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[VLN] Gedimino prospektas

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      Fotografijose atrodo kad ta Sv. Jurgio skulptura tiek pakrypus kad tuoj nuvirs nuo stogo ir uzmus praeivius ant saligatvio. O kaip atrodo naturoje?


        Tiriausiai kazkaip pritvirtino . O pats pastas tai :*****::*****: atrodo!!!


          Katik perziurejau sia visa tema, tai dabar labai gailiuosi kad kai buvau Vilniui nebuvau siame prospekte...Atrodo labai ispudingai
          "Klaipėda - Laisvu stiliumi"


            Ačiū už atnaujinimą!

            GDP atrodo tikrai gerai, tik spalva nėra viena mano mėgstamiausių... Beje, tikiuosi, kad stogo nepaliks tokio... Ta skarda atrodo tikrai šlykščiai...


              Parašė Vaidas
              Ačiū už atnaujinimą!

              GDP atrodo tikrai gerai, tik spalva nėra viena mano mėgstamiausių... Beje, tikiuosi, kad stogo nepaliks tokio... Ta skarda atrodo tikrai šlykščiai...
              Sakyciau saukstai po pietu-skarda jau palikta...Deja, bet pagailejo variui/zalvariui...


                Nuotrauka is


                  / Super vaizdas
                  Tik ūkio ministerijos (jei neklystu?) pastatas atrodo siaubingai... Blogiau už Novotelį


                    Aciu, Mantai, for the great pix of Gedimino prospektas up there!

                    The St. George, quite close to my hotel when I visited Vilnius in the summer of 2004, was still undergoing reconstruction. It looks absolutely spectacular!

                    I see other freshly restored facades as well.

                    And I agree with Vaidas on the Novotel: !!!

                    I'll NEVER stay there.
                    Originally Posted by


                      I'm glad you liked it
                      Mano galerija Flickr'yje


                        Parašė Whose Homepage
                        And I agree with Vaidas on the Novotel: !!!
                        Actually, I was talking about the Ministry of economy building - the '70s highriser "sticking out" further down the avenue. IMO it's a lot more horrible even than Novotel


                          ech, kolegos, kada nustosite statinius vertinti akcentuodami tik fasadų apdailą...


                            Parašė Edd
                            Nuotrauka is
                            Jo cia tai superine nuotrauka ,net nepazinau prospekto.
                            Beveik patikejau kad paryzius.


                              / @Vaidas: sorry, I misunderstood. Now that you've written it in English I see that you say something about the ministerijos. It's just that the was right next to the word Novotel.

                              And of course that Ministry building is an abomination and and a disgrace. I hope it'll be gone some day soon.
                              Originally Posted by


                                Parašė Whose Homepage
                                / @Vaidas: sorry, I misunderstood. Now that you've written it in English I see that you say something about the ministerijos. It's just that the was right next to the word Novotel.

                                And of course that Ministry building is an abomination and and a disgrace. I hope it'll be gone some day soon.
                                Oh, common, its not so bad. There are worse buildings Gedimino prospekte. Even this Vilniaus Vartai building, if looking from Independence square, seems very similar.


                                  It may well be true that there are even worse buildings than that dreary Ministry box lining Vilnius' wonderful pedestrian street, Broken Cloud, but it makes me sad to see them.
                                  Originally Posted by


                                    Actually there are no uglier buildings in Gediminas avenue than that ministry building. BrokenCloud mentioned that Vilniaus vartai is uglier. "Vilniaus vartai" - Vilnius gates project. From all comments of BrokenCloud it seems that he hates everything what is new - and he prefers everything what is old, no matter how ugly it is.


                                      I tottaly disagree!

                                      The ministry building is the worst building in Gediminas avenue, its hideous and ugly and most importently its completely out of place .


                                        Thanks for the explanation, Eddai! As you know, I have no idea what people are *saying* here ... I can only react to photos and take a wild guess every once in a while, which usually backfires as it did there with my comment to Vaidas about the Notovel.

                                        I freely admit -- and you probably know this, too -- that I am a great admirer of [most] old buildings. However, I am at least making an *effort* to find positive things in the more recent buildings. (Now where's that angel smilie?)

                                        @Taimis: indeed, the place is a horror!
                                        Originally Posted by


                                          Parašė Whose Homepage
                                          Thanks for the explanation, Eddai! As you know, I have no idea what people are *saying* here ... I can only react to photos and take a wild guess every once in a while, which usually backfires as it did there with my comment to Vaidas about the Notovel.

                                          I freely admit -- and you probably know this, too -- that I am a great admirer of [most] old buildings.
                                          Well, about Novotel - you can always react negative towards that building when there is word "Novotel" mentioned. No matter what the real context is all about. It's never enough of all these bashings when we talk about that building.

                                          About old buildings - commieblocks are also old, that's what I was talking about: BrokenCloud prefers commieblock of ministry over Vilnius gates because it is old and Vilnius gates is new. I don't agree with that at all.

