Iš vagonų vidaus foto bus?
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[PL] Lenkijos geležinkeliai
Parašė Al1 Rodyti pranešimąLenkijoje bėgiai sujungimui montuojami du pabėgiai vienas šalia kito. Net ir ruožuose su gelžbetoniniais pabėgiais bėgiai sujungiami ant medinių pabėgių.Paskutinis taisė Aleksio; 2011.04.24, 12:24.Visi forumų moderatoriai yra forumo balastas.
Parašė zanaz Rodyti pranešimąIš vagonų vidaus foto bus?
Ir dviaukščio nebus. Bet nieko juose įdomaus - 80-ųjų stiliaus interjeras.
Parašė Al1 Rodyti pranešimąSenų? Nebus.
Ir dviaukščio nebus. Bet nieko juose įdomaus - 80-ųjų stiliaus interjeras.
Garvežio tempiamų vagonų, kurias važiavai. Įdomu ar ten ir viskas pajuode, jei langai tokie suodiniPaskutinis taisė zanaz; 2010.12.08, 15:21.You can change your car, you can change your house, you can change your Wetherspoon, you can change your wife or religion, even you can change your sex. But you can never change the team you support...
Poznanės stotyje, grįžus iš Volštyno.
Poznanės stotis - antra pagal aptarnaujamų keleivių skaičių Lenkijoje po Varšuvos centrinės stoties: 17 mln. keleivių per metus. Šiuo metu vyksta stoties rekonstrukcija, kaip jau buvo rašyta.
Kol kas tvarkomi tik peronai ir keliai. Ir tai tik kol kas vienoje pusėje (kairėje, žiūrint nuotrauką).
Senasis stoties pastatas (ar jo dalis) yra išlikusi, o priekyje buvo pristatytas priestatas. Senas vokiškas mūras matosi už aliuminių apdailos elementų.
"Przewozy regionalne" elektrinis traukinys.
Garvežys vakariniam reisui į Volštyną pasiruošęs.
Prikabintas papildomas vagonas. Ryte iš Volštyno atvažiuoja toks trijų vagonų sąstatas. Vienaaukštis vagonas dieną stovi Poznanėje ir į Volštyną grįžta su vakariniu traukiniu, traukiamu garvežio. Šis vagonas irgi šildomas garu.
Tęsinys bus.Paskutinis taisė Al1; 2010.12.09, 19:51.
Parašė Al1 Rodyti pranešimąPoznanės stotyje, grįžus iš Volštyno.
I'm worse at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed...
Parama Siaurojo geležinkelio klubui
Examples of investments or modernizations of railway stations across Poland:
Warsaw - Central Train station (modernization) :
Warsaw - Eastern Train station (modernization) :
The first phase of the investment will be completed in time to serve passengers coming into Poznań for the European Football Championships in 2012.
TriGranit was chosen by PKP S.A. from among seven other real estate development companies to revitalize and renew Poznań’s main railway station. PKP S.A. will contribute four hectares of land in the downtown of the city. TriGranit will engage required financing and the investment design agreed with the City of Poznan.
The project is worth EUR 160 Million.
The complex will consist of a railway, a high-speed train and a bus station with a park and drive facility for some 1,500 cars. The plan includes a large retail centre.
Wrocław - revitalization :
The Katowice Railway Station - long the black sheep in Poland’s rail-station family - has entered into a major redevelopment plan with Spain’s Neinver to transform the station from shame to fame. Due to re-open in spring 2012 - just before the Euro 2012 football championships - the Station’s redevelopment plans include a complete rebuild of the passenger station, development of modern retail services, and erection of a major modern office building.
New train station will costs about 2bln zlotys (more than 700mln dollars) and it will be one of the most expensive infrastrucural investement in Poland.
The whole train station will be placed underground.
The investment is part of bigger idea - New City Center.
More than 90 ha of city area will be totally reconstructed. Huge investment plans include: 1. Underground railway station, 2. New railway connection through the city center, 3. Special Art Zone, Special Cultural Zone, Streets of Four Cultures. The project is supported by public funds. The New City Center project creates opportunities for both institutional and individual investors.
current train station building:
underground train station:
Gdynia - modernization of the train station
current train station :
new toilets
modernization plan:
Atidaromas naujas autobusų maršrutas: Druskininkai - Bialystok. Įdomu, kada atsidarys koks nors naujas geležinkelio reisas į lenkiją...
Kelios pernykštės nuotraukos.
Garvežys su traukiniu Poznanė - Volštynas. Kai kuriuose ruožuose jis važiavo 80 km/h greičiu. Vidutinis greitis kitur buvo apie 60-70 km/h.
