amount of floorspace, over 850,000 sq ft.
This proposal, already nicknamed the "Walkie Talkie", would be located at the southern end of the cluster,
near the Thames. It would replace an existing 91m building from the 1960s and would significantly bulk out the
skyline when viewed from Waterloo Bridge. If approved, Land Securities plans to start building in the third quarter
of 2007. Opinions are very divided on this tower's unusual design. Following criticism about its height and impact
on the views of St Pauls Cathedral, it has been reduced by 9 floors from 45 to 36. The new height is thought to be 160m.
Current Status:
A revised planning application with a 9 floor height reduction was submitted in July 2006 and the developers hope
to start construction in Q3 2007 if the scheme is approved. They have confirmed it will be built speculatively. Most of
the current site has already been vacated.
This huge residential development is planned for a site on Harbet Road in Paddington. A great deal of regeneration
is underway in this part of London, and this is the tallest building yet proposed for the area. It will contain a total of 223
apartments, 68 units of which are affordable housing that will occupy the lowest ten floors of the scheme.
The tower "steps down" to the west, and has a sheer glazing shield running up the southern side, reaching 150m.
Several other buildings are planned as part of Merchant Square, ranging in height from 49-66m.
Current Status:
Proposed, awaiting consent. Given the massive need for housing in London, it stands a reasonably good chance
of going ahead.
The name of this tower - full of luxury apartments including a cocktail bar on the 50th floor - was recently changed
from 1 Milharbour to the Pan Peninsula Tower, as part of its marketing programme. It will be one of
the tallest residential buildings in the country.
This project has been around since 2000. It was originally proposed as 6 towers, the tallest being 157m. It was then proposed
as a single tower of 171m, but following complaints from local residents this was cut down to 131m before being approved.
Work began in May 2006 and is expected to be completed by 2008. It shares the same architect and developer as the
nearby Pan Peninsula Tower, also under construction.
Foster’s second major tower for the City of London, this will stand opposite the Lloyds Building and SwissRe.
All 400,000 sq ft of the building has been let to the Willis Group, who wanted “an iconic building” for their new HQ.
Current Status: Under construction! The official word is that cladding will be complete by Christmas up to level 15,
with the remainder by 31st March 2007. The smaller Fenchurch Avenue Building will be complete by 26th January.
Pioneer Point is a complex of two interlinked towers, the tallest to the north, and will stand close to the site of the Olympics.
It is a residential development and the height will be 105m/31 storeys.
This lipstick-shaped tower will become one of the tallest residential developments in the Docklands. It was given a
height increase to 104m. Construction is nearly finished and the building has topped out.
The old Stock Exchange tower, in the heart of the City, is set to undergo a major renovation. This will involve a
complete recladding of the exterior, and substantial expansion of the internal office space. A crane recently arrived on site,
meaning this project is now active. Work is set to be completed in early 2007 and once finished it will contain more than
45,000 square metres of refurbished office space, plus 2,500 square metres of new retail space on the lower floors and
new pedestrian links joining Old Broad Street with Throgmorton Street.
Hmz baigti 2006?Negirdejau dar to.
Leadenhall 2007 prades statyt (nors jau dabar veiksmas ten vyksta ty - tikrina zeme greit prades griaut ten esanti pastata).
Bishopsgate Tower - dar neaisku ar statys.
LBT 2007 prades.
Dabar Canary Wharfe 100metrinius stato kai juos baigs tada prades Riverside South statyt.
Leadenhall LBT ir jei viskas bus gerai Bishopsgate bus pastatyti 2010-2012.
Canary Wharf has recently successfully concluded the prelet/presale of massive bespoke head offices at 20 Churchill Place (CP, State Street), 5 CP (Bear Stearns), and 15 Canada Square (KPMG). The vacancy rate in the estate now stands around its 'natural rate' or 4%-5%.
Meanwhile Canary Whard indicated in their latest interim result they will start construction on Riverside South when and as market conditions permit. These conditions are now fullfilled to kickstart the speculative building of Riverside South.
Riverside South is the largest single office european development (around 300,000 sqft gross). It needs its own electricity substation (see map herebelow).
EDF ('Electricité de France'), French electricity giant has been awarded the contract 'to allow the Westferry Circus Substation capacity to be increased to cater for the increasing demand in the area, in particular the proposed Riverside South development'. Works on the substation are due to start yet in 2006 for a delivery date in 2009 to match the possible delivery date of Riverside South in 2009. Canary Wharf has not yet given precise date for starting the construction of Riverside South but it is believed construction could start as early as April 2007.