HOOOORAY! It is done! At last! Trams are back in Olsztyn. After 50 years!
The first tram (car no. 3006) of Line 1 departed at approx. 1235 CET, Dec 19th, 2015 from Wysoka Brama (Upper Gate) Terminus. It was 50 years and 29 days since Nov 20th, 1965, when the tram network in Olsztyn had been closed.
On 27th December (0454 CET, in pre-dawn darkness) the Line 2 was opened. Line 3 is to be launched in New Years' Eve. Therefore, the EU-co-financed investment will be completed just in time not to lose financing from 2007-13 financial perspective (investments must be completed within 2 years after the perspective is finished, therefore, up to 31st Dec, 2015)
The tram network consists of 3 lines, which connect the largest residential area in Olsztyn, district Jaroty (Terminus: Immanuel Kant St.) with Main Railway Station. Two branches lead towards city centre (Terminus: Upper Gate) and the university campus at Kortowo.
The construction took part in 2011-15, with some adventures. The extensions are planned in Kortowo (to Stary Dwór), in Jaroty (to Pieczewo residential area, to cover as many residents as possible) and to Zatorze district (on the other side of the railway).
Torunėje buvau sekmadienį , todėl tas prisideda prie mažo keleivių skaičiaus , intervalai 1 ir 2 maršrutų kas 15min . 3-5 maršrutai nevažaivo dėl centre kelio remonto darbų.