Bielsko Bialos stotis naktį.
Kaizerio Ferdinando Nordbahn'as. Iš miesto pusės ant B.B. stoties fasado.
Lenkijoje rankiniai iešmai naktį apšviečiami daug kur. Gniezno stotyje.
ALSTOM : to Supply and Maintain a Fleet of 20 New Pendolino Trains for PKP Intercity
The Polish operator PKP Intercity, in charge of long distance passenger transport, has awarded Alstom (Paris:ALO) a contract worth 665 million to supply 20 high speed trains, their full maintenance up to 17 years and the construction of a new maintenance depot. The first trains are scheduled for delivery in 2014.
PKP Intercity will operate the trains on existing routes in Poland: Warsaw-Gdansk-Gdynia; Warsaw-Krakow; Warsaw-Katowice. The travel time will be significantly shortened. The trainsets will travel between Warsaw and Gdansk in 2.5 hours, and between Warsaw and Krakow or Warsaw and Katowice in slightly more than 2 hours.
The trainsets of 7 cars each will be based on Alstom's standard New Pendolino platform. In line with the customer's specifications, they will not integrate the tilting system. With a maximum speed of 250 km/h, they will be able to carry up to 402 passengers. The trains will be manufactured at Alstom's Savigliano site in Italy, where Pendolino trains have been manufactured for more than 30 years.
"These new trains will enable passengers in Poland to experience a new level of quality and comfort. With their leading-edge technology, these trains meet the highest functionality and safety standards ", said Janusz Malinowski, President of PKP Intercity.
Alstom's New Pendolino trains are part of the company's strategy for sustainable development: they are 95% recyclable and are equipped with electrical brake systems enabling up to 8% savings in energy consumption and recycling up to 97% of power which is fed back into the catenary system.
Moreover, noise reduction has been subject of particular attention, so as to fulfil the new European standard. The train is streamlined to reduce noise through the roof, the design of its ends has been optimized aerodynamically and sound insulation has been increased under the body. Lastly, a shock absorber dumping system vibration has been placed on the wheels, between the rim and the centre, with a view to reducing noise in operation.
The interior outfitting has been enhanced: wide corridors and gangways will improve accessibility and the comfort of passengers. Video monitors and a video-surveillance system will ensure maximum safety.
As well as meeting the latest interoperability European standards (ERTMS), the trainsets for PKP Intercity will be equipped with signalling systems required to operate not only in Poland but also in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany.
In addition to rolling stock, Alstom will supply full maintenance of the trains up to 17 years in a new depot of 12.000m² which will be built in Warsaw. Some 100 people dedicated to commissioning, general warranty and full maintenance of the trains will work there.
"We are very happy to provide PKP Intercity with a "state of the art" high speed train, at its 4th generation. It is a service-proven train, therefore reliable and readily available ", commented Thierry Best, Chief Commercial Officer of Alstom Transport. "This contract demonstrates Alstom's expertise in mastering all businesses of the rail sector: rolling stock, information systems and services among others. It will allow Alstom to further strengthen its presence in Poland, where the Transport Sector of Alstom is already present with a plant in Katowice employing more than 500 people ", he added.
Kelios nuotraukos iš Žešuvo stoties.
SU42-521 ruošiasi prisikabinti prie elektrinio traukinio (matyti sugedęs???). Tik taip ir nemačiau, kaip sukabinamas šilumvežis su sraigtine sankaba ir elektrinis traukinys su Šarfenbergo autosankaba.
Elektrinio traukinio EN57 motorinio vagono pantografai ir elektros įranga ant stogo.
Priemiestiniai traukiniai ir vagonai.
Elektrovežis EU07-304 su traukiniu Vroclavas - Pžemyslis.
SA134-017, pagreitis panašus į elektrinio traukinio. Čia 620M visiškas atsilikėlė su mažu pagreičiu, panašiu į dyzelinio traukinio... Nebent mūsų mašinistai tausoja automotrises...
Įdomus maliuchas. SA107-002, dviašis, 37 sėdimų vietų. Yra dar ir 001 (nuotraukoje viršuje), bet jis sugedęs. Ir šiaip, kiek teko skaityti internete, SA107 - nelabai vykęs gaminys.
Elektrovežis ET22-601
Paskutinis taisė Al1; 2011.06.27, 10:32.
Sveiku protu nesuvokiama, kaip autobusas į Varšuvą gali vežt už 9 lt !!
Vasaros metu traukinio į lenkiją likimas aiškus....