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[PL] Poznanės viešasis transportas

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    New tramway line to Franowo construction update:

    all photos by Carte.

    More to see on :

    The whole line 2,5 km of which 1 km in unerground tunnell will be ready in June 2012.


      First Krakow, now Poznan having great improvements on their tramway systems. Is it somehow related to new train station project?


        Parašė deep'as Rodyti pranešimą
        First Krakow, now Poznan having great improvements on their tramway systems. Is it somehow related to new train station project?
        No, it`s related to new tram depot on Franowo District.

        With new railway station extention of Poznań Fast Tram is connected (two new stations, Poznań Kaponiera and Poznań West Railway Station will be constructed):

        PHotos by Carte, extention of Poznań Fast Tram:

        more on:

        Franowo Tram will be ready in Jure 2012 (2,5 km new route with 6 stops including 2 underground stations, 1200 m underground tunell and tram depot for 150 trams),

        Poznań Fast Tram extention will be ready in December 2012 (2 km of new route with 2 stops metioned above).


          On new Poznań Railway station they are finishing interior:

          Works on facade of new station:



          New station should service first passengers in June just before E2012 tournament.

          Station building is only small fragment of huge communication and retail center, there will also be integrated bus station, so together with Poznań Fast Tram it will be the biggest communication hub in Poznań, more details on :!en/
          Paskutinis taisė pzlotnik; 2012.04.23, 22:18.


            There is also big revitalisation of tramway line on Grunwaldzka Street and Roosevelta Street - over 6 km of completely rebuilt tramway line (everything new). It will connect Raiway Station with Football Stadium:

            Photos by krzyzk, more on


              Poznań New Railway Station has been opened today:

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0

              licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0[/QUOTE]

              More On:

              Photos by Leinad


                Poznań Franowo Tramway Route and New Franowo Tram Depot:

                Full Gallery on:


                Photos by Carte !

                One of two underground tram stops connected with 1km underground tunnell, which can be reached by stairs or elevators:

                The tunnell:

                New Tram Depot construction Site:

                Paskutinis taisė pzlotnik; 2012.06.01, 21:25.


                  Inside the tram depot, really huge :-)

                  Photos by Carte, from link posted above.


                    On just reconstructed tramway line on Grunwaldzka Street there is another green trackway in Poznań, it really looks fresh, a lot of grass between two roads

                    Source: MPK Facebook
                    Paskutinis taisė pzlotnik; 2012.06.01, 21:52.


                      The delivery of 45 contracted Solaris tramways for Poznań has been succesfully accomplished

                      Solaris has won lately tender for 15 trams for Braunschwieg and 5 trams for Jena in Germany.

                      It was produced in Solaris factory in nearby Bolechowo:

                      Photos: MPK Poznań
                      Paskutinis taisė pzlotnik; 2012.06.01, 22:08.


                        How new Poznań Railway Station was built, watch this:

                        It`s opened, but it`s only a part of communication center. There has only half of the tube already been built, another half will accomodate reginal and long-distance bus station. It will also be integrated with extention of Poznań Fast Tram.

                        There will also be retail center. Together with Fast Tram Extention total cost will exceed 200 millions EUR.

                        How it looks now:

                        Photo by Carte

                        And how it will look like in the end of 2013:

                        The red part is new railway station which went into operation a few days ago.
                        Paskutinis taisė pzlotnik; 2012.06.01, 22:05.


                          Last finish works on Franowo new tramway line with 1km undeground tunnel, station Piasnicka/Rynek:


                          Photos by Carte.


                            Full electric Solaris Urbino on regular line in Poznań *Made in POZnan :-=)



                              New Tram depot on Franowo:

                              Photos by Carte, more photos on:

                              Really worth seeing :-)


                                Poznań City Center Construction Update:



                                  Franowo route with underground tunnel with 2 underground stations was opened some weeks ago.

                                  Video showing passing new tramway route (when in tunnel it`s getting dark)

                                  Paskutinis taisė pzlotnik; 2012.08.17, 23:49.


                                    Extention of Poznań Fast Tram to railway Station is still under construction, they make roof for the platform:


                                      Poznań City Center Construction update:

                                      They are building first pillars for 2 storey car parking for over 1000 cars, that will be located over railway tracks and platforms.
                                      Paskutinis taisė pzlotnik; 2012.09.03, 20:19.


                                        Franowo Tram Depot, construction update:

                                        Pgotos by Carte, more on


                                          Poznań new railway station, constrution works over rail tracks, assembly of giant steel parts of 3 storey parking lot:

                                          Consrtuction site from birds eye view, photos by Carte:

                                          There`s still a lot of space around new communication - shopping center, part of it will be used to build new roads:


