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Žinoma, tai nereiškia, kad ten nėra elektrobusų:
Šanchajus, seniausia troleibusų sistema pasaulyje (nuo 1914):
Minimame Šenzene (kur absoliučiai visi autobusai elektriniai) troleibusų niekada nebuvo, dėl ko jiems ne visai apsimokėjo kurti jiems infrastruktūrą nuo nulio. Kita vertus, jau buvo minėta, kad pasikrovimas judant yra daug naudingesnis, nes nėra švaistomas laikas, taupomas baterijų resursas bei nereikia tonų akumuliatorių. Dar verta pastebėti, kad Šenzenas yra šilto klimato zonoje. Nėra miestų, turinčių panašų klimatą kaip Vilnius ir pilnai elektrinius (be jokių ten dyzelinių generatorių šildymui) autobusus.
Since 2013, the city has converting bus routes with diesel-engine buses to trolleybus routes by installing overhead power lines along thoroughfares in parts of the city to reduce air pollution. At the time the trolley bus system consists of 15 lines and was operated with a fleet of 588 trolleybuses. 500 new trolleybuses were ordered in anticipation for the expansion. In December 2013, Bus 104快 was converted into trolleybus 127, which became the first new trolleybus route since the creation of No. 124 in 2001.
As of June 2015, the trolleybus network grown to 18 lines using a fleet of 928 dual-mode trolleybuses. By July 2015, Bus No. 6, 38, 42, 116, 301, BRT1, and BRT3 had been converted into trolleybus routes.
In March 2017, Bus BRT2 started running trolleybuses.There are further proposals to convert routes 3, 6, 13, 19, 22, 23, 56, 65, 70, 88, 110, 113, 117, 121, 635, 685, 717 and 特5 into trolleybuses, however routes 717 and 特5 have since been canceled. By 2018, the trolleybus fleet has grown to over 1,100 vehicles running on 27 lines.
In 2018, two more routes, line 65 and 128, were converted to electric trolley buses bringing the trolleybus network to 29 lines.
In 2018, two more routes, line 65 and 128, were converted to electric trolley buses bringing the trolleybus network to 29 lines.
Žinoma, tai nereiškia, kad ten nėra elektrobusų:
On July 1, 2016, the first double-decker electric buses entered service in Beijing on Route 观光3, a tourist route that runs from the Summer Palace to the north gate of the Forbidden City. In February 2017, the first double-decker electric buses for a standard route were introduced to Bus 44. By March 2017, the electric double decker fleet had expanded to 10 bus routes (...)
By 2013 the fleet shrunk to around 150 buses as older trolleybuses were retired and not replaced. However after 2012, approaching the 100th anniversary of Shanghai trolleybus operations, rising awareness for the need of zero emissions transport and realization of trolleybuses as an icon of Shanghai; the Shanghai traffic department decided revitalize and support the development of trolleybuses. The trolleybus fleet was expanded to 300 with new dual-mode trolleybuses that can run 8 to 10 km (5.0 to 6.2 mi) "off-wire" on battery power in 2014 Line 13 was extended and replaced route 922, a regular bus route (...). In February 2017, a number of ordinary bus lines running under the Yan'an Elevated Road was altered and transformed into route 71, a trolleybus bus rapid transit line running in the reserved lanes in the center of Yan'an Road.
Minimame Šenzene (kur absoliučiai visi autobusai elektriniai) troleibusų niekada nebuvo, dėl ko jiems ne visai apsimokėjo kurti jiems infrastruktūrą nuo nulio. Kita vertus, jau buvo minėta, kad pasikrovimas judant yra daug naudingesnis, nes nėra švaistomas laikas, taupomas baterijų resursas bei nereikia tonų akumuliatorių. Dar verta pastebėti, kad Šenzenas yra šilto klimato zonoje. Nėra miestų, turinčių panašų klimatą kaip Vilnius ir pilnai elektrinius (be jokių ten dyzelinių generatorių šildymui) autobusus.