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Rail Baltica II

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    Parašė Al1 Rodyti pranešimą
    Kad nesimato tos signalizacijos ir kt. įrangos. Nebent tik atstato tai, kas buvo ant 1520 mm.
    Palemone tvora tragiška - aklina. Negi nebuvo galima daryti skaidrios atskirose vietose? Dabar važiuojantiems traukiniu nieko nesimato, o ir namų prie geležinkelio gyventojams šviesos būtų daugiau.
    Kauno stotyje montuoja manevrinius šviesoforus prie standartinės vėžės, jei gerai įžiūriu. Man irgi užkliuvo kad nėra šviesoforų (arba užkalti kryžiais), nors eismas vyksta. Palemonas- Kaunas traukinus veda tik pagal lokomotyvo signalizaciją, ar krivūles vežiojas?

    Teko domėtis tomis akustinėmis tvoromis. Kainos nesveikos, vietinis efektas ... įvairus. Palemono pusėje berods matau skaidrius segmentus?


      Tai kad ten tuščios vietos tvoroje, kur dar nėra plokščių.
      Ten tikriausiai šviesoforai bus tik tose vietose, kur standartinė ir rusiška vėžė kertasi ar sueina/išsiskiria sudvejintas kelias. Ir tai magistraliniame kelyje, o ne visur. Tik tam, kad normaliai vyktų eismas 1520 vėže.


        Parašė Al1 Rodyti pranešimą
        Tai kad ten tuščios vietos tvoroje, kur dar nėra plokščių.
        Ten tikriausiai šviesoforai bus tik tose vietose, kur standartinė ir rusiška vėžė kertasi ar sueina/išsiskiria sudvejintas kelias. Ir tai magistraliniame kelyje, o ne visur. Tik tam, kad normaliai vyktų eismas 1520 vėže.
        Žiūrit 360p kokybe atrodė kad plokštės permatomos, pažiūrėjus FHD - baltos

        Nežinau šviesoforų statymo taisyklių, bet jei nebus išleidžiamųjų Palemono šviesoforų ar prieš šoniniam keliu susijungiant su magistraliniu - man atrodys keistai. Tpač po Train Simulator stočių Jei gerai suprantu, mėlynai nupeckiotos signalizacijos blokų ribos, taip kad kažkiek papildomų šviesoforų bus pastatyta.


          Signalizacija ir visa kita 1520 mm keliams tai tikrai bus įrengta, o ar ji bus 1435 mm keliams šiame statybų etape - klausimas.


            Prieš kurį laiką RBRail saite buvo paskelbtas interviu su dabartiniu stebėtojų tarybos pirmininku. Toks sakyčiau interviu įdomus ir biški išnešantis vidinės virtuvės į įšorę. Ne nuostabu kad po dienos iš saito jis dingo. Išliko tik Google cash'e, bet matyt ne ilgam. Įkeliu interviu tekstą čia pilnai:

            A. Leimanis: When appointing the new board of RB Rail, a combination between Baltic and international specialists was sought
            This month Management Board members were appointed for RB Rail AS, the Baltic joint venture and lead implementer of the Rail Baltica project. According to the decision of the Supervisory Board of RB Rail AS, Agnis Driksna, who was previously an interim CEO and Chairperson of the Board for almost a year, was appointed to the company’s board for a term of three years. He has been appointed as the Chairperson of the Board in the new composition as well.
            Furthermore, international high-speed railway specialist Marc-Philippe El Beze was elected as Chief Technical Officer and Priit Treial, infrastructure management and development specialist, will take on the position of Chief Financial Officer. Anrī Leimanis, RB Rail AS Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, told the news agency “LETA”, that it was important for the board to create a combination of Baltic and international specialists to understand both the latest global trends in high-speed rail technologies and project progress at the Baltic level. Additionally, the crisis caused by Covid-19 has not significantly delayed the progress of the Rail Baltica project so far.

