Po ilgų derybų ir diskusijų, 2012 metais buvo priimtas sprendimas perkelti Kirunos centrą 3 km. rytų kryptimi.
Iš wikipedia.
Pagal pirminį planą, miestas bus perkeliamas palaipsniui:

Kaip matome aukščiau pateiktose schemose, kuo labiau bus plečiamas karjeras, tuo toliau bus perkeliama gyvenvietė.
In June 2010, the municipal council decided that the town would be moved eastwards, in the direction of Tuolluvaara, instead of the proposed northwestern location. (...)
The re-development of Kiruna is a reconstruction project of Swedish mining town Kiruna, as the Kirunavaara mine, run by LKAB, undermines the current town center. Several buildings are to be moved or demolished. The town center is to be moved 3 kilometers to the east.
The re-development of Kiruna is a reconstruction project of Swedish mining town Kiruna, as the Kirunavaara mine, run by LKAB, undermines the current town center. Several buildings are to be moved or demolished. The town center is to be moved 3 kilometers to the east.
Pagal pirminį planą, miestas bus perkeliamas palaipsniui:

Kaip matome aukščiau pateiktose schemose, kuo labiau bus plečiamas karjeras, tuo toliau bus perkeliama gyvenvietė.