Parašė John
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TH. Bankokas / Bangkok
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Kiek rovė - neišrovė. Kiek skynė - nenuskynė. Todėl, kad tu - šventovė, todėl, kad tu - Tėvynė !!!
New Thai airport opens to acclaim
By Kate McGeown
BBC News, Suvarnabhumi airport
The new airport was first planned more than 40 years ago
Bangkok's state-of-the-art new airport did not have the most auspicious start.
Since development started more than 40 years ago, it has been mired by a series of construction problems, corruption allegations and even claims of a resident ghost.
If that was not enough, the man who championed the project, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, was overthrown by the military in last week's coup.
But despite all the fears of disruption
and chaos, Suvarnabhumi Airport's first official day in operation went without any major hitches.
"It's modern, fresh and clean, and it's all very organised," said Torill Seter Braithe, who flew in from Norway this morning.
"I've had no problems at all, so far," said Kirk Miller, a tourist who had just checked in his bags to return to the UK, in the spacious and airy departure hall.
Several people reported delays in collecting their luggage, though.
"We had to wait about an hour for our bags," said Constance Wong, who travelled to Bangkok from Hong Kong with her family. "And we couldn't find the luggage belt for ages, as the airport display board wasn't updating properly."
Thai TV even filmed a small protest, with people shouting: "Give me back my luggage".
We had to wait about an hour for our bags
Constance Wong (pictured on the right)
But in general the glitches were minor, and most people seemed impressed by the $4bn glass and steel airport, which - when fully operational - will be able to handle 76 flights an hour and 45 million passengers a year.
Thailand hopes Suvarnabhumi - which means Golden Land - will boost the country's vital tourist industry, and make Bangkok a regional transport centre to rival Hong Kong and Singapore.
Local people seem optimistic this airport will do just that. "It's bigger than the old airport, and it will help Thailand's image abroad," said Udomporn Kiatomawatchakul, who had taken some time off work in central Bangkok to watch flights take off and land from the observation deck.
"I'm not travelling today. I just wanted to see the airport to be part of history," she said.
While the opening day has proved successful, it is understandable why sceptics had feared the worst.
Suvarnabhumi has been dogged by controversy since its inception.
Built on a piece of land which had the ominous name of Cobra Swamp, the resident snakes were allegedly replaced by other, equally slimy, characters - profiteers and corrupt officials eager to use their political contacts to their advantage.
Politicians and their friends have been accused of buying up land in advance of construction, to sell on again at huge profits.
The purchase of the airport's high-tech X-Ray scanners has also been tainted by allegations of corruption.
The new airport is modern, light and spacious
There were several serious construction problems as well, including a fire that swept through a catering hall, killing a member of staff, and cracks that were found in the main runway.
Then there were the many delays. Late last year Mr Thaksin symbolically opened the airport, in order to stick to the official schedule, but no one was fooled that it was anything like ready for business.
Last Tuesday's military coup, which ousted Mr Thaksin, raised concerns that there would be yet more delays, until the new ruling generals announced that the airport would open as planned.
Even supernatural forces seem to have been against Suvarnabhumi, and dozens of people reported seeing ghosts during the construction process.
Over the weekend, 99 monks and Brahmin priests were called in to perform a ceremony to appease the spirits of the animals that had lost their habitat to make way for the massive new building.
Whether it was the weekend ceremony or the intense years of planning that finally proved the detractors wrong, Suvarnabhumi appears ready and waiting for the millions of tourists who visit Thailand every year.
Now all that remains to be seen is whether they still want to come - not because of anything to do with the gleaming new airport, but due to the country's unstable political situation.
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Parašė JohnSuvrnabhumi oro uostas atidarytas vos pernai. Buvo teigiama, kad tai didziausias oro uosto terminalas pasaulyje, taciau Wikipedijoje rasoma, kad tai antras didziausias terminalas (po Honkongo oro uosto). Architektura palieka nebloga ispudi tiek isoreje, tiek viduje. Projektas kainavo $3,8 mlrd., turi du kilimo/tupimo takus po 4000 ir 3700m ilgio bei auksciausia pasaulyje kontroles boksta
Parašė JohnTikrai nenustebciau, nes Tailanda be korupcijos butu tiesiog sunku isivaizduoti. Korupcija cia ne tokia, kaip ja suvokiame mes. Pati valdzia atvirai toleruoja kai kuriu istatymu nesilaikyma ir taisykliu lauzyma. Tiesiog mes zinome, kad jie zino, o jie zino, kad mes zinome, kad jie zino. Visi lyg ir patenkinti. Tai dalis Tailando zavesio
Svarbu, kad karalius savo vietoje, o Buda ir toliau ramiai snaudzia pasivertes ant sono.