            What was the process of selecting the new Board? How big was the competition and are you satisfied with the result?
            We had two recruitment companies, one of which worked on the selection of candidates for the positions of Chairperson of the Board / Executive Director and Chief Technical Officer, which was heldat an international level. The other worked with the Chief Financial Officer position in the Baltic States. Considering that applicants for the three positions were selected at the same time, the process was time-consuming.
            I am very grateful that there were a lot of candidates for all of the positions. For the Chief Financial Officer position there were more than 80 candidates from the Baltic States. For this position we were searching for applicants specifically on the Baltic level, knowing very well that in the Baltic States the financial sector is very strong and there are a lot of good candidates with international experience.
            Whereas if we talk about the Chief Technical Officer position,globally, there are limited numbers of high caliber specialists in this field. We knowingly made the decision that we want a highly experienced Chief Technical Officer, especially someone who has experience in the rail and high-speed rail industry, not any other technology. That is why for this position there were significantly less candidates, but all very suitable for the “Rail Baltica” project.
            Also, regarding the position for Chairman of the Board, there was an international selection and we were offered candidates who had experience with projects from all over the world, including Australia and the Persian Gulf countries. The Supervisory Board interviewed around six candidates for each position until we got to the result. Agnis Driksna was selected as the Chairperson of the Board, Marc-Philippe El Beze selected as the Chief Technical Officer and Priit Treial as Chief Financial Officer.

            What do you see as the main priorities for the new board?
            Over time, the project is changing its phases. Initially, it was the planning phase, which has turned into the design phase, and now for the med-term strategy, we need to prepare for the construction phase. While research, coordination and design are ongoing, the public does not really see the project. Whereas in the construction phase, this project will become visible to everyone and the amount of funding will also grow rapidly.

            Previously there have been problems with the frequent changes of the RB Rail AS Chairperson of the Board and last year there were concerns expressed from the company’s employees. Has the situation stabilized and is there confidence that this board will be able to successfully manage the company and deliver the project according to the schedule?
            I was not a part of the RB Rail AS Supervisory Board when the previous chairpersons were selected so I will not be able to comment on the suitability of each selected chairperson for the specific development phase of the project, but our job is to look forward and not back. In this selection of the board members, it was very important for us to create a combination between Baltic and international specialists. This is an international project and I was happy to hear in the selection process that people from the industry know about it. International specialists are needed to help advance this project technologically, as there has been no such experience in the Baltics so far. However, we also need a Baltic dimension in leadership, and we definitely wanted the CFO to come from the Baltics, because there is an understanding of how the Baltic States work with the European Commission to secure funding. The winner was a candidate from Estonia, who has previously worked with construction and maintenance of infrastructure projects.
            However, regarding the Chairperson of the Board, we had to decide if the company wants some foreign “superstar” who has worked on huge investment projects (and there were such people among the candidates) or someone, who understands the local system. Let us not forget that RB Rail AS coordinates and promotes the project on the Baltic level and it is very important to understand this environment. Over the past year, since Agnis Driksna has been the acting CEO, the situation has significantly improved and this has been acknowledged by both the representatives of our shareholders and the ministries of the Baltic States.
            Therefore, we were motivated to say that we want to continue with this cooperation, rather than waiting for a ‘superstar’. We chose the predictability of the company’s work and ability to navigate theBaltic environment. Also, Agnis is a very energetic and capable leader, who is also very well perceived by employees, in addition, he has been with the project since the beginning. That is why the Supervisory Board found the common ground for this position very fast.

            How will this be affected by the upcoming merger with Eiropas dzelzceļa līnijas (EDzL)?
            We cannot rush in terms of the integration question, because the RB Rail AS joint venture is owned by three countries. Moreover, the Baltic States are both the shareholders of this company and also the clients. Two of the countries – Latvia at the government level, Estonia at the level of the Ministry of Transport – have said that they wish to integrate all the project implementation functions in the joint venture, including research, planning, designing and construction process management. However, Lithuania, has stated that it wants to go in the exact opposite direction and integrate everything into the Lithuanian railway company Lietuvos geležinkeliai. This is also somewhat understandable, because this company has historically been involved in the construction and maintenance of the railways in Lithuania. Each country has their own interests and understanding of how to implement the project more efficiently. Now we have to combine these differing approaches into a single mechanism. This is what the board of RB Rail AS is currently dealing with – trying to create a model, to make the integration scenario understandable by the end of the year. National decisions will follow. In addition, RB Rail AS is owned by three countries, so the governments will have to agree, and nothing can be imposed on each other.
            The European Commission has expressed support for Latvia’s position, which also aligns with the Estonian stand point. Just a few days ago we received a letter of support from the European Commission. The European Commission believes that integration would be the most efficient way forward.

            If Lithuania remains with its position, how will the Rail Baltica project be implemented in the Baltics as a whole?
            Lithuania has confirmed its position at a very high level and this question has been addressed in their parliament as well. Both design and construction work are outsourced. Therefore, whether the contracting authority is a joint venture or another project promoter in a country does not, in my view, make a significant difference. This may have an impact on issues where we all have to agree on the same standards throughout all of the “Rail Baltica” route. The basic design principles have been developed a couple of years ago and must be taken into account by all designers. The same goes for construction. The joint venture does not build anything itself – we do not have neither tractors nor builders. These works will also be commissioned for someone to execute, same as the design. That is why I do not see a dramatic problem regarding this question, although of course, it would be optimal for all three countries to organize their work in the same way.

            Nevertheless, couldn’t it impact the priorities in the project implementation?
            For example, it is not a secret that Lithuania places great emphasis on the Kaunas-Vilnius line, which for the overall project is only an access road to the main “Rail Baltica” route. No, I do not see how this could impact the overall progression of the project. The line Kaunas-Vilnius was added to the project last. Also, the technical planning of this section was started much later, that is why it will be constructed at a later time and in no way could overtake the construction of the main line.
            We should also remember that 85% of Rail Baltica’s funding comes from the European Commission and the European Commission does not fund small local projects. The European Commission is funding a corridor connecting the Baltics to the European standard rail system. That’s where this whole project started.
            Furthermore, the funding from the European Commission is allocated to works that comply with the basic principles of the project and it is a safeguard mechanism which ensures that everyone follows the same standards. For example, speed parameters have been determined, which ensure that the line can be used for high-speed train traffic. Also, two tracks are built, which allow trains to run in opposite directions at the same time.

            Could the different approaches of the Baltic States delay the project implementation deadlines?
            It is the task of the Joint venture to coordinate the work so that the activities take place at the maximum speed and in parallel. One of the priorities, of course, is to secure the funding. As you can see, the European Commission is not giving us six billion euros that can be put in a locker and accessed when needed. The European Commission’s funding procedures are relatively complex and, not to mention, also quite complicated for this type of project. We do not even know exactly when we will be able to apply for the next funding, as it depends on calls from the European Commission, which differ in both scope and rules. We, therefore, need to be able to coordinate that the available funding secures the project progress in the best possible way and that each country applies for the funding since the European Commission allocates money to countries.

            How much funding has been secured?
            Around 1.2 billion euros have been requested and approved. Most of this money has not yet been received, because the activities to be funded are at different stages.

            Is it certain that no delays can occur due to the funding?
            We have received repeated confirmations from the European Commission that the Rail Baltica project is one of those that is at a high stage of readiness. That is why it is also easier for us to attract the next round of funding.
            At the same time, it is not in my power to predict whether or not there will be a delay, as this is also linked to the major negotiations on the use of funding in Europe as a whole. We would, of course, like to think that there will be no delays.

            Are all the planned works in all countries currently happening according to the plan?
            It is no secret that Covid-19 has hit both our countries and our contractors. Therefore, yes, there is some delay at the design stage. However, if the design of some stages takes a year and a half or even two years, then a delay of a few weeks is not critical in our opinion. Execution of all contracts is monitored. 634 kilometers out of a total length of 870 kilometers are already being designed. In some of the eight sections, a lag is reported. But for the most part, there are very practical reasons for this. For example, at the beginning of the summer, due to Covid-19 restrictions, a number of foreign specialists could not physically reach the Baltic States. Clearly, we will need to speed it up afterwards.

            Can this be done?
            The situation is changing every day, but I have to say that the delays are not critical at the moment.

            How will Covid-19 situation, that is getting more alarming, affect the future work? For example, work on the Riga Central Station should start soon.
            There is no problem with RB Rail itself, because we have an office work and we have adapted to remote working mode. We will see how the association of designers and builders will perform the work at the Riga station. Design is still underway, and the builders have not started their work yet, so it is still difficult to judge how Covid-19 can affect them. At the same time, work at the Central Station will be carried out by a consortium that also has a local construction company, so it must be assumed that a lot can be done with local forces and we will not be so dependent on the arrival of foreign specialists.

            What is the view of the Supervisory board on the extent to which Finland and Poland should be involved in this project?
            Both countries are a continuation of the Rail Baltica project in both directions. The involvement of Poland is undeniable, as it is a continuation of the route towards Europe. Right from the beginning, the cooperation with Poland was relatively unclear, as Poland’s own plans for railway development were unknown. The good thing is that the European Commission and Poland have found a common ground and they receive funding from the same source as the Baltic States. Consequently, Poland reacted quickly and raised the importance of this project. Therefore, now there is a very reasonable hope that the implementation of the project in the Baltics and Poland will be finished around the same time. Of course, it will not be on the same day, but overall the situation is good.
            With Finland, on the other hand, the situation is more complicated, as no one promised that the Rail Baltica project would also include a tunnel under the Baltic Sea. Finland has been negotiating with Estonia tunnel connection development to attract investors, but we do not have precise information on the progress of these negotiations, and I also doubt that this project will develop very quickly. It is quite certain that this project will not happen at the same time as the Rail Baltica route, as the stage of readiness of our project is much greater. At the same time, when it comes to Finland’s involvement, it is very important as a point for attracting freight. A number of studies also show that Finnish entrepreneurs consider Rail Baltica to be beneficial and will definitely use it.


              Interviu su Mark Loader, RB Rail Chief Project Officer:

              Įdomūs paminėti aspektai:
              • Jis šitam projekte sutiko žmonių, su kuriais dirbo kitose pasaulio dalyse geležinkelio projektuose
              • Savo svarbiausiu uždaviniu šiam etape laiko įvykdyti projektavimo darbus taip kokybiškai, kad stambūs globalūs statybos žaidėjai tai laikytų patraukliu nerizikingu projektu atvažiuot į pastatyt, nes vietinių pajėgumų neužteks.
              • Siekia, kad ir vietiniai pajėgumai būtų panaudoti ir susikrautų patirties, kad pasibaigus projektui būtų įmonės, galinčios pasiūlyt savo patirtį eksportui
              • Projektuodami galvoja, kokiems dar poreikiams galėtų panaudot kasinėjimus, kokiai infrastruktūrai, pvz deployint 5G palei geležinkelį.


                Rail Balticai skirta virš 200 mln € tolimesniam projekto įgyvendinimui. Tiesa, Lietuvai tenkanti suma atrodo ganėtinai juokingai ir fiziniai darbai numatomi vykdyti už tuos pinigus dar juokingesni...



                  Kiek supratau iš straipsnelio, iki 2023 m. pabaigos planuojama nutiesti 9 km Rail Baltica.
                  Tokiais grandioziniais tempais veikiant, manoma atidaryti visą RB 2026 m.?


                    Parašė Sula Rodyti pranešimą
                    Kiek supratau iš straipsnelio, iki 2023 m. pabaigos planuojama nutiesti 9 km Rail Baltica.
                    Tokiais grandioziniais tempais veikiant, manoma atidaryti visą RB 2026 m.?
                    Neaišku. Jeigu finansavimas bus skiriamas tokiais trupiniais, tai reiktų, kad bent kas keletą mėnesių butų finansuojama, kad spėti dar į kažkokius terminus. Bet ir tai logikos nėra, vien visos procedūros, pirkimai ir tt. kiek laiko suryja. Kad tilpti į terminus, finansavimas turėtų būti skiriamas didelėms atkarpoms (pvz kaip ir vyksta projektavimas Kaunas-Ramygala, Ramygala-Latvijos siena), nes kitaip jau gali nebeminėti savo tų 2026ųjų metų kiekviename straipsnyje...


                      Parašė Sula Rodyti pranešimą
                      Kiek supratau iš straipsnelio, iki 2023 m. pabaigos planuojama nutiesti 9 km Rail Baltica.
                      Tokiais grandioziniais tempais veikiant, manoma atidaryti visą RB 2026 m.?
                      9 km tai kaip tik užbaigti RB Kauno apylankoje Rokai - Palemonas.


                        Parašė Al1 Rodyti pranešimą

                        9 km tai kaip tik užbaigti RB Kauno apylankoje Rokai - Palemonas.
                        Šis atkarpa yra subendrinta su plačiąja vėže,ant seno pylimo. nuo 9to toliau jau eis naujas pylimas, kitas ir projektas


                          Kaip suprasti? Rokai - Palemonas bus sudvejintas kelias? Kokia logika? Pralaidumas taigi krenta. Suprasčiau, jei per pačia hidroelektrinės užtvanką būtų sudvejintas kelias, bet ne visas ruožas.


                            Parašė Al1 Rodyti pranešimą
                            Kaip suprasti? Rokai - Palemonas bus sudvejintas kelias? Kokia logika? Pralaidumas taigi krenta. Suprasčiau, jei per pačia hidroelektrinės užtvanką būtų sudvejintas kelias, bet ne visas ruožas.
                            Straipsnyje kalbama apie ruožą link jonavos nuo palemono. 9tam kilometre yra lankstas kur keliai išsiskirs jau į atskirus pylimus.


                              Prasideda rangovo kuris statys tiltą per Nerį paieškos

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Neries-tiltas_2.jpg
Views:	398
Size:	790,6 kB
ID:	1849898
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	neries-tiltas-rail-baltica.jpg
Views:	406
Size:	660,0 kB
ID:	1849899


                                Žiūrinėju tilto statybos rangos pirkimo konkurso dokumentus, netekę su jais susidurti tai mažai ką jie man sako, kažkokia beletristika ir tiek
                                Bet gal Jūs kas gaudotės ką reiškia "Pasiūlymų ar prašymų dalyvauti priėmimo terminas: 2025-06-24" ?


