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Tallinn's trolleybuses to be replaced with electric buses and trams by 2035
While by 2025 diesel buses will disappear from the public transport system in Tallinn, to be replaced by gas buses for the next decade, by 2035 all public transport in the capital will be electric.
The big goal is that by the year 2025 not a single drop of diesel fuel will be used in public transport in Tallinn. For this, TLT has already signed a contract where the city-owned company will procure 350 gas buses over the next five years, the first 100 of which will reach Tallinn this year.
However, the transition to environmentally friendly public transport does not end there, it's only a transition phase. Electric buses are already being tested and by 2035 all public transport in Tallinn will be powered by electricity. While trams and trolleys are currently used as electric vehicles, in 2035 there will only be trams and electric buses. Trolleys will gradually disappear from the cityscape of Tallinn over the next decade.
Today, TLT has 50 trolleybuses alongside more than 500 buses, operating on four routes - 1, 3, 4 and 5. In peak years, Tallinn had nine trolleybus lines, of which more than half have been replaced by bus lines today. For example, trolleybus 2 was replaced by bus 24, trolleys 6 and 7 were replaced by bus lines 42 and 43. All the trolleybuses used at the moment will continue. As long as they are still drivable, they will be used.
Deputy Mayor Andrei Novikov said trolleys in Tallinn are perfectly decent. "As the trolley fleet is completely modern, the existing trolley infrastructure and rolling stock will definitely provide service for the trolley bus lines in the coming years. At the end of 2019, the average age of the trolleybuses was 13,2 years," he said.
Thus, trolleys can be seen in Tallinn traffic for quite a few more years. However, electric buses are expected to carry passengers on the streets of the capital city in the coming years. Although trolleybuses also help the TLT to implement an environmentally friendly strategy, the electric bus is still a better solution overall.
"Manufacturers today are investing in developing and increasing production volumes of electric buses, because the electric bus combines the best features of a trolley and a conventional bus. Thus, both trolleybuses and conventional buses will pass on the task to electric buses quite at the same time," Kutti said and added, that around 5 percent of the new buses introduced in European public transport are already electric.
Before the electric buses, there will be buses running on Tallinn gas, which will replace all diesel buses in the next few years. However, gas is only a temporary solution. "The gas bus is a logical interim step to reduce the ecological footprint before switching to electric buses - significant savings and a significantly smaller ecological footprint," Kutti said.
While by 2025 diesel buses will disappear from the public transport system in Tallinn, to be replaced by gas buses for the next decade, by 2035 all public transport in the capital will be electric.
The big goal is that by the year 2025 not a single drop of diesel fuel will be used in public transport in Tallinn. For this, TLT has already signed a contract where the city-owned company will procure 350 gas buses over the next five years, the first 100 of which will reach Tallinn this year.
However, the transition to environmentally friendly public transport does not end there, it's only a transition phase. Electric buses are already being tested and by 2035 all public transport in Tallinn will be powered by electricity. While trams and trolleys are currently used as electric vehicles, in 2035 there will only be trams and electric buses. Trolleys will gradually disappear from the cityscape of Tallinn over the next decade.
Today, TLT has 50 trolleybuses alongside more than 500 buses, operating on four routes - 1, 3, 4 and 5. In peak years, Tallinn had nine trolleybus lines, of which more than half have been replaced by bus lines today. For example, trolleybus 2 was replaced by bus 24, trolleys 6 and 7 were replaced by bus lines 42 and 43. All the trolleybuses used at the moment will continue. As long as they are still drivable, they will be used.
Deputy Mayor Andrei Novikov said trolleys in Tallinn are perfectly decent. "As the trolley fleet is completely modern, the existing trolley infrastructure and rolling stock will definitely provide service for the trolley bus lines in the coming years. At the end of 2019, the average age of the trolleybuses was 13,2 years," he said.
Thus, trolleys can be seen in Tallinn traffic for quite a few more years. However, electric buses are expected to carry passengers on the streets of the capital city in the coming years. Although trolleybuses also help the TLT to implement an environmentally friendly strategy, the electric bus is still a better solution overall.
"Manufacturers today are investing in developing and increasing production volumes of electric buses, because the electric bus combines the best features of a trolley and a conventional bus. Thus, both trolleybuses and conventional buses will pass on the task to electric buses quite at the same time," Kutti said and added, that around 5 percent of the new buses introduced in European public transport are already electric.
Before the electric buses, there will be buses running on Tallinn gas, which will replace all diesel buses in the next few years. However, gas is only a temporary solution. "The gas bus is a logical interim step to reduce the ecological footprint before switching to electric buses - significant savings and a significantly smaller ecological footprint," Kutti said.