Kas keisciausia, apie perversma negirdejau nei vieno blogo zodzio, matyt Thakshin'as jau buvo galutinai visus uzknises. Apie perversma pasakojo kaip apie atrakcija: "nejom i darba, ejom su vaikais fotografuotis prie tanku".
na kaip matau po mano paskutinio apsilankymo apart naujo terminalo ten niekas nepasikeite ir buda miega ir zmones sypsosi , ir korupcija klesti.."I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace." —Washington, D.C. June 18, 2002
- George W. Bush President of the USA
Parašė a_p Rodyti pranešimąNa, vietiniai buvo akivaizdziai not amused, lankiausi mazdaug menesi po mineto aerouosto atidarymo, tai dar nebuvo pamirse. Matyt perlipo ir ju pakantumo ribas.
Kas keisciausia, apie perversma negirdejau nei vieno blogo zodzio, matyt Thakshin'as jau buvo galutinai visus uzknises. Apie perversma pasakojo kaip apie atrakcija: "nejom i darba, ejom su vaikais fotografuotis prie tanku".
Parašė Marius Rodyti pranešimąNa dėdė John'as aiškiai mėgsta didelius ir dar didesnius miestus, bet turbūt dar daugiau tokių žmonių, kurie mėgsta "ne tokius didelius" Bet to čia juk Rytų Azija
Dar butinai bus blizguciais apkabineta sventykla (kiekvienam kaime praktiskai tokia pati) beigi didziai mylimo karaliaus "altorelis" su paveikslu, gelytem etc.
Va kas istikro idomu, tai apleistu senoviniu miestu griuvesiai, tokie kaip Sukhothai (mano nuotraukos deja popierines).
Be to europietis, su europietiškomis pajamomis ten turėtų jaustis gana neblogai.
Parašė John14.
McDOnald'o klounas visus maloniai pasitinka tailandietisku stiliumi
Man iki siol neaisku, kodel beveik visi japonisku automobiliu modeliai Europoje ir JAV/Azijoje skirtingi, o Azijoje ir JAV dazniausiai vienodi. Negana to, JAV ir Azijos rinkoms skirti dizainai atrodo kur kas geriau, nei europietiskos versijos (kad ir ta pati Corolla, kuri Europoje visada atrode daugmaz siaubingai)
Tailando karalius yra ir fotografas (taigi daugelio musu bendramintis). Be fotografavimo dar yra ir jazz'o muzikos kompozitorius ir atlikejas, buriuotojas, burlenciu dizaineris, teisininkas . Gimes JAV, o issilavinima igijes Sveicarijoje. Ko gero, pagarbos vertas zmogus, nes butent jo asmenybe vienija visus 64 milijonus Tailando gyventoju nuo skurdaus ukininko iki Bankoko elito. Per visas Tailando TV kas kelias valandas rodomi vaizdo klipai apie karaliu ir jo geruma bei meile
Tailando zmonems, o pirmoji naujiena per Tailando radojo stotis taip pat dazniausiai apie karaliu. Uz karaliaus kritika gresia iki 15 metu kalejimo, taciau vargu ar atsirastu bent vienas tailandietis, kuris net slpta dristu kritikuoti karaliu. Sio zmogaus nuomone ir moralinis autoritetas Tailando karalysteje absoliuciai nekvestionuojami ir nediskutuotini bei laikosi is esmes tik ant moralinio autoriteto pamatu (teisiskai Tailando karalius neturi dideliu galiu, nors jo moralinis autoritetas ji padaro de facto labai galinga politine figura, nuo kurios priklauso esminiai salies gyvenimo sprendimai). Tai ir ilgiausiai valdantis monarchas pasaulyje (jau 61 metus)
Dar tailande tam tikrom dienom visi vilki geltonus marskinelius (berods pirmadieniais). Kaip meiles ir pagarbos savo karaliui israiska. Ir daro tai visai nuosirdziai.
Taip pat ant kiekvieno kampo pardavineja geltonas apyrankes (atrodo uz 100TBH). Irgi panasiais tikslais, surinkti pinigai atitenka karaliaus labdaros fondui. Arba bent jau taip teigiama.
Nuotraukos tikrai puikios. Respekt uz netingejima tampytis statyva
Ačiū už nuotraukas John!
Miestas išties didelis ir net per didelis mano lietuviškam mentalitetui. Tikrai nenorėčiau tokio Vilniaus. Miesto grožis ir didybė nebūtinai dangoraižių aukštais skaičiuojama.
Beje, auto dizainas yra tikrai skonio reikalas. Man asmeniškai europrietiškos versijos daug gražesnės nei amerikietiškos. Užtenka pažiūrėti į naujausią Ford Focus'ą ir palygint su amerikietišku. O paskutinė Corolla išvis kažkokia dizainerių nelaimė...