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    Huge Demand Prompts Air Serbia To Up New York Frequency
    Air Serbia is increasing the frequency of its flights from Belgrade to New York JFK due to increased demand. This is despite the travel restrictions imposed between Serbia and the US as a result of the pandemic.

    “The addition of another weekly flight to New York, despite the coronavirus pandemic, is a clear indicator that our transatlantic connection functions well and that it represents one of Air Serbia’s strongest routes. The United States is a very important market for us, and we are glad to provide a continuous and strong flight connectivity, not just to Serbia, but also the broader region.”

    Air Serbia first launched flights to New York JFK five years ago and has been flying there continuously up until the pandemic struck and Belgrade Airport was closed. Still, the interruption only lasted for less than three months.

    As Simple Flying reported at the time, Air Serbia was the airline with the highest load factor at JFK’s Terminal 4 in September 2020. At 67%, it carried a higher load than any other airline to the Big Apple.


      Belavia Takes Delivery Of E195-E2 To Celebrate Its 25th Birthday
      The E2s will supplement the carrier’s current fleet of seven E195s and five E175s. Belavia says that it began flying Embraer’s E-Jets in 2012 as part of a fleet modernization plan. The third and final E195-E2 is expected sometime next month.

      Since taking delivery of its very first E2, Belavia has mainly deployed it on flights to Istanbul, Turkey. Interestingly, for an aircraft that has been under Belavia’s care since late December, the jet has only flown around 12 round-trip journeys out of Minsk.
      Happy Birthday Belavia – The Belarusian Flag Carrier Turns 25


        Portuguese government seeks approval for €460m aid to TAP
        Portugal’s government has formally notified the European Commission of its intent to grant interim support to flag-carrier TAP. Up to €463 million in aid within the scope of the restructuring can be notified, according to the government.

        Finnish flag-carrier Finnair has been cleared to receive €351 million in support, through a hybrid loan, from the country’s government, after the Commission found it to fall within state-aid rules.


          Wizz Air Abu Dhabi Adds Two New Routes To Kazakhstan

          Wizz Air Abu Dhabi was first announced in 2019 with a target launch date in the second half of 2020. The timeline slightly shifted, with the launch postponed from mid-October to mid-November and then to mid-January.

          The airline’s launch has been impacted by the global health crisis and travel restrictions to some of its planned destinations. Athens and Thessaloniki have been the main services operating thus far.


            Gaila čekų. Istoriškai prisimenu juos kaip viena inovatoriškesnių, nestandartinių oro linijų.

            Czech Airlines Declared Bankrupt After Previously Laying Off Staff
            The fifth oldest airline in the world, Czech Airlines, has been declared bankrupt in Prague last week. The airline is in debt to 266 creditors, mostly suppliers, and 230,000 passengers who are awaiting refunds for canceled flights. The total debts equal $82 million.

            The Court has asked ČSA’s creditors to register their claims ahead of their meeting in June. Meanwhile, the insolvency administrator is reportedly weighing up whether to ground the fleet and request the airline to sell its assets. At present, Czech Airlines flights are still operating but at a greatly reduced rate. The airline has taken its ATR aircraft out of it fleet and now only has three planes remaining.

            The insolvency proceedings have so far revealed that 266 of ČSA’s creditors are owed CZK 800 million ($36 million). This group contains all the suppliers to the airline. At the same time, there is as many as 230,000 passengers who have been identified as creditors too, because they are owed money for the flights that Czech Airlines had canceled. The total amount of money owed here is as high as one billion Czech Koruna ($46 million).

            Last month, ČSA sent a letter to the Employment Office of the Czech Republic to inform it that it would be dismissing its entire workforce of 430 people. The news was the first strong sign that the airline was on the brink of collapse. The news came just several days before the expiry of an emergency moratorium on the airline’s debts at the end of February.


              Tikrai gaila dėl CSA. Tik ar 82 ml. EUR tokia suma dėl kurios bankrutuojama esamomis sąlygomis? Įtariu, kad tai tik ledkalnio viršūnė.