1. Jau šiandienai jie yra atsisakę didžiosios dalies troleibusų - tai padeda sutaupyti didelius pinigus.
2. Pakankamai naujų troleibusų neatsisakinėja - jie bus naudojami tol, kol bus tinkamos būklės. Pirkti naujus autobusus, kai troleibusai pakankamai geros techninės būklės, nereikia, nes tai taip pat ne mažina, o didina kaštus.
3. Elektrobusų kol kas aktyviai neperka, nes jų technologijos dar nėra pakankamai išvystytos ir kaina pakankamai didelė.
4. Perkami nauji dujinai autobusai - ekologijos ir ekonomijos prasme šiai dienai tai yra pats tinkamiausias sprendimas (cituoju Talino VT atstovą). Jie pakankamai ekologiški ir nėra tokie žvėriškai brangūs kaip troleibusai. Tačiau tai tik pereinamoji transporto priemonė, nes nuo 2035 Taline važinės vien tik elektrobusai.
5. Dabar perkami dujiniai autobusai Taline bus paskutiniai. Jau po kelių metų elektrobusų technologijos bus pakankamai pažengusios, o kaina pakankamai nukritusi, dėl ko Talinas pradės juos aktyviai pirkti ir po truputi jais keisti senąsias susidėvėjusias transporto priemones - tiek troleibusus, tiek autobusus. Su lyg kiekvienais metais elektrobusai bus vis efektyvesnis ir vis pigesni.
Estai moka skaičiuoti ir analizuoti - būtent tai yra esminis faktorius, norint, kad šalis būtų turtinga. Tie, kurie skaičiuoti nemoka, arba viešojo transporto priemonę renkasi pagal jausmus - daro debiliškus sprendimus, į rytus nuo mūsų dešimt kartų dažniau mes sutiksim troleibusus ar mašrūtkes/nedidelius autobusiukus, naudojamus kaip pagrindinė viešojo transporto priemonė, sutiksim ir atitinkamą savo sprendimams pragyvenimo lygį. Vilnius tuo tarpu renkasi ne civilizuotų valstybių kelią (viena anomalija reiškia išimtį iš taisyklės, o ne taisyklę), Vilniui kažkodėl labiau patinka lygiuotis į rytų atsilikusius miestus.
Rezultatas bus toks: Vilnius prisipirks naujų troleibusų, Talinas dujinių autobusų. Keleiviui komfortas bus absoliučiai vienodas, skirtumas bus tik tas, kad Talinas tą patį komfortą pasieks žymiai pigesnėmis priemonėmis. Talino dujiniai autobusai bus mažai taršūs, bet net ne tame esmė. Esmė, kad protingai vystydamas viešąjį transportą Talinas sutaupys krūvas pinigų ir tai leis jam Taline viešąjį transportą išlaikyti nemokamą. Ir čia jau atsiras esminis skirtumas tarp Talino ir Vilniau VT, nes jeigu abu bus vienodai patogūs, tai Talino dar priedo bus ir nemokamas. Tai atitinkamai daug labiau žmones skatins naudotis VT, kas atitinkamai mažins automobizaciją ir būtent tai turi esminę įtaką kamščiams mieste ir tuo pačiu ekologijai. Rezultate Talinas, pasirinkęs pigesnius dujinius autobusus, ekologijos prasme pasieks žymiai geresnius rezultatus nei Vilnius su savo troleibusais. Po dešimt metų jau dauguma Talino VT bus elektrobusai, o Vilnius bus investavęs nežmoniškus pinigus į troleibusus ir kontaktinį tinklą - tai bus gaila jų atsisakyti ir teks jais važinėti dar vieną dešimtmetį. Tektų važinėti dar ilgiau, bet paprasčiausiai nebeliks troleibusų gamintojų, kurių jau ir šiandieną likę vos vienetai ir nori nenori - troleibusų teks atsisakyti, prieš tai investavus milžiniškus pinigus į kontaktinio tinklo rekonstrukciją. Turistas atvykęs į Taliną pamatys modernų ir šiuolaikinį miestą su elektrobusais, o atvykus į Vilnių pamatys atsilikusius barbarus. Kodėl? Nes kažkokie sofos ekspertai, kurių neadekvačią meilę troleibusams daugiausiai diktuoja nostalgija, mano, jog tai jie turėtų nuspręsti koks VT važinės Vilniuje, nes gilios studijos, analizės ir skaičiavimai - tai tik durneliams estams.