rasau darba apie laiptines Vilniaus istorizmo ir moderno architekturoje. pasivaiksciojau pora dienu po stoties rajono laiptines. labai graziu radau. kai kurios sutvarkytos, kitos paliktos trunyti ir jose gyvenantys zmones rekia, kad cia viska griauti reikia.
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Vilniaus laiptinės
O how perfectly wonderful and beautiful, Kotryna!
Andto the forum!
I hope you understand Englishbecause my Lithuanian is 0.
I gather these are photos of an apartment building restoration about to start or already underway? That is an awfully expensive undertaking, especially if it is done right, which is to say, by preserving/recreating as many of the gloriously handsome features of the building as possible: the tile floors, the stucco ceilings, the carved doors, and that wonderful art deco elevator.
I know it will all be worth it in the end.
P.S. @ the English speaking gang: should it turn out that Kotryna can't understand what I wrote, would you please translate it for her? Aciu!Originally Posted by
Well, first of all it's not only one building. Here you could see several different buildings. And none of these are going to be renovated soon. Two ( one with beautiful stucco ceilings and another with elevator ) looks quite in a good condition. But the others' decorations are falling down. I am writing a job about this period stairwells (or staircases. How should I call them?) in Vilnius old town area. The point is, that I couldn't find any information or photos of stairwells, so I went out to take photos myself. I am not sure, if these staircases will be preserved. There is no direct low in Lithuania's heritage system. So these details are disappearing after the renovation. While taking photos, I met people, who were living there. They said : "What you are doing here?! The staircase is awful. We should renovate it and poot plastic windows and doors". There are regulations of reconstructing the facades and preserving the wholesome of the style. But not the staircases. That's why I am writing and taking photos
I have been following a staircase renovation in Vilnius myself, I’m afraid I haven’t got any photos. But it was never a decorated one anyway; it’s in Kraziu Street in the old town. A new door was fitted in with a dial so you can ring a phone in every flat; I hope you know what I mean. Personally I am very happy with it and so are the neighbours, but the bad thing is that some of them haven’t paid for it, the cost was spread out evenly to everyone… I was really quite disgusted because they are happy to use the door and everything, I still am upset about this, if it was up to me, they would not have had those phones installed in their flats, I know its not nice, but what their doing is much worse. I think this just shows that many of the old building staircases are left rotting away not because the people who use them don’t want to do anything or don’t have the money, its just that they might not have enough money to cover for all those who will not chip in… I know this is true, this is the case with many of my friends in Vilnius who want to have their staircase or the front of the house or the roof done but they cant because of their neighbours. I think the only reason my house has that done today is because so few people live there, there is only about 10 flats…So carrying on with my example, after the door was in, work began on the staircase itself- the walls were done, floors, we already had the new windows done, new rails replace the old one which were falling out, we got light that switch off if no one walks past them to save energy… Overall I am very pleased with the results, the most important thing, I think, was that all the old electricity cables were hidden and its all very tidy now. So that’s that. I will definitely post some pictures of it when I see it next, which is in about three weeks!
/\ Aciu, Kotrina!
I'm glad to see that you know English.Also, given your response and also that of Taimis, I'm going to have to think things over for a while now because I thought things were much more simple than I figured.
But one thing I can say right now: I guess stairwell is the English term while Americans would call it a staircase.
And in the meantime: good for you for taking things into your own hands!
P.S. REALLY nice photos btw!Originally Posted by
Tikrai įdomi temaDėka mažesnės drėgmės ir temperatūrų svyravimo, laiptinių dekoras yra gerokai patvaresnis nei išorės. Tokių gražių laiptinių kaip Gačio rodytų iš Rygos mūsuose nėra ko gero , bet dėka Kotrynos matome, kad šis bei tas įdomaus ir Vilniuje išliko
P.S. Manau ne man vienam šiame forume būtų įdomu paskaityti šį tavo darbą kai pabaigsi- būtume tikrai dėkingi jei leistum su juo susipažinti
Vilniaus apskrities viešosios A.Mickevičiaus bibliotekos (Vilnius, Trakų g. 10) "neparadinė" laiptinė. kadaise, žinoma, ji taip pat buvo naudojama, o dabar tik kaip sandėlis arba paveldosaugininkų 'pastuksenimui' naudojama vieta... kurį laiką ten net stogo nebuvo, ir pakraigėj perėdavo balandžiai.
(apie pastato istoriją: čia )
bendras vaizdas:
žvilgsnis į stogą:
nusileidus į pirmą aukštą; matosi durys į bromą ir krosnis (sutvarkytose patalpose jos restauruotos):
turėklų detalė:
o štai su tokiu pagaliu nudaužydavo varveklius, kurie pakibdavo nuo vidinių karnizų...
šiandien kojos reiškia nepasitenkinimą vakarykščiu pasivaikščiojimu naujamiesčio laiptinėmis, bet bala jų nematė. iš tiesų, nustebau, kad vilniuj yra tokių nematytų vietų, nors visada buvau mėgėja įkišti nosį į kokį kiemą.
tai va po truputį, po vieną namą, ir padėliosiu.
pirmasis - Teatro gatvėje, nr. 9, priešais ukrainos ambasadą. apie arxitektūrinį stilių nekalbėsiu, bo esu profanė. žiūrėkit patys.
kieminė pusė; truputį nustebau, kaip skiriasi naujamiesčio namų paradinė ir užpakalinė pusės. anei jokių grožybių neprilipdyta...
įėjus per [atseit kodines] duris, jus pasitinka atlantai:
atsiprašau, blicas menkas, bet gal vis labiau matysis:
man rodos, jam skauda galvą...
holo lubos. kraštukas atkrapštytas, bet nieko ypatingo ten nesimatė...
paradinės durys:
šios durys mažumą pagadintos, sakyčiau:
laiptų apačios ornamentai; laiptų maršo::
...ir to, kur ne maršas:
nekokybiškas vaizdas į viršų:
kiekviename aukšte - tokios va gražios durys; čia - paskutinis aukštas:
bet namas turi ir 'užpakalinį' įėjimą, ir siaurą kraupoką laiptinę:
jautiesi, žmogus, kaip kokio trakų pily...
iš viršutinio aukšto laiptinės labai graži panorama, ir neįprastu kampu. bet panoramas palikim profams
o čia, mano manymu, vandalizmo aktas, įvykdytas šio namo kieme; jau kad prakirto langus, tai prakirto...:
tai tiek gal šiandienai. atsiprašau, kad didelis pranešimas, kiti turėtų būti trumpesni.Paskutinis taisė anaiptol; 2007.02.05, 19:09.