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    Nice. In Lithuania you'll never see train like this (2xDR1A).


      baik baik, teko matyt, čia nebutinai reiškia, kad dėl keleiviu gausos jie abu sukabinti tiesiog kad vienas rezervu nevažiuotu


        Parašė BastA-7 Rodyti pranešimą
        baik baik, teko matyt, čia nebutinai reiškia, kad dėl keleiviu gausos jie abu sukabinti tiesiog kad vienas rezervu nevažiuotu
        Deja, tačiau Latvijoje tamstos nusivylimui būtent dėl keleivių gausos ir patogumo sukabinami traukiniai Pakanka elementaraus mąstymo ir rezultatai akivaizdūs keleivių vežime


          Dabar pažiurejau, kad čia ekspresas. Įdomu pasidare, kažkaip niekur neužfiksavau ar Latvijoj kokiais vietiniais maršrutais važiuoja keleiviniai traukiniai? kaip musu Klaipeda.


            Ne. Tik dyzeliniai.


              Parašė statyba Rodyti pranešimą
              Deja, tačiau Latvijoje tamstos nusivylimui būtent dėl keleivių gausos ir patogumo sukabinami traukiniai Pakanka elementaraus mąstymo ir rezultatai akivaizdūs keleivių vežime
              Tikrai matyt, kad dėl keleivių "gausos" ir "mąstymo" buvo visiškai panaikintas keleivinis maršrutas Ryga - Ventspilis, to paties likimo laukia Ryga - Liepoja (dar kvėpteliantis oro vos porą kartų per savaitę). Nėra Latvijoje jokių rezultatų ar elementaraus mąstymo.
              Ypatingai "elementarus mąstymas" pademonstruotas keleivinį traukinį Ryga - Minskas paleidus aplenkiant Lietuvą, greičiau ne mąstymas, o de......


                TEP60-0923, Klaipeda 2011.04.25


                  Idomus video,lietuvoje ruozas Siauliai-Klaipeda


                    Parašė bosco Rodyti pranešimą
                    Nice. In Lithuania you'll never see train like this (2xDR1A).
                    Why not? How does LG provide enough seats, if there's not enough on weekends or holidays? In "Dinaburga", "Kurzeme", "Rēzekne" express trains seats are assigned to each passenger. No one is allowed to stand. And believe me, these trains are popular. That's why two or even three units of 3-car DR1A's coupled together are sometimes needed.

                    Guys, come on, you know that lots of people from Latvia have relatives in Northeastern part of Belarus: Verhnedvinsk, Polotsk, Novopolotsk, Vitebsk. I was one of them. And many of these people happen to live in Latgale, that is Rēzekne, Daugavpils, Jēkabpils. So passing Riga-Minsk train through Lithuania doesn't make any sense. It's basically pointless. Only Riga and Minsk would be left among major towns with significant Russian-speaking population.

                    If we are talking about Latvia-Lietuva connection, what we need is a dedicated train from Riga to Vilnius, but that's another story. I would've preferred DR1A diesel, because it would be cheaper. But returning to Minsk-Riga topic, you guys have no problem getting to Belarus. How many trains have you got there, all going through Vilnius and to Minsk? You certainly don't need another transit train, especially with this shortage of passenger locomotives. As you probably know, LG stopped using TEP60-0923 and TEP60-0926. Only 4 TEP70's and 4 TEP70BS's are left. But M62K's seem to be unsuitable both for operating transit trains (too heavy) and the fast K-V-K train.

                    I didn't get all of your discussion since "Google Translate" does a lousy job at translating it. Separate words (jargon ones?) don't get translated at all and therefore whole sentences lose their sense. I got to learn Lithuanian myself some day

                    Yes, some diesel routes in Latvia could have been retained, such as ones to Ventspils, Reņģe, Ērgļi, Daugavpils-Rēzekne, but that didn't happen. Perhaps people in "Pasažieru vilciens" just don't have enough wits for that to happen. Or maybe there's another reason for that, such as competition with buses, which many prefer over trains. Or even something else. I just don't know.

                    But can somebody tell me, why there are whole 5 (!) pairs of diesels each day going to Turmantas, small village at the border with Latvia, and not a single one crossing the border and entering the 100-thousand Daugavpils? Only extra 25 km! What's the problem? I doubt that such train would not be popular. Especially if it was coordinated with one of Riga-Daugavpils trains, like it was done with Riga-Valga and Valga-Tallinn trains. Or vice versa, Riga-Daugavpils could be adjusted appropriately. Or both. If people could buy a direct ticket from Riga to Vilnius and travel in such way, lots would use this opportunity. By the way, the route through Daugavpils is just a little bit longer than the one through Jelgava and Šiauliai.
                    Paskutinis taisė sciff; 2011.06.04, 05:35.


                      Latvian locomotive TEP70-0250 with the express train "Latvijas ekspresis" Riga - Moscow at Krustpils station, Latvia

                      18.05.2011 18:06

                      Grey car at the end — for VIP's.


                        DR1A-187 "Dinaburga" express (engine start-up and lots of smoke!!!) (19.05.2011):


                          Parašė John
                          Thanks for your input, sciff. Do you have any photos (especially interiors) of Latvian trains? We have a dedicated thread for Latvian Railays here:
                          Thanks, John, for the link. I will post my videos there from now on.

                          I have a lot of very detailed photos of our DR1As, both inside and outside, but I'm not sure if anyone is interested. Unfortunately, no photos of express DR1As interior, because it's impossible to get in without a ticket.


                            2011 06 08 (Kazlų Rūda)

                            Kaip dažnai būna, seka traukinius pasieniečiai.
                            Tauro apygarda (Stirnos rinktinė)| 立陶宛


                              ER20-008, Klaipeda


                                Baltarusiu TEP60-0430 su turistiniu traukiniu. Palikes sastata Vilniuje rezervu grizo i Baltarusija.



                                  Galėjo duoti sąstatą tuščių "Belarus'kalij" vagonų
                                  GE. Tbilisis / თბილისი | GE. Batumis / ბათუმი | GE. Aukštutinė Svanetija / ზემო სვანეთი


                                    TEP60-0780 su traukiniu Kaliningradas - Sankt-Peterburgas.


                                      ТЭП70-02?? with train [BCh] Riga - Minsk and [LDz] Minsk - Riga


                                        Ivanivanov'ui atsirado konkurentas Sciff


                                          Parašė Furbo Rodyti pranešimą
                                          Ivanivanov'ui atsirado konkurentas Sciff
                                          Tai šaunu, įdomu pažiūrėti video iš Latvijos.

                                          Good Job sciff.

