Visiems kazkodel patinka tik Ferrari puikus automobilis, ypac smagu matyti retsykiais issirikiavusius 5-8 Ferrari kartu vaziuojancius. Gali buti, kad kazkur nelabai toli musu namu yra ju klubas
O jei jau apie klubus... Plyteliu su uzrasais nuotraukos buvo dalis salygatvio prie gana idomaus U.S. kariskiu klubo.
Pasirodo mus befotografuojancius pakalbino ir i metine svente Memorial Day Parade siam pirmadieniui pakviete Commander Salvia su zmona, jis vienas is klubo vadovu, gana draugiskas idomus zmogus- pasitempes apie sesiasdesimt keliu metu italu palikuonis. Jei planai nesugrius, bandysime sudalyvauti tenai Zmones, kurie savo nuosavu kailiu pajuto parako skoni, laidojo zuvusius draugus, gana daznai labai nori taikos ... dauguma mano pazystamu amerikieciu labai nori kuo greitesnes karo Irake pabaigos, daznai prie nuosavu namu galima pamatyti lenteles, uzrasus NO WAR !
Truputis istorijos is klubo tinklapio kam idomu:
In August, 1919, a group of World War I veterans held their first meeting in the local board of Commerce rooms and organized an American Legion Post.
The Post was named after Ernest F. Oldenburg (pictured below), a soldier of the 32nd Red Arrow Division who was killed in action in France and who had enlisted from this locality.
The following were the 17 Charter Members of the Post:
Chester W. Arms, Edwin C. Boyle, Perry F. Ellis, Everett B. Strange
Theron R. Arms, Vincent E. Boyle, Chester Hamilton, Edward Thornhill
Harold W. Avery, Harold D. Cole, Albert W. Johnson, Gary N. Watson
D. C. Black, Merle Dustin, Roy S. Pittenger, Frank E. Vincent
Mildred E. Boyle
A Post Service Officer was appointed to give assistance and advice to all ex-servicemen and their families in obtaining their just dues and benefits from the various government agencies and providing emergency aid when necessary-this service has been carried through the years to the present day.
In 1920 the Post gave its first Annual Thanksgiving feather party as a means of raising funds to carry on the service work of the Post. This event is still an annual activity.
In 1921 the Post purchased the G.A.R. Hall from the LeFavor Post No. 181 of the Grand Army of the Republic and took over all the patriotic activities such as the Memorial Day parade and the decoration of graves of veterans of all wars. This is still kept up.
1922 saw the formation of the first Woman's Auxiliary to the Post.
1924: The Legion Post took up the sponsorship of the local Boy Scout Troup N. 33 and has continued this to the present time.
1926, 1927, 1928, 1929: These were all years which saw progress made, Post activities were increased, grave decoration extended to cemeteries in surrounding communities and ceremonies conducted at each of them.
1931: The Post reached a new high in membership and received its first National Citation for distinguished service, many members attended the Legion National Convention held in Detroit.
New Post Colors were presented to the Post by the only woman member, Mildred Boyle, and she was given a life membership in the Post for her fine gesture. The first Poppy Day conducted by the Legion was held in Milford, and annually since. All proceeds of Poppy Days are used for local welfare only.
1936 saw greatly increased activity by members assisting ex-servicemen in filling out the bonus applications, and which were paid during the year. Post membership reached a new high. Memorial Day exercises were extended to the cemeteries at Wixom, Walled Lake, Commerce, and Highland and a big parade staged in Milford
1937: The Post was very active in assisting in relief for the Ohio Valley floods and sent a truck with food and clothing into the area, receiving a Department citation for the work. Flags were presented to all the schools in the Post area by the Post.
1938: This was the year of greatest activity to-date. Entertainment activities were continued and considerable funds raised, the contract on the Legion Hall was paid off and the mortgage burned. Safety signs were placed at approaches to the village, traffic cloaks and hats were presented to the School Safety Patrol. School Award Medals were first provided for the four major schools in the Post areas and have been continued annually since. These awards are for "Americanism." The American Legion's "Wolverine Boys' State" was first started and seven boys were sent from Milford and the Post has continued to send boys to this educational program every year since.