                                  Čia preliminarus skelbimas apie planuojamą pirkimą. Todėl nieko konkretaus. Be to visi dokumentai laisvai neprieinami bet kam.


                                    Kartais CC krečia pokštus
                                    Click image for larger version

Name:	firefox_XzdJmep8rx.png
Views:	308
Size:	188,1 kB
ID:	1851026


                                      Parašė Lašas Rodyti pranešimą
                                      Bet gal Jūs kas gaudotės ką reiškia "Pasiūlymų ar prašymų dalyvauti priėmimo terminas: 2025-06-24" ?
                                      Matyt kažkam ranka sudrebėjo. Manau kad 2021.
                                      2025 turėtų būti darbų užbaigimas.


                                        Bet gal Jūs kas gaudotės ką reiškia "Pasiūlymų ar prašymų dalyvauti priėmimo terminas: 2025-06-24
                                        Visi Rail Baltica Kaunas-LT/LV siena darbų pirkimai vykdomi naudojant DPS(Dinaminę Pirkimų Sistemą). Jos esmė kad pirmiausia tiekėjai pateikia paraiškas, kuriose nurodo savo kvalifikaciją ir galimybes teikti paslaugas. Paraiškos yra įvertinamos ir tiekėjai atitinkantys kvalifikacinius reikalavimus prileidžiami prie pirkimo. Po tam tikro laiko, kai jau yra įvertintos pirmos pateiktos paraiškos, pirkėjas skelbia konkrečius darbų etapų konkursus, kuriuose dalyvauja tik atranką praėję dalyviai ir tik jiems pateikiama konkretaus etapo medžiaga. Tilto atveju tie etapai pvz. galėtų būti gelžbetoninių tilto konstrukcijų statyba, viršutinės kelio dangos įrengimas, gerbūvio sutvarkymas ir t.t. Kitiems Rail Baltica DPS konkursams etapai gali būti atskiros kelio atkarpos. Konkursai etapams gali būti skelbiami per visą DPS galiojimo laikotarpį, šiuo atveju iki 25 m. vidurio. Tai pavyzdžiui, jei kompanija X, šiuo metu dar nespėjo pateikti dokumentų į tilto statybos DPS, ji negalės dalyvauti, jau paskelbtame tilto konstrukcijų statybos etapo konkurse, bet vis tiek gali pateikti paraišką ir jei atitiks kvalifikacinius reikalavimus dalyvauti tolimesniuose etapų konkursuose, kurie bus skelbiami vėliau.


                                          Parašė DKL Rodyti pranešimą

                                          Visi Rail Baltica Kaunas-LT/LV siena darbų pirkimai vykdomi naudojant DPS(Dinaminę Pirkimų Sistemą). Jos esmė kad pirmiausia tiekėjai pateikia paraiškas, kuriose nurodo savo kvalifikaciją ir galimybes teikti paslaugas. Paraiškos yra įvertinamos ir tiekėjai atitinkantys kvalifikacinius reikalavimus prileidžiami prie pirkimo. Po tam tikro laiko, kai jau yra įvertintos pirmos pateiktos paraiškos, pirkėjas skelbia konkrečius darbų etapų konkursus, kuriuose dalyvauja tik atranką praėję dalyviai ir tik jiems pateikiama konkretaus etapo medžiaga. Tilto atveju tie etapai pvz. galėtų būti gelžbetoninių tilto konstrukcijų statyba, viršutinės kelio dangos įrengimas, gerbūvio sutvarkymas ir t.t. Kitiems Rail Baltica DPS konkursams etapai gali būti atskiros kelio atkarpos. Konkursai etapams gali būti skelbiami per visą DPS galiojimo laikotarpį, šiuo atveju iki 25 m. vidurio. Tai pavyzdžiui, jei kompanija X, šiuo metu dar nespėjo pateikti dokumentų į tilto statybos DPS, ji negalės dalyvauti, jau paskelbtame tilto konstrukcijų statybos etapo konkurse, bet vis tiek gali pateikti paraišką ir jei atitiks kvalifikacinius reikalavimus dalyvauti tolimesniuose etapų konkursuose, kurie bus skelbiami vėliau.
                                          Dėkui DKL už išsamų ir suprantamą paaiškinimą.

