Ha, Broken Cloud! What a charming and delightfully eclectic selection of Florida pictures! Of all the States, it surely has its own character and isn't ashamed of it. I can't say that I've really ever been there ... I just asked our friend to stop the car for a moment so I could put my foot on Florida soil (we somehow hit Florida for a few miles during a tour of Southern Georgia).
The Baltic Apartments sure were a surprise! I wonder how they came up with that name? A bit forbidding if you ask me ... very few small windows and a rounded archway ... are those (building)characteristics of the Baltic/Baltic countries????
Žavingas miestas. Aš sutinkčiau gyventi FL kokį pusmetį, kitu laiku ( vasarą ) geriau sėdėti kur nors Wisconsin'e. Su liūdesiu pažiūrėjau į apelsinų nuotraukas - artejanti šalčio banga gali sunaikinti šių metų derlių ( Kalifornijoj jau tą padarė ).
Beje, kiek žinau St. Petersburg'e yra Salvadoro Dali muziejus, gal teko ten pabūvoti?
Ha, Broken Cloud! What a charming and delightfully eclectic selection of Florida pictures! Of all the States, it surely has its own character and isn't ashamed of it. I can't say that I've really ever been there ... I just asked our friend to stop the car for a moment so I could put my foot on Florida soil (we somehow hit Florida for a few miles during a tour of Southern Georgia).
The Baltic Apartments sure were a surprise! I wonder how they came up with that name? A bit forbidding if you ask me ... very few small windows and a rounded archway ... are those (building)characteristics of the Baltic/Baltic countries????
And some of those signs are a hoot!
Yeah, Whose Homepage, it is eclectic place! Very urbnized, yet at the same time rural, having this Southern Hispanic charm but also very American, established by a Russian, but black and, yes, Lithuanian.
Baltic Apartments- perhaps the arch was inspired by Lithuanian castles, but otherwise it is typical to Florida. Both Baltic Apts. and Venta Condo are inhabited by Lithuanian pensioniers of older generation.