                Parašė Sula Rodyti pranešimą
                Tikrai gaila dėl CSA. Tik ar 82 ml. EUR tokia suma dėl kurios bankrutuojama esamomis sąlygomis? Įtariu, kad tai tik ledkalnio viršūnė.
                Čekus vyriausybė atsisakė gelbėti. Bet bankrotas patapo dėl to, kad įsiskolinimų ir turto santykis neigiamas.
                “[Czech Airlines] is unable to meet these obligations owing to a lack of liquid funds,” the petition states, adding that the company’s liabilities exceed the value of its assets. “For this reason the [company] is also in a state of over-indebtedness.”
                Czech Airlines posted losses of 60 million euros for 2020 as its sales slumped to 20 percent of 2019 levels because of the virus.
                Paskutinis taisė bato_usai; 2021.03.16, 20:57.


                  American Airlines unveils $7.5 billion debt sale to repay government loans
                  American Airlines Group Inc said on Monday it will sell $7.5 billion of bonds and leveraged loans backed by its loyalty program to repay U.S. government debt.

                  Under the deal announced on Monday, American will issue a private offering of notes worth about $5 billion, half due in 2026 and half in 2029, and a $2.5 billion term loan credit facility.


                    Ryanair Unhappy With TAP Air Portugal Bailout
                    Ryanair’s CEO Eddie Wilson has said the airline would continue to fight state-aid for national carriers to the very ‘last resort’. Following appeals of EU Commission approval for French, German, and Swedish government aid, it has its sights set on the Portuguese bailout of flag-carrier TAP – which could end up reaching over €3 billion before its restructuring process is complete.

                    The fact that Ryanair is unhappy with a state-supported bailout of a national airline should come as a surprise to no one. Over the past year, the Irish low-cost carrier has brought court cases against government support to Air France, SAS, Lufthansa, and Finnair. The airline has filed no less than 16 lawsuits against the European Commission related to state-aid since the beginning of the pandemic.

                    The latest round of discontent is directed towards the government support for Portuguese flag-carrier TAP Air Portugal. The European Commission first approved the €1.2 billion ($1.435 billion) bailout in June last year. Ryanair has now vowed to appeal the decision and fight what it calls ‘illegal state aid’ to the very ‘last resort’.

                    For 2021, the Portuguese government has budgeted another €500 million ($606 million) to help its struggling airline. It has already sought approval from the Commission for the funds to be granted as ‘interim aid’ while the airline undergoes restructuring. The plan, submitted in December, involves 2,000 job cuts by 2022, 25% pay cuts, and another €2 billion in state-guaranteed funds to cover expenses until 2024.

                    Eddie Wilson is skeptical about the airline’s potential of ever being able to repay the funds and that keeping TAP alive will end up being all at the expense of the tax-payers.


                      Ar būtina dėti tokias ilgas citatas angliškai?
                      Užtektų nuorodos, vienos pastraipos ir trumpo esmės atpasakojimo.


                        Galima ir taip daryti, norisi paminėti tas vietas kur atrodo svarbūs faktai ir aplinkybės Europinei ar mums aktualiai aviacijos rinkai, kad būtų galima diskutuoti, tik jas grupuojant į trumpą loginės sekos atpasakojimą daug išsišokimų/dalinių minčių šuolių būtų, o ilgą - gautųsi praktikanto rašymas. Ben bandysiu tuomet tą pirmą variantą geriau.
                        Paskutinis taisė bato_usai; 2021.03.20, 02:14.


                          Keliaujantiems iš Anglijos – tūkstantinės baudos
                          Jungtinėje Karalystėje vis dar įvestas griežtas karantinas, kuris riboja tarptautines keliones. Visgi, tai gyventojų nesustabdo – tūkstančiai jų kasdien renkasi ne tik darbines, bet ir turistines keliones. Jau nuo kovo 29 d. įsigalios dar griežtesnis nurodymas – visi, keliaujantys be rimtos priežasties, sulauktų net 5 000 svarų sterlingų (5,8 tūkst. Eur) baudos.


                            Sweden Wants Landing Fees Tied To Aircraft Emissions
                            The scheme is set to come into force by July and will initially apply to Stockholm Arlanda Airport and Gothenburg Landvetter Airport, the two busiest airports in Sweden. The project has yet to receive approval from parliament, with organizers claiming they are still fine-tuning the details.

                            Tomas Eneroth, Sweden’s Minister for Infrastructure, announced on Twitter,


                              Per pastaruosius 2 metus yra dydziausias skrydziu nuosmukis per puse amziaus. Man tikrai baisu pagalvoti kas bus kai epidemija pasibaigs ir skrydziu skaicius staigiai pakils i pries-epideminius lygius. Noreciau kad mano prognozai neissipildytu...