1939: Lake frontage was obtained by the Post at Higgins Lake for cottages for members under the Legion's project.
1940: Post youth activity program was extended, free medical examinations given to all children partaking in any youth activity by the Post's Child Welfare Officer. A stone commemorating the Post was installed in the memorial shaft at the Michigan State Fair Grounds.
1941: A wheel chair and six pairs of crutches were obtained by the Post and held for the use of anyone in the community needing them. The outbreak of World War II started Post members in many of the National Defense activities.
1942: Civilian Defense activities became our main effort during this year. Most of the Post members became members of the various Civilian Defense groups in their own communities, many taking leadership in training programs.
1943: Many new activities were undertaken during the year in aid of the war effort, such as collection of old phonograph records, books, magazines, and other items to send to men in the services. Four members of the post had joined the service again. The Post erected and is maintaining the Community Honor Roll of all entering the armed services from this area.
1944: New projects taken on, the collection of funds and playing cards, support of the Legion's G.I. Bill by sending petitions and telegrams to our Senators and Congressmen. The Honor Roll now contains over 600 names. Many other things are being done toward making our Post an organization that the returning service men and women will want to join. The Legion Hall has been considerably improved, undergoing a complete interior redecoration and is made a much more attractive social center for the entertainment and association of the members and visitors.
Post 216 History, 1944 - Present
More additions will be made upon review and research by the current Post Historian. Pictured on the left shows the present Legion Hall as construction began in 1946
... ir t.t.
Zinau,kad yra daug besidominciu militaristinemis temomis. Jei kam tikrai idomu - parasykite, duosime klubo adresus. Lietuvoje dar daug vyru, su siaubu sapnuojanciu TSRS armijoje praleistus metus. Daug Afganistane ir kitur traumuotu lietuviu lig sios dienos reikalinga psichologu ir prichoterapeutu pagalba Deja... liudna realybe.
Vaziuojame i Milforda, jo senamiesti. Tokia provincialiska ramybe ir idilija
Bebriukas plaukioja miesto ezeriukyje, zmones ilsisi namuose.
Miestelio senamiestis pradetas statyti apie 1890 metais. Kai kur islike statybos metai ant pastatu. Senamiestis uztvertas saligatviu remonto darbams, galima ramiai pasivaikscioti. Veikia tik viena kavine, dirba remontininkai.
Skelbimas virsuje skelbia apie busima MEMORIEL DAY parada.
Panasu, kad naudojamas, bet tik minimaliai
Ne taip kaip kiti cionai- zeme dunda diena nakti. Nelabai toli musu namu gelezinkelio atsaka is FORD gamyklos- masiniukai isriedineja vakarais, naktimis pakrauti esalonais dunda. Rodos ir atstumas nemazas - o kaip girdisi
O cia tai tikras "naudojimas".
Poreles is tikruju pasivaikscioti begiais buvo iseje. Lyg i Laisves aleja...
Trumpai sugryztam i musu poilsio parka.
Pries kuri laika i sia ir i Pauksciu tema buvom ideje gulbes, zasis, gandrus sedincius lizduose.
Jau dziaugiames mazaisiais...
Uzsukame pasiziureti kaip sekasi gulbems ir gandrams. Jie atskirame draustinyje.
Tiltas pelkeje, kuriuo vaiksciojame.
Jie labai toli ir aukstai medyje,taciau jaunikliai jau matosi
O gulbes lizdas jau tuscias. Pagaliau randame ir ja. Ir ne viena
Nors lizdas kazin kur toli, sis bjaurybiukas atskrenda akis draskyti vos per pusmetri metra - velnioniskai ikyrus jo riksmas... po to nuskrenda atgal saugoti lizdelio.
Kazkas paliko maisto voveriukui. Stovim vos per 1,5- 2 metrus, jis stebi, bet nesijudina.
Pelkeje taip pat sociai mazyliu.
Sitie graziausi ka besakytu pasaku kurejai. Tikrai ne bjaurieji anciukai...
Mama su tevu mokina kaip rankiotis maista, o jie kartoja...
Si gulbe dar vis sedi ir peri pacioje pelkes gludumoje.
