@Brixton : idomus nikas Patinka Brixton'as?Heh nei kart nesu ten buves - ne del to kad bijociau (isai is tikro labai ramus rajonas tik velai vakare nepatartina Coldharbour Lane'u vienam vaiksciot)
@Marciukas : mano draugam irgi nepatiko Londonas (jie visa vasara pas mane buvo) bet cia nuo zmogaus priklauso - jiems pvz yra idomiau sedet klp pas koki nors draugeli namie ir gert alu nei apziurinet Londona (vaiksciot po muziejus parkus etc.)Man asmeniskai Londonas yra labai cool miestas.
As zmogus prie meno,dievinu galerijas ir muziejus o Londone jie dar ir for free
Man labiausiai atminty įstrigo London Museum of Science - jame galima nesunkiai praleist 3 ar daugiau dienų, ir tai turbūt jaustųmeisi ne viską pamatęs
Tikrai super muziejus!
(Arba bent jau man taip atrodė, kai ten lankiausi prieš 3,5 metų, kai buvau 17-os, nors dabar patiktų gal dar labiau )
@Brixton : idomus nikas Patinka Brixton'as?Heh nei kart nesu ten buves - ne del to kad bijociau (isai is tikro labai ramus rajonas tik velai vakare nepatartina Coldharbour Lane'u vienam vaiksciot)
Siaip tai patinka. O Brixtone teko gyventi pora menesiu Nera labai saugus rajonas. Siaip patariu nuvaziuot sestadieni i Brixton market, labai gera vieta ir idomus juodu turgus. O del Londono tai mano miestas, praleidau ten kazkada 2 nuostabius metus, o va praejusi savaitgali ten buvau po 6 metu pertraukos. Jis ir liko super
Cool foto as tai tik keturias tepasilikau Tas nelabai zinomas highrise'as i kaire nuo BT Tower vadinasi Euston Tower
Cia viena foto padaryta Covent Garden'e.Visai miela butybe :
P.S.Jo reik kada vel eit paparacint labai geras uzsiemimas.
Lietuvininku atsiprasau uz english kalba.Dekui.
The East End of London was in Victorian England a place outcast from the city both economically and socially.Some nine hundred thousand people lived in this teaming slum. Here the cattle and sheep would be herded through the streets of Whitechapel to the slaughterhouses nearby where they were bludgeoned, bleating with fear and pain.The streets were stained with blood and excrement.Rubbish and liquid sewage gave the area a horrible smell.
This street is in the East End. There is no need to say in the East End of what.The East End is a vast city...a shocking place...an evil plexus of slums that hide human creeping things; where filthy men and women live on...gin, where collars and clean shirts are decencies unknown,where every citizen wears a black eye,and none ever combs his hair.
Arthur Morrison,Tales of Mean Streets.
2.The Ten Bells Pub.
On the corner of Commercial Street and Fournier Street in Spitalfields stands perhaps the most famous pub in Ripper history. The Ten Bells Pub has been standing since at least 1752 (Begg, Fido & Skinner, 1996). The pub has undergone one name change. From 1976 to 1988, it was known as "The Jack the Ripper". Since 1988 it was given its original name of "The Ten Bells".
Although the exterior of the building has been rebuilt (Begg et al, 1996), the interior remains much the same as it did since the days of Jack the Ripper. As you enter the Ten Bells, you are indeed stepping back in time to the days of the Autumn of Terror. The back wall of the pub has a beautiful tile picture "Spitalfields in the Olden Time". This must be seen in person to really appreciate.
On the wall opposite the bar is a giant sign listing the victims of Jack the Ripper. Although it is generally accepted by most ripperologists that Jack the Ripper murdered only 5 victims, the large sign shows six, with Martha Tabram being named first. This was based on the theory that the murders were based on black magic. Five mutilated victims were needed for the black magic theory to work. Elizabeth Stride was not mutilated. Her throat was cut. The theorist therefore, had to go back in time to find another victim that was mutilated in order for the theory to work. Since Martha Tabram (aka Turner) was stabbed 39 times, he counted this murder as a mutilation. Thus Martha Tabram now becomes the first victim on the giant Jack the Ripper board at the Ten Bells. The remainder of the wall displays interesting newspaper clippings about Jack the Ripper as well as possible suspects and theories.
Labai blogai kad nebuvai East Ende yra labai daug idomiu dalyku (gaila kad dauguma zmoniu stengias ta vieta aplenkt) aisq reik zinot kur juos rast Kada nors padarysiu platesne tema.