                                Parašė ZYKLON-B Rodyti pranešimą
                                Per pastaruosius 2 metus yra dydziausias skrydziu nuosmukis per puse amziaus. Man tikrai baisu pagalvoti kas bus kai epidemija pasibaigs ir skrydziu skaicius staigiai pakils i pries-epideminius lygius. Noreciau kad mano prognozai neissipildytu...
                                O kas čia baisaus? 2019 metai buvo labai baisūs kažkuom?


                                  Geriausiai Europoje kol kas sekasi „Turkish Airlines“, ant kulnų lipa „Aeroflot“


                                    „Norwegian Air Shuttle“ vadovas: bendrovė išsigelbėjo
                                    Generalinis direktorius Jacobas Schramas paskelbė, kad „Norwegian Air Shuttle“ sėkmingai užbaigė skolų restruktūrizavimo planą, surinkusi 721 mln. USD per obligacijų be išpirkimo termino ir teisių emisijas. Planą patvirtinę teismai pareikalavo oro linijų bendrovės surinkti mažiausiai 541 mln. USD, kad būtų galima nutraukti apsaugos nuo bankroto taikymą jos atžvilgiu abejose šalyse, kas ir įvyko trečiadienį.

                                    Osle įsikūrusi oro linijų bendrovė sausį pranešė nutraukianti tolimuosius maršrutus ir didžiausią dėmesį skirsianti veiklai Europoje. Tuomet bendrovė paskelbė planą, numatantį jos orlaivių parko sumažinimą nuo 140 iki maždaug 50 orlaivių. Oro linijų bendrovė taip pat atšaukė užsakymus „Boeing“ ir „Airbus“ orlaiviams, kurių bendra vertė buvo maždaug 10,2 mlrd. USD.


                                      Italija pasiekė susitarimą su ES dėl naujos oro bendrovės, pakeisiančios „Alitalia“
                                      Romai ir Briuseliui sutarus dėl „konstruktyvaus ir subalansuoto sprendimo“, „Italia Trasporto Aereo“ (ITA) – naujoji Italijos nacionalinė oro bendrovė – „visu pajėgumu veiks nuo spalio 15 dienos“, rašoma ministerijos paskelbtame pranešime. Iš pradžių buvo tikėtasi, jog naujoji oro bendrovė veiklą pradės rugpjūtį, kad būtų galima pasinaudoti turistinio sezono piku, tačiau derybos su Komisija užsitęsė, nors išankstinis susitarimas buvo pasiektas dar gegužę. Komisija tvirtina, jog naujoji oro bendrovė nebus ta pati „Alitalia“, tik pakeitusi pavadinimą.Naujosios oro bendrovės orlaivių parkas bus perpus mažesnis negu ankstesnės nacionalinės oro vežėjos. Taip pat bus atskirta antžeminė veikla.
                                      Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų,
                                      Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo


                                        Švedijos startuolis "Heart Airlines" užsitikrino stambų užsakymą iš didelės JAV skrydžių bendrovės "United Airlines". Sandorio tikslas užsakovui pagaminti 100 (pradinis užsakymas) vienetų negabaritonių elektrinių lėktuvų ES-19. Startuolis iš Geteborgo pristatęs pirmąjį pilnai elektrinio lėktuvo modelį skrydžiams tarp šalies regionų prieš kelis metus bei dabar sulaukė pirmojo tarptautinio užsakymo. Sandorio suma - 30 milijonų eurų.

                                        Heart ES-19


                                        Suomių "FinnAir" taip pat svarsto įsigyti 20 vienetų ES 19 regioniniams skrydžiams.

                                        Paskutinis taisė Silber418; 2021.07.21, 01:27.


                                          The US airline's JetBlue inaugural transatlantic flight landed at London Heathrow on August 12. I was on board, and I reckon this new offering is here to stay, despite the effects of the pandemic. JetBlue has been working towards this transatlantic flight for the past two years. It's got a new Airbus A321 Long Range aircraft with an interior specifically imagined for this purpose.
                                          One of the benefits of flying with a small aircraft -- there are just 114 regular seats on board alongside 24 business class suites -- is JetBlue isn't going to have the Norwegian problem. It'll be easy to fill every seat -- plus a small aircraft is highly fuel efficient.
                                          Nepirk iš Decathlon, Ritter Sport, Philips, Nestle, KraftHeinz, Viada, Vičiūnų,
                                          Toblerone, Milka, Dirol, Halls (Mondelez International), Hellmann's, Heineken, Mars, PepsiCo

