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[VLN] Vilniaus viešasis transportas

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    Manau, kad metro temą reikia vystyti atskirai nuo VVT.

    O, kad VVT žlugtų jei rytoj persėstų 20 proc. tų, kas dabar su mašina važiuoja - manau daugumai aišku.

    Prašymai per "tvarkau miestą" sutankinti autobusų grafiką atmetami, nes "nėra galimybių". Nors nuvažiavus pusę maršruto nebėra galimybių įlipti į "privežamąjį autobusą" ir turėtų būti tankinama. Bet yra sutartis, rida, dažnis ir pan.


      Parašė VLR Rodyti pranešimą

      Gal gali pateikti pavyzdžių Europos miestų (bent kelis), kurie bankrutavo pradėję statyti metro? Koks už Vilnių mažesnis Cluj bankrutavo pradėjęs? Belgradas? Aš galiu pateikti tau kokius 10 ar daugiau miestų, kurie nebankrutavo pradėję statyti metro.
      Uzsilenks miestas, tai nereiskia kad miestas mirs. Tai reiskia kad vietoj vystymo normaliu projektu desimtmeciais simtai milijonu bus ismetama i tunelius, kurie niekada nebus panaudoti, o miestas ir taip stokojantis normalios prieziures bus dar labiau apleistas.

      Stai keletas pavyzdziu, kad toli grazu ne visiems pasaulyje pavyksta pastatyti metro net ir milijoniniams miestams su daug daug pinigu. Reik suprast kad jei is metro sistemos veikia tik kelios stotys tai ziaurus ziaurus minusai, nes sistema turi vezti daug zmoniu, kad ja apsimoketu islaikyti. Nera taip kad iskasi tiunelius ir paskui su jais nieko nereikia daryt. Reikia nemaziau nei su antzeminemis sistemomis.

      • Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: Cincinnati started building a subway system in the 1920s, but the project stalled during the Great Depression and was eventually abandoned in the 1940s. Only a short tunnel section was ever completed.
      • Detroit, Michigan, USA: In the late 1960s, Detroit began construction on a planned 18-mile subway system, but the project was ultimately abandoned in the 1970s due to lack of funding and political support. Only a small portion of the planned system was ever built.
      • Rochester, USA: Rochester started constructing a subway system in the early 20th century, which included converting the old Erie Canal aqueduct into a subway tunnel. However, it was eventually abandoned, and the system never fully expanded as initially planned.
        [...]In 2004, Rochester city officials decided to fill the remaining subway tunnel with earth, as maintenance of the tunnel was costing the city US$1,200,000 annually.[...]
      • Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Honolulu began construction on a rail transit system in the 2010s, but the project has faced numerous delays, budget overruns, and legal challenges, with only a small portion of the originally planned system currently operational.

      • Newcastle, UK: In the 1970s, Newcastle upon Tyne started construction on a 22-mile metro system, but financial constraints led to the cancellation of most of the planned network. Only a limited section was ever finished and opened.
      • Bratislava, Slovakia. The project came to a halt in 1990, shortly after construction began, and was never restarted despite several attempts.

      • “Chelyabinsk, two stations and several tunnels have been built, but the construction was stopped due to lack of finances. City authorities are considering the possibility of a high-speed tram instead of a subway.”
      • “Omsk, several tunnels and railroad tracks and draft versions of stations have been built and one of them was even opened. Construction didn’t continue, but the now abandoned station has become a local attraction.”
      • Krasnojarsk. Operating 2 stations. Construction began on the system in 1995. However, after three years of work and 500 meters of tunneling, a lack of funds slowed construction considerably. By 2004, new tunneling equipment had been purchased, but another funding cut stopped progress again. By 2005, the Federal Government stepped in to help the project along. 144 million rubles were allocated by Moscow which would help advance the tunnels another 250 meters. 2006 brought another 230 million rubles to finish the remaining 400 meters between the first two stations and start 100 meters towards the third station.

      Netgi Pekinas ir Guangzhou, kurie yra super turtingi miestai nesugebejo pastatyti savo metro sistemos is pirmo karto. Jie pradejo statyti, viska uzsalde, uzkase milijardus, o paskui pastate naujas sistemsas.
      Paskutinis taisė SoulMulticast; Šiandien, 12:16.