Antys gerokai mazesnes ir kuklesnes, nelenda taip ikyriai prie kitu pauksciu, slapstosi su mazyliais nendrese.
Musu numyletinis - baltasis gandras.
Sita zoraza -vandenine gyvate. Ji supyko prisiartinus su kamera, iskele galva is vandens ir eme grasinti. Jausmas ne is maloniuju ...
O siaip -taika ir ramybe, pauksciai gana tolerantiski vieni kitiems. Gulbes gana arti prisileidzia gandrus. Kiti pauksciai prie ju taip arti retai prisiartina.
Medziai - tiek zaliuojantys, tiek sausuoliai apaugo vijokliais. Panaseja i dziungles...
Vakaras geras zvejybai...
... bet visos zuvys, jomis trumpai pasidziaugus, grizta i vandeni...
Is pelkes iseiname jau stipriai sutemus, bet tikrai - ne paskutiniai.
Cia ne pauksciai, bet jie - tai aukstai danguje, tai vel vandenyje. Ir mes labai dziaugemes jais, sugrizusiais i musu kaimynini ezera
Griztam i Milford'a.
Kaip jau minejome, turejome asmenini Joseph M. Salvia, Parade Chairman pakvietima i Memorial Day Parade (Atminimo dienos parada).
Va kokius siurprizus kartais iskrecia klaidziojimas su fotoaparatu po idomias vietas
Tai labai stipriai patriotine amerikieciu svente, svenciama visuomet paskutini geguzes pirmadieni. Tai diena, skirta pagerbti ir paminei visus zuvusius ir nukentejusius bet kuriame kare, kuriame dalyvavo amerikieciai - pilietiniame, 2-ame pasauliniame, Vietnamo ir t.t...
Siaip, tai kazkuom primenanti geguzes 9-taja Pergales diena, svenciama daugelyje Europos saliu.
Rytas. Gerai nuteikia greitkeliu vaziuojanti apie 65 myliu per valanda "senute".
Kooookia nuostabi bagazine... bet pasirodo ji siausia i kita kazkuri parada...
Atvaziuojam gera valanda pries parada pagal anksciau gautus nurodymus. Miestelio centre jau galybe pristatytu sulankstomu kedziu - jau laukiama parado.
Klubas. Zmoniu ir automobiliu jau nemazai.
Nesijaudinkite - siu senuciu "garazo ispardavime" dar neisparduoda. Jos dalyvaus parade.
Stai ir klubo kiemas. Jis beveik pilnas parado dalyviu.
Turbut zinote, ka reiskia trikampiu sulankstyta veliava...
Ramiai nardau su fotoaparatu, veteranai tam ir susirinko - kad butu matomi...
O stai ir musu komandoras pasirodo. Vos beatpazystame
Jis antroje nuotraukoje kalba i mikrofona.
Jaunosios atzalos fotografuojasi
Pasisveciave klube einame i miesta. Reikia susirasti bent kokia patogesne vieta fotografavimui. O tai pasirodo nera lengva- zmoniu daug visame ruoze, kuriuo zygiuos parado dalyviai.
Nesinori komentuoti parado dalyviu - ir taip viska matote. Na bent dali to, ka mateme mes. Automobiliuose - karo veteranai. Kaip ir tie, kurie dar zingsniuoja patys...
Kas susipazines su karo technika - atskirs kas kur ir su kuom...
Taciau sis automobilis tikrai isskirtinis.
Pearl Harbor - tai jau iskirtine antrojo pasaulinio karo istorija...
Daug ziurovu atsistojo is savo kedziu ir plojo kai paradas tik prasidejo. Dalis is ju atsisedo ir ramiai ziurejo. fotografavo...
Bet kai si kolona pasirode ir joje dalyvaujantys karo veteranai savo ratukuose - atsistojo visi (iskyrus mazus vaikiukus) ir ritmiskai plojo... buvo kazkas dar niekada nematyto - bent jau as tokio patriotiskumo nemaciau niekada ir niekur...
Paskutinis zingsniavo komandoras M.Salvia ir mojo ramiai besisypsodamas zmonems Deja nebepavyko nufotografuoti grazios nuotraukos - minia pasipyle i gatve...