This city is so beautiful!! Just love it. One of my favourite capital in Europe. Photos are of course great. I have to say that you have very good new architecture. Really nice. Will there be any more photos?
Ačiū D'Ark už nuotraukas - geros!
Dėl mūsų Katedros varpinės bokšto. Man atrodo jis tikrai pasviręs. Aš irgi ne kartą fotkinau, tai irgi pasviręs. Reiktų pasauliui irgi pradėti komunikuoti, kad Vilniuje antras Pizzos bokstas... Įdomu kuris iš jų senesnis, gal kas žino?
This city is so beautiful!! Just love it. One of my favourite capital in Europe. Photos are of course great. I have to say that you have very good new architecture. Really nice. Will there be any more photos?
When I'll be in Vilnius again, maybe, photos will be in the topic again