Thank you also for giving me the link to this thread--I might never have found it without your help.
Your pictures, both from the air and from the ground, are fabulous. We lived in Upper Manhattan for 6 years before moving to California, so I know the place fairly well.
Now I'm looking forward to Hotlanta as seen through your eyes and the lense of your camera.
mantaz<<< Tiesa sakant susidare ispudis, kad Atlanta grazesne uz NYC ??? tau taip neatrodo ?
Sunku pasakyt, nes NYC tik vieną gatvę mačiau, bet, kaip daug kas sako, JAV miestai yra daugmaž vienodi, tiesą sakant šiam posakiui pritariu, nes buvau Šarlotėj ir architektūra ten labai panaši į Atlantos
Alas I haven't been there in a while ... and of course we avoid the place in summer for obvious reasons. We have a friend in some sort of Buckhead condominium--she'll let us stay at her place when we go to Georgia to visit my mother-in-law for her birthday in October.
Atlanta is HUGE! And getting ever bigger! I must admit I don't see a whole lot of city planning there ... it all seems like sort of a jumble ... but I must say the overall effect isn't bad.
Ka as galeciau pasakyti Mantai tai SUPER nuotraukos !Nerealiai grazios ir ispudingos, bet tai kad wieni dangoraiziai manau "kada nors" gal ir musu Lietuwele taip isaugs!!!
Ka as galeciau pasakyti Mantai tai SUPER nuotraukos !Nerealiai grazios ir ispudingos, bet tai kad wieni dangoraiziai manau "kada nors" gal ir musu Lietuwele taip isaugs!!!
Ne, Atlantoj daug dangoraižių nėra ir kažko kito nelabai fotografavau, tad taip ir išėjo